Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2047: Visit the Temple

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Howling wind!

This is a dark mountain peaked by three steep peaks like a sharp blade!

It is said that the mountain is actually more like a huge stone pillar standing between the three peaks. This is where the gate of the temple is located. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing too strange except for the danger. However, there are thousands of miles around the temple There is no creature in the sky above!



Brilliant flash!


This is the moment!

A roar came from the main hall of the Temple of Death!

The monk outside the main hall shivered involuntarily!

That one is angry!

Very serious consequences!

I am afraid that it is related to Elder Yin Tulong and Deputy Master Jiuyi!

The two don't know who has been encountered!

When he came back, he only had Yuanshen!


Inside the main hall.

There are dozens of figures.

Lord and Vice-President.

Ten elders.

Fenghua Divine Son is with several other Divine Sons.

"I told the Lord of the Palace Lord that I and Jiuyi first met a strange boy in the God Ear tribe. The boy had only a quasi-holy mana, but he broke my flesh with Master Jiuyi. It was precisely because of the boy, I Talent with Jiuyi failed to get another earring! On the way back, we met Emperor Chenxi and were imprisoned by Emperor Chenxi, not long ago!"

Yin Tu Long Yuan Shen gritted his teeth and said a lot!


"Quasi holy mana strange boy?"

"Morning Immortal Emperor?"

There were all kinds of exclamations in an instant, and Fenghua Shenzi and Elder Yu also showed surprise, and they secretly wondered why Elder Yin Tulong didn’t come back early. If he comes back early, he will know the strangeness of the kid before going to the Jingtian Valley to participate in the Qianzu meeting!

Taking a deep breath, Fenghua Shenzi stepped forward and said in a loud voice: "Your court master, disciple Elder Yu went to the Thousand Tribes Association, and also met the strange kid mentioned by Elder Yin! That strange kid was called Chen Zu. Extremely weird. He knows what secrets are in the Wuji Prosperity Book. He said that the era overlord is not qualified to practice the Wuji Prosperity Book! In addition, Chen Xianxian also went to Jingtian Valley and forcibly practiced the Wuji Prosperity Book into a madness!"

Speaking of which!

Fenghua Shenzi meal!

Continue after thinking for a while!

"Another point, when the mysterious Rune Taoist appeared, it absorbed the power of the supreme rune given by his master. That power was very strange, and the disciples felt that even the Lord of the Palace would fight the rune. The Taoist might not be able to win easily! But the Fu Ling Daoist won the Promise Book, and slammed into the palm of that Chen Zu. The Chen Zu was innocent, but the terrible power of the Fu Ling Dao Ren was gone, and directly degenerated into a mortal! Chen Zu also said that he would come to our funeral hall in person!"


Just say this!

An uproar in the hall!

The other nine elders were shocked!

"What else?"

"How can this be!"

"How could quasi-holy mana..."



"Chen Zu... Was the kid named Chen Zu? He was indeed too weird!" Yin Tu Long Yuan Shen whispered, his face suddenly changed: "Wait, Fenghua Shen Zi what do you say, you say him Coming to our temple? This... he must have come for the mysterious earrings on the hands of the master!"


Yin Tulong looked at the Lord of the Palace of the Destroyed Drone!

The Lord of the Temple was wearing a dark mask!

Can't see clearly at this moment!

But it can be seen from the leaked double pupils!

There seems to be no fluctuations in the Lord of the Temple!



There was a loud noise outside!


The people in the temple stared out for the first time!

Fenghua Shenzi looks pale!


It must have been Chen Zu!

"Where is the evil spirit, dare to come to the temple to make trouble, don't you know that the temple is in charge of the thousand tribes in the Taisu God Mountain! What? Don't! The God of God's life! The God of God's life! I'm wrong! The God of God I'm scared! "



Successively sounded!


The gate of the main hall of the palace was knocked open by a great force!

A man and a woman came in!


Yin Tu dragon primordial trembling!

"Master Lord, he is that Chen Zu!"

Fenghua Shenzi gritted his teeth!


Elder Yu was silent, and Deputy Hall Master Jiu Yi was silent!

"The quasi-saint mana... this girl seems to be not even the ancestor of the Dao... Lord Master is the epoch overlord, is it still afraid that this kid will not succeed, this kid is no stranger, and it is impossible to cut it Lord Lord! Not to mention Lord Lord, we don’t have no cards, our Palace is not without foundation, but our Palace has inherited the legacy of Taichao God!"

An elder drink!


The lord of the palace was next to the dark seat, and the lying creature stood up suddenly, and with a roar, he rushed out!

"Go on tyrannical beast!"

An elder shouted subconsciously!


Chen Zheng slapped out with a slap, and the murderous creature flew out directly, and before it hit the wall, it exploded into blood mist!


The subconscious elder immediately shut up!

The elders of the ten elders all looked down!


This guy!

This so-called Chen Zu!

This guy's approach is really extraordinary!

That tyrannical beast!

But all over the world!

With the seventh-level Taoist mana, you can fight with the half-step era overlord!

But this kid was slapped to death!

This kid!

Does this kid's quasi-saint mana have the power of an era overlord level!


"This girl wears an earring!"

"It looks exactly like the mysterious earrings the Lord Lord received!"


Yin Tulong shouted for a while!



Where are the earrings!


Fenghua Shenzi and Elder Yu stared at him, staring at the earrings on Du Guqian's right ear behind Chen Zheng, one by one showing greed, and then glanced at them, all looked at the emperor sitting on the dark seat Lord of the Palace!

Another earring has been delivered to the door!

Although this Chen Zu means terrible!

But since it has been delivered to you!

What are you waiting for?


at the moment!

Only the Lord Lord has the ability to suppress that kid!

"You... don't make us anxious. Although our dying palace is not the top ethics in the Taishen Mountain, but the background is also incomparable behind you, don't think that we can bully at will, and we are not you. Just bully!"

Yin Tulong gritted his teeth!

"One Ring Overlord?"

Chen Zheng ignored the Yin Tulong, and glanced at the Lord of the Temple of the Temple of Darkness, and asked with a smile.


This Nima!

This kid seems to look down on the master of the palace!

Oh shit!

Too deceiving!

Too deceiving!

Several elders saw this One by one, he wanted to tear Chen Zheng, but he didn't dare to move!


At the moment there is an unspeakable suffocation!

In this too prime mountain!

In addition to those top Taoist and strong families!

The rest are commanded by the Temple of Death!

When did the Temple of Deception come to you like this?

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