Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2477: Do you dare not give the face of the detached person!

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"you dare!"

Ten Fangtong Tianyuan God roars!

Heimang flashed!

The cracked Yuanshen forcibly stabilized!

After stabilizing!

His expression changed wildly, panic and panic, and all kinds of expressions changed. He wanted to see through the young man in front of him, but he couldn't perceive any peculiarities, so he secretly thought about it!

Shouting people!



Time and space twisted beside him!

One person appeared!

"The second brother asked me to do something, there is a master's dark giant magical power, don't you still get Wanshou... um... this... today's wind is a bit noisy, some Not suitable for going out..."

The person who appeared appeared squinted, as if he hadn't been awake, and said lightly as he opened his eyes, but when he opened his eyes, his voice suddenly lowered, looking at Chen Zheng as a whole!

"Everywhere.....It turns out that this guy is the one who has fallen down."

On the edge of the **** tree heaven and earth, Yan Nu recognized the person who appeared. This is not the one that is indestructible. This is also a half face and half metal face!

"This guy... seems afraid of Uncle?"

Lan Ling had recovered from the shock just now, glanced at the ten directions where he appeared, and muttered.

"Ten thousand years ago I saw that these ten parties are immortal. At that time, they were still a complete flesh and blood creature. I can't think that they have now become half-human and half-gold... This is the practice of Yuwai Transcendence mentioned by Ten Fang Tongtian just now. Is it due to the mystery passed down by the people..."

Tai Xiao whispered, he also recognized Shifang immortal. Speaking of that, ten thousand years ago, he also had a relationship with Shifang Immortal, and had a drink under the moon.

See you today.

It is a pity that it is an enemy.

See you today.

It is a pity that he is not the one who was ten thousand years ago.

"Sixth Brother uses your magical power to send this person out of the God Tree World!"

Shifangtongtian didn't see Shifang's immortal look change, now he roared with rage!

"Uh... that... 2nd brother... You don't seem to have heard my tone change...and I don't perceive me. Come forward.” Shifang kept shaking his head gently: “Fortunately, I just came forward with my own way. If the body is in person, today my name might be reported to Taixu.”

"What! What do you mean, Sixth Brother!"

Shifangtongtianyuanshen stared at Shifang immortal at this moment!

"Second brother, you have been retreating for some time, and you took the initiative to perform today's task as soon as you broke through, so that you haven't seen the latest notes I wrote to Zongmen recently. Second brother, the one in front of you This is Chen Zu. I will not elaborate on how strong Chen Zu is. My latest notice clearly states that Chen Zu must not be provoked.

Of course, it may be a little late to say that now, but I’m just a Taoist body. I don’t have much loss after my death, but you can ask for more blessings, your brother will leave first! "


In all directions!

The words fell!

Self-defeating Dao body!


This, this!

This will kill itself!

Are you really so scared!


Longevity God Mountain!

Longevity God Mountain!

All creatures are shocked!

Those creatures who had just entered the Wanshou Shenshan Mountain suddenly became completely bloodless after the consternation. Shifang immortal obviously knew the origin of this young man, and such supreme creatures like Shifang immortal were so afraid!

Then this young man!

This young man appeared in Linglong Sword Palace before!

and so!

This young man!

he is the one......

"My lord is the dark sky, my lord is Yuwai detached soul, my main longevity **** tree wants longevity goddess, don't you dare to give the face of the detached!"

Part of the creatures that killed the Beast God Mountain came from the site of the Linglong Sword Palace. At that moment, some of the creatures suddenly remembered seeing the young man at that time. After a little association, they were frightened and shuddered, and at the same time a name came out!


Their thoughts were interrupted!

Shifangtong Tianyuan God burst into roar!

"The dark dark sky poses no threat to me, why should I give him a face."

Chen Zheng chuckled and pointed a little, and suddenly the violent Shifangtongtianyuan God was completely destroyed!





Longevity God Mountain!

All those creatures who just greedy evil thoughts fell to their knees!


They were about to ask for mercy, and the **** ape roared violently. Under this roar, these kneeling creatures were directly roared into bones by this roar!

The flesh and blood are extinguished!


Longevity Shenshan exogenous souls are terrified!

I am glad that I have endured myself just now!

But also worried!

Also worried that the ape suddenly shouted towards this side!

"Shifangtongtian fell, hereby telling the Taixu world!"


The announcement!

The sound of the announcement just said by the ten parties is coming!

Those trembling souls are shaking again!

"The Longevity God Ape visits Chen Zu!"

The divine light flashed on the fierce **** ape, and now he regained his reason, and it was a worship to Chen Zheng in the air!


Just just worshipped!

See the golden blood spurt!

Chen Zu!

This, this!

This is really Chen!

This is basically a real hammer!

There are dozens of remaining souls, and these dozens of people have basically been to the site of Linglong Sword Palace before. At that time, they all met Chen Zheng!

I wasn’t sure about Chen Zheng’s identity at the time, but I heard the **** ape’s worship, and combined with the horror methods just now, I instantly understood that this young man is really top of the list!

This time!

No coincidence!

Only this character can easily destroy the dark giant!

No wonder!

Its combat power is so scary!



this moment!

These ten remaining people are even more uneasy in their hearts!

"Go meet her."

In the air, Chen Zheng received fragments of the epoch ring that fell from all directions, and also found the ancestral mountain gate of the descending vein, and nodded to the **** ape.

"Chen Zu please!"

The **** ape immediately showed a happy look, and respectfully worshipped, turned into a human form, and led the way for Chen Zheng.

"Which... Didn't Sister Yan see clearly just now, what was that dark giant's combat strength index just now?"

On the edge of the God Tree World, Lan Ling suddenly asked.

"Less than two gigabytes."

Yan Nu returned.

"Let's go to Wanshou Shenshan."

Although Taixiao was curious, it was still a matter of business. A secret method was cast and the two were transported into Wanshou Shenshan.

"Wait... what about the uncle's combat power when he extinguished the dark giant hand just now?"

Upon entering Wanshou Shenshan, Lan Ling asked again.

"The look of three Yan Nu replied calmly.

"Wait a second! Sister Yan, is it a normal or very powerful method to blow out the uncle's dark giant hand just now?"

Lan Ling quickly asked.

"It should be a very powerful method. The breath that Master just blew just looks nothing, but that's the power in Master's flesh, Master's flesh...more than general horror, so exhaled A breath of breath is actually terrible."

Yan Nu thought a little thought and replied.

"Ah? Isn't it terrible to exhale casually? When the uncle kissed me with his woman, wouldn't the uncle's woman die in an instant if she accidentally exhaled?"

Lan Ling was shocked!

"Um... this question... to be studied!"

Yan Nu froze for a moment, and then she also showed her thoughts!

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