Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2474: Who is the leader and who is the leader 2

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Disciple of Linglong Sword Palace knelt in shock!

No matter whether the lord of Kunlun Palace is a real exquisite fairy!

Zu Kunlun Palace Master has been erased!

I am afraid that I have to be erased!


There may be a silver lining for begging!

"Zu Kunlun is my righteous brother. You are so cruel, you don't even give him a chance to change, you are a bit too much!"


This is the world that is about to collapse!

A voice sounded!

this is!

This seems to be!

This seems to be the voice of a terrible creature in the Gods Mountain!

The disciple of Linglong Sword Palace heard this, and raised his head in horror. As soon as he raised his head, he saw the dense shadow!

These shadows seem to be the soul of Zu Kunlun!


The soul returns!

It's revenge!

"If you want to take back these teardrops, you just tell me what excuses to make."

Between Yan Nv, Lan Ling and Ling Long frowning, Chen Zheng shook his head gently and slapped out with a slap, the dense shadow was instantly destroyed!

" seem to know its origin."

The voice just sounded again!

"Do you want to know? You want to know that the body is coming, and I will tell what the teardrop is."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Ontology is coming... My ontology can't come.; I saw your means today, and I opened my eyes. You want to see my ontology, my ontology is in a broken place, you can come to a broken place Come to me."

The voice sounded after a brief silence, and there was no more sound after one sentence, it seemed to have left.

"Who is this?"

Lan Ling frowned slightly.

"It should be the first divine emperor of Mount Everest, lend this strange teardrop to Zu Kunlun. He wanted to test the master's details. When Zun Kunlun died, he will come in and want to get back this teardrop.

This teardrop has extremely divine power in time and space, and Zu Kunlun has only mobilized a part of it. The first **** emperor of the ancient God Mountain left a mark in the teardrop. It is no problem thinking of lending to the ancestor Kunlun. Anyway, it can be recycled at any time. Unfortunately, he underestimated the means of the master. "

Yan female groaned.

"The old guy from Mount Eternal God... I heard rumors before that it is not weaker than the emperor of Taihuang and Taiyin, and now it seems that it is not too powerful... The mark left behind is Uncle erased... this old guy is not good enough!"

Lan Ling nodded again and again.

"How much have you learned?"

At this time Chen Zheng asked.

"Ah? This... this... Although there is only a little bit of things, there is still a little bit of insight!"

Lan listened, and bowed his head! In my heart, Uncle, whoever you kill is a spike, no matter which situation is a spike, it is fast and ruthless, this is not a good way to learn!

As for what I learned!

That would be even more nonsense!

I didn't even see **** the supernatural beings!

Even the fluctuation of Mana Fluctuation Avenue is not felt!

This can learn a hammer!


I can still learn something!

You can learn the action when you kill the supreme being!




These can still be learned!

"These disciples of the Linglong Sword Palace... are indeed my heritage. I have included them in the Sword Palace and will not be in this world in the future."

At this time, Linglong swept the disciples of Linglong Immortal Palace, and raised their hands. These disciples all flew into the sword palace. I saw that she caught the sword palace, and the sword palace shrank and flew into it. In her palm, she returned to Chen Zhengmei's heart with Xian Gong Huaguang's immortal light.

"This sister... is still a cute girl... the adult form is a bit cold..."

Lan Ling's eyes turned around.

"Have you never seen... uh..."

Yan girl smiled, and subconsciously wanted to say another one who lived in Master Yuanshen, but suddenly awakened, that one should not be casually mentioned as well.

"Which one?"

Lan Ling was interested, and asked curiously.

"This...I dare not mention it..."

Yan Nu shook her head gently.

"Say it, Sister Yan said, how many strange creatures live in Uncle Yuanshen, are they all creatures of the ancient age, are they all women?"

Seeing this, Lan Ling was even more curious, and held Yan's arm for a while.

"This teardrop has the power to summon the real body of multidimensional time and space. It seems that this is only one of the abilities. The first divine emperor of the ancient mountain of God, he will not hesitate to expose himself to take back this teardrop. Who left this teardrop?"

Yan Yan's eyes moved and stared at the suspended crystal teardrops. The two strange magic weapons she merged were the objects of heaven and could sweep the supreme souls, but they could not sweep the crystal teardrops.

"This thing reminded me of the Time Creator... It’s just that the Time Creator didn’t fall, and I didn’t hear that the Time Creator would cry. This thing shouldn’t fall into the Hongmeng universe. The thing is either the former owner's fall, or it was damaged in the battle of the Great Destruction, so I really can't tell whether this thing is the tears of the time creator."

A sound sounded, this is the sound of Macross Spirit.

"Huh? Who is this? Also live in Uncle Yuanshen? Seems like a man? Wow! Isn't it! Uncle still accepts men?"

The first time Lan Ling heard the sound of Qi Ling, he was a little surprised and asked several times.

"I'm not a man, I'm just an instrument, don't talk nonsense little girl."

Clever voice responded.

"Not a man? Just an instrument? That's boring!"

Lan Ling shook his head again and again.

"Little girl seems to look down on me? Ha ha! I'm a roulette, I can not only send it in this huge universe... basically, I can send it anyway, in addition, I can trace the source! Little Do you know traceability, my magical power can be used on any material, of course, including people!"

Qiling humming!

"Tracing... Tracing the source... Is it possible to trace the past life?"

Lan Ling's eyes light up instantly!


Wouldn't that help awaken yourself?

"Hey, I didn't say anything, I was going to sleep."

Qi Ling smiled and went silent.

"Don't do it! Help yourself! Don't be out of sight!"

The blue spirit immediately called for the device spirit, but received no response.

"This thing is not very useful to me, it is good for Yan Luo."

And Chen was looking at the crystal teardrops, and grabbed them, and the crystal teardrops were sent into the world of Daotu. At this moment, the world transformed by Zun Kunlun was completely destroyed!




The creatures waiting around the original Linglong Jian Gong Daotong Gate!

Eyes stared instantly!


When I saw the strongest, I was a man and a woman who were majoring in the three-ring master!

They are ignorant!

This Nima!

What's wrong!

What about the top and top two?


One man and two women disappeared!


"List 2?"

"Who is the top one among the two men?"

"This... The Tri-Huanghuan is majored in... Do you think this might be the top of the list?"

"Ah... Isn't it... is it just a coincidence that the ranking disappeared before the top two of the top list?"

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