Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2046: Severe levels!

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Did not understand it at all!

How can the tall and thin old man give a slap!

The tall and thin old man suddenly became a mortal!


Just perceive!

The power of the Rune possessed by the tall and thin old man is very strange!

And that force is also extremely strong!

The Wuji Prophet in front of Qin Fairy was robbed!

Fairy Qin just didn't even have a little resistance!


In an instant!

The tall, thin old man kneeled!

can not read it!

I don't understand at all!

Zhong Xiu's eyes widened!


Fenghua Shenzi opened his mouth and was already ready to read the joke, now a face was frozen! Elder Yu among the ten elders in the side of the temple was also shocked!


This will happen!

"People have a special strength, they feel invincible, they feel that they can't live forever, but they don't know that they are just watching the sky."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently and wiped it out, Wuji Promise flew back to Qin Fairy.

Cultivation is silent!

to be frank!

Even Qin Xianzi was extremely shocked, because she had returned to Tiangu before to suppress the tall and thin old man. At that time, the tall and thin old man had to break the seal, and she suppressed it with Promise. In addition, this time the Liuli Temple called the people of the Thousand Tribes, and the people of all major lines, to hold the Thousand Tribes Association. It was also to find a person who could be recognized by the Promise Book of Heaven, and the main purpose was to completely suppress the tall and thin old people.

Outsiders don't know that although the Liuli Temple is known as the most top-ranking priest in the Taisu Mountain, in fact, the three monks who are really powerful in the Liuli Temple are now as strong as the lord of the Liuli Temple, but also because of the suppression of the tall and thin old people Sleeping!

and so!

Just now!

The tall and thin old man came out!

Won the Promise Book!

She thought that this time the glass temple was over!

Wu Ji Tian Shu can't suppress the tall and thin old man who has swallowed the supreme rune!



There will be a scene like just now!

"You... you a quasi-saint mana kid, even if you have the level of Taoist ancestry, can it be this opponent! Ten years ago, the master of the Liuli Temple was to suppress this Seat, but lost half of its origin, but burned the ring of the five epochs, and failed to really suppress the seat, but instead he himself fell into a long sleep! The master gave the seat to the lifeless rune, which has the most heaven and earth. Terrible power, that is a power that transcends any avenue, could you kid make this seat a mortal!"


The tall, thin old man kneeling on the ground suddenly raised his head!

Chen Zheng snarled at him!


"The Lord of the Liuli Temple is in a long sleep?"

"No wonder... wait, if the Lord of the Liuli Temple falls into a long sleep, isn't that the Liuli Temple... Isn't the monk without the epoch overlord level sitting in town..."


The rear monk whispered in exclaim!

All kinds of thoughts came out at once!


This is a blessed place in Taisu Shenshan!

Who doesn't want to practice in Jingtian Valley!

"The Lord of the Liuli Temple fell into a long sleep..."

In the eyes of Fenghua Shenzi, an instant flash of glance flashed through, and quickly gave Elder Yu a look, and Elder Yu would like to nod his head lightly!

"Tell this seat, why it broke your palm and the rune of this seat is broken, the power of this seat is gone, tell this seat!"

The tall, thin old man kneeling on the ground is another roar!

"The man who gave you the rune hasn't told you, is that the particularity of that power."

Chen Zheng asked lightly.


After hearing it, all the practitioners stared at it!


What is special?

"Particularity..." The tall, thin old man froze, his body shook violently, and then shook his head frantically: "I don't believe in this seat, you don't believe in this seat also have that kind of power, what is your quasi-mana, The supreme rune bestowed on this seat by the master allows the creatures who condensed a circle of five epochs on this seat to protect themselves! Even if you have that kind of power, you can’t be stronger than the supremacy given by the master to this seat. Rune, unbelief in this seat!"


The Cultivator was a little ignorant at first, but it was quickly speculated that the power possessed by the Supreme Rune should be divided into high and low. If you encounter a stronger power of the same type, it is equivalent to hitting the stone with an egg, just like the tall and thin old man just now. The scene of Chen Zu slammed into the face!

Severe levels!

That power is highly graded!

Once the following is committed, it will lose power!


If this is the case!

Does Chen Zu have that power too?

Wu Ji Tian Shu seems to have that power too!


and many more!

At a glance, this ancestor Chen Zu glanced at the Scriptures of the Scriptures, and he casually spoke of a taboo in the Scriptures of the Scriptures. Even the era overlord could not practice the Scriptures in the Scriptures!


Will there be a possibility!

This Chen Zu is the reincarnation of the creature who left the Promise Book!

Someone thought of this!

Looking at Chen Zheng in astonishment!

"I'm a little interested in your master, where is your master, or if you directly invite your master, I want to see him."

Chen Zheng smiled at the tall, thin old man.

"No! I don't know! I don't know! I don't know where the master is!"

The tall, thin old man shook his head frantically!



The flesh and soul of the flesh shattered!

Suddenly disappeared!


The people are horrified!

"Huh?" Chen Zheng raised his brow slightly, grabbed some of the remnants of the tall and thin old man Yuanshen, and then looked at Qin Xianzi: "Who is called Tianwu Daoren in this Taisu Shenshan?"


"Never heard of it!"

"I haven't heard such a character at all!"

Fairy Qin has not yet responded, and the rest of the monks shook their heads!

"Tianwudaoren... the juniors have never heard such a character."

Fairy Qin bowed his head slightly and responded.

"Tianwudaoren, you should guess who I am, why don't you come out and see?"

Chen Zheng's eyes moved, looking toward the depths of Taisu Shenshan, and it was a pity to smile.


Will there really be a response!

Cultivation doubts!

"Taoists are waiting for your presence in Taisu Tianchi!"


There is really a voice response!


This sound is weird!

It sounds like some men and women!

"Taisu Tianchi? Okay." Chen Zheng nodded lightly, and then replied casually: "When I go to the Temple of Sacrifice, I will go to Taisu Tianchi."


Di Temple!

The Cultivator was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes moved, subconsciously staring at Fenghua Shenzi!


Fenghua Shenzi's complexion changed, the complexion of the elder also changed, and the two instantly disappeared!

"Chen Zu..."

Look at the beast!

"The monk can't run the temple."

Chen Zheng smiled.


There was a terrified look in the eyes of the public repair!

They heard it!

They saw it!

This Chen Zu must have the power to kill Fenghua Shenzi and Elder Yu!

It just seems too lazy to do it!

It seems that I'm going to the Temple of Dying for a sweep!

This Chen Zu seems to be going to destroy the temple!

"Taisu Tianchi..." Qin Xianzi groaned then whispered: "The juniors in that place have heard about it, but that place seems to be... It seems that Taisu Shenshan is otherwise A few top-notch people have never really set foot on it."

"There is no place in this world that can be called a restricted area for me."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


Cultivation is silent!

If the average person said such a sentence!

They just think that man is farting!


at the moment!

Chen Zheng said this!

I don't know why!

They do not have any doubts!

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