Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2031: On the Road? Let me show you guys

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This is the moment!

A nun appeared!


This nun appeared!

The monks in the first row of the dojo closed their eyes and opened their eyes!

"Master Zhou!"

Those monks salute the women!

"Chen Zu, this woman seems very unusual!"

The Sky Beast glanced, his complexion changed, and the voice was secretly transmitted!

This woman!

It doesn't feel as strong as it is!

This woman should be one of the top creatures in the long river!


It stands to reason!

This woman should not have appeared so early!

Why did you show up now?

And this woman is actually called Zhou!


Throughout the ages!

Zhou is time!

Will the creature named Zhou be simple!

You don’t have to think about it, you know it’s very unusual!

"There are seven people in my seat. You talk to these seven people. I know what you want to achieve when you come to Time Changhe. You beat them by seven people and then me. I personally take you to the deepest part of Time Changhe!"

The woman spoke!

There is almost no nonsense!

"On the Road?"

"With this child?"

"This... there is no breath of time on this child, although the flesh is very special, but there is no mana at all. Is this child qualified to talk to the seven of us?"

There were no more than seven monks who woke up in the first row, and they swept over at the moment, revealing their doubts one by one.

On the Road?

Is that kid really qualified to talk to himself and others?

The meaning of Master Zhou is to discuss the Avenue of Time!

Seven of them may not be the era overlord!

Not even strong combat power!

But the comprehension of the Avenue of Time is already comparable to the era overlord!

Even the lowest-level era overlord!

It’s not comparable to this one!


At this time!

Another figure appeared!

This is a middle-aged man in black!

It should be the Great Aegis of the City of Time!

"The city of time... is just a stronghold in the long river of time. If you want to enter the depths of the long river of time, you must follow the rules of the long river of time. This is also for your own good. You can pass the assessment of Lord Zhou. You It took time to go deep into the river to have the ability to save lives."

Shi Yuan, the big protector, stared at Chen Zheng several eyes and lowered his voice!

"I don't think it's necessary to talk about it."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.



Da Hu Fa and the seven elders frowned!

"You gave up?"

"It's okay to give up, you still have self-knowledge!"

"That... how do I feel that this kid didn't give up, but that this kid looked down on us?"

The seven elders spoke one by one!

"Rules are rules. If young people feel that there is no need to speak, then you can suppress me. As long as you can suppress me, I will also take you to the depths of time!"

Da Hufa said in a deep voice!

"Suppression...I'm powerless now, it's really difficult to suppress you." Chen Zheng glanced at the big protector, then swept the seven elders, and smiled again: "Since this, I will give pointers. You guys."


"Hahaha, what do you say, you have to point us? Young man, young man, you point us? Joke! Great joke!"



Seven elders laughed!

"It's kind of interesting, you are still the first creature in the City of Time to speak this kind of words, so I'll wait and see how you can tell!"

Great protector hum!

"I do not believe."

The woman named Zhou said only three words.


Chen Zheng smiled, and then a little bit of light, hitting white light, hitting the eyebrows of the seven elders of the big protector. Originally, the eyes of the seven elders were full of disdain, but the expressions solidified in a flash!



"How can this be!"

Silence briefly!

Then there was an exclamation!


At this moment, Da Hu Fa only stared at Chen Zheng without saying a word, but his eyes had already shown that he was extremely shocked!


The young man first said that there was no need to talk!

Then he said that without mana, he could not suppress himself and others!

Then tell me to wait for others!

I thought this young man was talking nonsense!


This young man didn't even talk nonsense!

This young man's comprehension of Time Avenue actually surpassed himself and others!


This is really hard to accept!

At this moment, Da Hufa only feels that his cognition is wrong!

after all!

Under perception!

The real young man in front of him has no power and no breath of time!

"I wait... ashamed!"

After a while, the seven elders shook their heads one after another, then saluted Chen Zheng one by one like a junior, and then retreated, meaning that he was not worthy of talking with the young man in front of him!

"Master Zhou..."

Da Hu Fa can only look at the woman named Zhou!

"I have a lock."

The woman spoke, and her voice was still very quiet.

"Oh what a lock."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"Lock of Time, Lock of Era!"

The woman responded, and her voice suddenly became cold and ruthless.


Her voice just fell!

Watching the beast is a trembling!

It sensed that something terrible was overwhelmed!

That gadget is definitely a supernatural power of the era overlord!

And it should be the top one!

"Era Lock!"

The Great Guardian and the Seventh Elder showed surprise. They didn't seem to expect that women would perform this magical power. Maybe outsiders hadn't heard the Epoch Lock, but as a guardian of the City of Time, they knew what it was!

That was used to lock the era overlord!


Shackles add body!

Da Hu Fa and Qi Lao fixed their eyes on Chen Zheng!


It is also this moment!

Transparent yoke appeared on Chen Zheng!

The era lock that the woman hit was instantly assimilated!


Da Hu Fa and Qi Lao dumbfounded!


Seven old men are crying crazy in their hearts!

This Nima!

How can this be!

The epoch lock that Master Zhou made was assimilated!

And there seems to be more than one era lock on this young man!

This young man seems to have refined the era lock into his own thing!


How can there be such a person between heaven and earth!

Is this young man a reincarnation of a supreme power in the era of destruction?

"The Epoch Lock... The Epoch Yoke... How many epoch yoke on Chen Zu..."

Guan Tian Beast also froze for a moment, then asked blankly.



The Great Guardian and the Seventh Elder Silence!

The woman named Zhou is also silent!

"If this is your most powerful magical power ~ ~ then you can't stop me, so just lead the way."

Chen Zheng smiled at the woman.


The shackles disappeared from him!

"I understand."

After a brief silence, the woman nodded in response. Although the voice was calm, there was a clear flash of surprise in her eyes. The woman replied and applied a secret method. When the white light flashed, the woman, Chen Zheng, and Guantian Beast disappeared.


The seven elders are a little ignorant!

"Chen Zu... made the Epoch Lock into his own thing... Why have I been in the city of time for so many years, I have never heard of anyone who has made Epoch Lock into his own thing. ....."

Da Hu Fa looked towards the depths of time and there was only one whisper like a mosquito!

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