Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2475: Longevity God Tree? Longevity and Heaven

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"It's him......"

Some people are puzzled and some are surprised, but they are only a few. These very few creatures have been to Tiandao Yuanjie and suddenly remembered that this young man is not the mysterious young man in Tiandao Yuanjie!

That day!

In the Heavenly Tao Yuan Realm!

This young man introduces his disciples as the creatures who enter the heavens and the heavens of the heavens and all realms!

What is that girl called!

The girl kicked the future Holy Emperor you selected that day!

"So this kid should really be on the top list...the first person...but he has two little girls on the left and right. It doesn't look like it's list two, list two... . Is List 2 also him... or that List 2 is one with him, for example, in his Yuanshen..."

Very few thoughts flashed in their hearts, and they did not continue to think about it, only quietly secretly in their hearts, in the future when they meet this young man, do not have any disputes with it!

"Zu Kunlun fell, hereby telling the world of Taixu!"


The voice of the announcement rang through Taixu!

The creatures around the original Linglong Sword Palace heard this announcement, and they couldn't help but be shocked. The ancestor Kunlun has already fallen!

"I wait... let go..."

"Another indestructible Taoism was destroyed, plus the previous Tianshen Mound, and two indestructible Taoisms were destroyed in one day. The Tianshen Mound is still one of the five ancient evil Taoisms. According to my knowledge, the past robbery in the Six Desire Realms Zong was destroyed a month ago."

"Everyone knows Hongyu. It is extremely mysterious. Everyone has heard about Hongyu Mountain Robbing. Not long ago, Hongyu Mountain Robbing was also destroyed. The master of Mountain Robbing was soaring that day, and it was killed in the top ranking. Fifth, Ke Cai fell into the fifth shortly before falling. In this way, it should have been killed by the top of the list. In recent months, the supreme creatures that have fallen in Taixu may be related to the top of the list. ."

"Actually... To say that the fallen supernatural beings, Qu Shenjun, who is in our palms at the Liuli Palace, should be regarded as the first batch of declining supremacy. Although Qu Shenjun is ranked in the countdown, but since the name On the top list, it is the real supremacy. In the case of Liuli Palace, since the fall of Qu Shenjun, it has been sealed from the world."

"Don't leave Liuli Palace, look at the place of Tianyuan, it seems that the legendary longevity **** tree has appeared!"


Crowd whispers!

It was just saying that someone raised his hand and pointed at the position of Tianyuan, the palm heaven domain!


The creatures around the site of Linglong Sword Palace quickly stared at it!

This look!

I saw a huge **** tree towering!


next moment!

Under the sense of mind!

The majestic Avenue of Life emerges!

In an instant!

Tian Yuan's place, Longevity God Mountain, seems to have become a world!

"This... turned out to be true!"

"The longevity **** tree actually exists. I thought it was just a legend. Isn't it the longevity **** mother exclusive **** tree for so many years?"

"The Longevity God Mountain occupies the position of the Tianyuan of the Tianzhang domain! Although it is not the position of the Taiyuan Tianyuan, the 13th domain of the Taixu is said to have been re-divided by mysterious creatures. The Zhangtian domain was originally the center of the Taixu. If this is true, then Longevity Shenshan is the place of the original Taixu Tianyuan! Longevity Divine Tree, Shou and Tianqi, if you can get the power of Longevity Divine Tree, it is really Shou and Tianqi Endless Shouyuan!"

"Go around, go to Wanshou Shenshan!"

"I want to live together with heaven!"

After a moment of consternation, followed by a cry of exclamation, the three breathing time was not enough, and the creatures around the site of the Linglong Sword Palace swept away the Beast God Mountain!


"Huh? What's wrong with this? The God Tree of Longevity and other **** trees that have never been confirmed in the past are actually alive, this... this won't be because of the uncle?"

In the Emperor Zong Bieyuan, Lan Linggang was about to ask Yan Nu to ask for something, and Tai Xiao hurried over, and she blinked in surprise.

"Only the Tianshen Mound and Zun Kunlun are destroyed. Are you going to Wanshou Shenshan... anyway, blue girl, you continue to look and study hard."

At this time, Chen Zheng came out of the other courtyard, Tai Xiao was on the side, Lan Ling subconsciously opened his mouth to say something, and the space and time changed in an instant, and a few people had reached the land of Tianyuan in the next day.


Longevity Shenshan is no longer visible.

The world has been engulfed by the **** tree.

"This...Uncle can send it without time and space signs?"

Lan Ling asked for a moment.

"The old age has come to Longevity God Mountain, and the old age has the sign of Longevity God Mountain. The old age has been assisted by the Longevity Goddess Mother, and also knows some things about the Longevity God Tree. The God Tree is extremely involved. The past did not appear in the past because of this reason. God today The tree suddenly appeared, it was supposed that someone forcibly penetrated into the Wanshou Shenshan, so the old decay hurriedly invited Lord Qing."

Tai Xiao groaned, and at this moment he looked at the magic mist in front of him, his brow furrowed deeply.

"Taixiao God has a connection with Longevity Mother... It is said that Longevity Mother is not under the beauty of Taixu, and it is also an ancient creature who lived from the first era to the present... etc. "Lan Ling thought about it, and thought of a little eye that slammed Chen Zheng: "Does Mother Longevity have any special relationship with Uncle First Life!"

"This... old age is unknown."

Chen had no fluctuations in front of him, and Taixiao thought back slightly.


Lan Ling's eyes turned around and wanted to say something, but they hadn't said it yet. The magical mist in front surged over, and the heaven and earth transformed by the **** tree doubled in an instant. Several people were instantly shrouded in this heaven and earth!


The magic mist disappeared!

Longevity God Mountain is clearly visible!

Other than that!

There is a towering giant tree standing between heaven and earth!

Majestic vitality surged out!

It seems as if you can live a hundred years longer with just one breath!



In that vast mountain!

There was a roar!

I saw a giant **** ape rushing out of the mountain, the giant palm of the **** ape grabbed a shuttle-shaped dark fairy ship, and crushed the fairy ship directly in the air!




God apes are violent!

A few face-to-face!

The strange shuttle-shaped fairy ship suspended above Longevity God Mountain was completely exploded!

"This is the longevity **** ape!"


"The **** ape is a disciple of the goddess of longevity. It happened once a century ago. At that time, it seemed that the half-step master was not able to major in it. Nowadays, this combat power is eligible to be on the top list. Even if it is only countdown, it is also a supreme battle. Power! It’s just why the **** apes are so violent, and from which line do the strange shuttle-shaped fairy ships come from, and is there any fairy ship in Taixu with such a shape?"

All kinds of sounds!

Before Chen Zheng several people, a lot of creatures have already entered this side of the world, and they wanted to plunder towards the towering giant tree. At this moment, they saw the violent **** ape, and one by one hesitated!


As long as there are creatures near Longevity God Mountain!

Must be stared at by this violent **** ape!

"Mother she... something otherwise this **** ape will not be so violent!"


Taixiao frowned!


The direction of Shenshan!

Another horror roar!


This time!

It’s not that the **** apes beat other creatures!

This time, the **** ape was caught!

The **** ape was caught by a dark giant hand that was silent and presentless!

The dark giant hand pinched the giant ape with only two fingers!

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