Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2032: What an old monster you are! Give up all!

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the city's live billions of years!

"Is this the deepest part of the long river of time...this place is too magical..."

When passing through an area and entering an area that is like a spider web, the sky beast opened his mouth, but the next moment he recovered, and his eyes were straight!

Those spider webs!

It seems to be a time avenue that has become a substance!


This place!

This place is terrible!

Not paying attention!

I'm afraid I will get lost!

It is like a spider web linking the time avenue of time!

It is definitely the top level of time in the Hongmeng universe!

"That power is at the deepest point. Although I am named Zhou, although Zhou is time, I cannot get that power, because that power is no longer controlled by time, at least it is equal to time."

The woman whispered.

"Equal to time? Is that space?"

Watching the beast subconsciously said.

"It's not space, that force also belongs to time in essence, but later it doesn't belong to the avenue of time."

The woman replied.


Watching the heavenly beast is a little ignorant.


At this time!

That spider web is linked to the vertical and horizontal area!

Suddenly there was a wave of terror!

One person appeared out of thin air!

It's just that the flesh is already broken!

Yuanshen is also fragmented!

It seems to have experienced a miserable fight!

"Sovereign Saint Sovereign, what are you, do you think you can scare Lao Tzu with the name of the Holy Emperor? Lao Tzu is trying to pull you into the water!"

The figure roared, turned into a torrent, and plunged into the spider-web-like area!


Without a trace!

Tianguan Beast sensed it with Shen Nian!

I can only see the time avenue like a spider web!

Can't penetrate!

Can't see what's inside!


The emperor of the Holy Emperor has heard of it!

When I was outside the domain before!

In Taicang Holy City!

I heard that Holy Emperor Sect!


The emperor of the Holy Emperor came to the depths of the river for that force!

"The Seven Emotions and Ancient Demons are not the creatures of the Hongmeng era, but the creatures of the ancient era. In the era when he was born, he entered the depths of time and wanted to gain that power, but at least three eras have passed. Seven emotions The ancient demon also did not succeed. Seven emotions ancient demon in the depths of time, should be able to rank in the top twenty, not the top, the top are the more powerful old monsters."

The woman said something.

Chen has no fluctuations.

"It's not the creatures of the Hongmeng era... What age did Miss Zhou belong to?"

Guan Tian Beast whispered, and suddenly asked.


The woman glanced at the Celestial Beast and did not answer.


At this time!

Someone was bombarded again!

Still the seven love ancient demon!

This time!

Its flesh is more fragmented!

Its primitive spirit seems to be completely annihilated!


Just listen to a roar!

Seven Love Ancient Demon killed in again!


Less than three interest time!

Seven love ancient demon was blasted out again!

This time there are more than seven emotions!

A man in a golden robe was also blasted out!

Although the body is intact!

But his face is white with bleeding corners!

Obviously also seriously injured!

"Haha! Saint Sect Sect Master, you idiot, you really think you are invincible here, right? You are not even the era overlord, you are a hammer in the half-step era overlord here! Those old things did not strike before, you You can beat Lao Tzu, and now those old things are shot, you are a fart!"

Seven Love Ancient Devil laughs!


The man in the golden robe closed his brows, and seemed to want to fly into that area, but it wasn't really started yet, and someone was blasted out!

"Ten Yin Taoist, the soul of the Ninth Era era, used to be the overlord of the era. Later, the state fell. When the ninth era broke down, he fled into the river of time. He also wanted to get that power back to the level of the overlord of the era."

The woman said something.



The Shi Yin Taoist who had been bombarded stared over!

"Humph! Fairy fairy!"

With a cold hum!

"Um? Fairy Fairy? Why didn't you stay in the city of time, how come it came deep in the long river of time? Who is this boy, this boy can't help himself, how come he came deep in the long river of time? Fairy Zhou, this kid won't be Do you have a little white face, you brought this little white face to let him understand Time Avenue?"

Qiqing Gumo swept over, glanced at Chen Zheng, and then stared at the woman with evil looks!

The woman looked cold!

"Hmm? Was this seat talked about? Ha! Fairy prince, Fairy prince, the **** of the Luo Luo is single-minded to you, thinking that you are pure and clean, I didn't expect you to like this little white face! Oh! I am really worth Luo Shangshen. !"

Seven love ancient devil snorted!


Fairy Zhou was colder, but there was still no response. Chen Zheng spoke two words casually.

"Well? Who do you say is a bitch!"

Seven Love Gumo stared over!

"Whoever responds is a bitch."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"court death!"


Seven Love Ancient Demon Fury!


Kill it!



Not yet within ten feet of Chen Zheng!

Seven love ancient demon was blasted by a strange power!


The Shiyin Taoist stared over and stared at Chen Zheng unexpectedly. The kid said that he only had the flesh of Taoist ancestors without any magic power. This kid could not stop the seven emotions and ancient demons!


Qi Qing Gu Mo can't even enter this kid's body!


The Sovereign of the Holy Emperor also looked at it, and the surprise in his eyes flashed away!

"It seems to me to get that power in person."

Chen Zheng didn't look at the Seven Love and Ancient Demon, he only said a word to the fairy fairy, said that he stepped out, and entered the area where the cobwebs generally materialized the avenue of time!

"What? This kid also came for that power? Huh! What a big tone, do you really don't have some of your old monsters! Eating Taoist, Mrs. Li, Jiu Ge Xianzun, Long Caotian which was not an epoch Overlord, even if the realm falls, it still has the power of the era overlord level. Who does this kid think he is!"


Seven Love Bones sneer!





His sneer sounded!

One figure after another was blasted out!

At a glance!

No fewer than twenty people!

Among them are several old monsters he mentioned!

"Eat Taoist!"

"Lady Li!"

"Nine Song Immortal Venerable!"

"Long Caotian!"

" did you guys get do you feel like everyone is bombarded!"


All kinds of exclamations!

"Only the kid is left. Who is that kid? Why has he never seen that kid? There is no mana on that kid, but I have improved even that kid's body, and I was blown away by a strange power. come out!"

The Daoist gritted his teeth and snarled. Although he was called the Daoist, he was extremely thin, and his face was more like a skinny skin. At this moment, the bird of prey stared at the spider web and linked to the vertical and horizontal areas!

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