Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1891: This atrium is not as good as the alchemy furnace of the old man

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All the money!

Overlord's resources!

This monkey also has the opportunity to become an era overlord!


Heimang received!

The monkey turned around!

Although a stick smashed the magic road!

But there was no arrogance on the monkey's face at the moment!

There is only one calm!

"Teacher, this should be the situation you mentioned."

The monkey saluted Chen Zheng.

"It's that situation."

Chen Zheng nodded.


When the monkey saw Chen Zheng nod, he suddenly grinned. It seemed to have enlightened the solemn image of the extraordinary avenue and then collapsed. Then, just like a monkey, he began to roll around the scene in front of all the creatures present!


All the gods and demons are silent!


The celestial beast opened his mouth, and he thought that the monkey would be that solemn image in the future. Unexpectedly, the solemn image of that overlord's posture disappeared at once, and the monkey returned to its original intention!

"The monkey brother is still free and easy...I don't pretend to be an expert..."

Dao bite hey smile.

"Huh! Only cross the devil's path!" Meng Xianyuan snorted coldly: "After crossing the devil's path, it is the atrium of the ancestral deity! According to the rules, if this monkey can stand in the atrium of the ancestor's deity, More than six hours, then you are eligible to see the demon, the holy deity of the ten deities of the devil! After the evaluation of the deity, this splashing monkey can take away Qianyin! But I can remind you that someone is already walking You are in front of you. Someone is waiting for the Lord’s summoning outside the Hall of the Lord! And that person is also for Qianyin, and that person’s status is far more than your splash monkey!”

"Fuck! And got stuck!"

The bite beast couldn't help but scolded!

"This... Although the eleventh prince of the Zulong dynasty passed the path of the devil, spent six hours in the statue of the ancestor, and entered the blood pool of the ancestor to absorb power, but he was a human holy. The prince of the dynasty should not be able to pass the assessment of the holy lord." The old devil said: "Because the holy lord... has a bad impression of the human race, especially the three royal dynasties."

"Lao Shenmo, I'm curious, what secret method has this man given you, and you can't wait to seem to marry Qian Yin to his apprentice now!"

Meng Xianyuan God stared over!


The other Nine Clan strongmen who appeared also stared!

"Cough!" The old demon coughed: "The Lord should be awake. I'll wait for the time and get the things done!"


Cast a secret method!

I saw the mouth of that huge ancestor **** golem!

Hit a black mans!


In an instant!

Put the monkey in!


Meng Xianyuan God snorted!

"This atrium seems to be an alchemy furnace..."

Dao Beast raised his head and looked around, glancing frowningly.

"The ancestors of the Shenmo family are terrifying creatures, not the so-called innate gods and demons of this era, but the ancestors of gods and demons in the oldest era before this era! Although this is just an ancestral **** demon, But the atrium completely engraved the atrium of the ancestral **** and demon. The atrium of the ancestral **** and demon can be refined even the era overlord. Even if the ancestral **** and demon statue is greatly discounted, it is no problem to refining the Taoist ancestor! Nine realm ancestors, it is impossible to stay in the atrium for three days! As for the monkey, just that stick has the attitude of the overlord, but that has nothing to do with the physical cultivation, it is the upper limit of its cultivation path! It is now indestructible to cultivate in the first realm, it is impossible to sustain six hours!"

Meng Xianyuan God stared at the Dao Beast and then at Chen Zheng!



Where is that huge ancestral **** golem!

Suddenly, there was a sacred flame and magic fire!

"It's started! Hey hey!"

Meng Xianyuan God raised his head, glanced at the top, and then sneered mercilessly!

"That one......"

The old demon looked at Chen Zheng, and he seemed to want to remind him that Chen Zheng had just recruited a tea set. At this moment, he had already sat down and started making tea. He didn't seem to worry about the monkey at all, so he kept silent.


The rest of the gods and demons glanced a little, and stunned. The young man of the human race really was not a general madness. This son was the first person to taste tea in front of the ancestor **** and demon statue in the gods and demon mountains!

"This splash monkey can't last for three hours!"

Meng Xianyuan God shouted!

Three hours passed!

"This splash monkey won't last long!"

Four hours have passed!

"It's absolutely impossible for this monkey to survive six hours!"

Six hours have passed!


Ancestral God Golem in the atrium!

A figure was sent out!


Meng Xianyuan stared at the past, and at this moment his expression was extremely gloomy. In the past six hours, he had been beaten many times, but the splashing monkey came out of the atrium of the ancestor like God!

Oh shit!

The eleventh prince of the Zulong dynasty is two levels stronger than this monkey!

When he came out of the atrium of the ancestor **** golem, he was also extremely embarrassed!

How could this kid get powdered off!


The strong men of the Ten Deities of Gods and Demons also showed surprise. They did not like monkeys at all. In their view, even if monkeys can really stand for six hours, they must be dying when they come out!


The monkey is unharmed!

Still very energetic!

" been refined?"

The old devil thought for a moment, staring at the monkey and wondering.

"Thousands of years ago, I was refined by Laojun's alchemy furnace. I thought this atrium's atrium was more terrible than Laojun's alchemy furnace. In the beginning, the old monarch of the human race heaven in the heavens was actually just a dharma body. Although he is a saint, the saints in the thousands of worlds are definitely not as good as the foreign ancestors in the realm. Of course, the essence of the heavens was released some time ago. The position has reached a terrible state, and your ten extra-territorial deities together may not be that opponent."

The monkey showed his thoughts and thought for a while.

"The alchemy furnace of a saint's dharma could it be stronger than the atrium of my ancestor gods and ancestors..."

The old demon was even more puzzled and could only look at Chen Zheng.

"Huh! It doesn't make sense to say this! Since you have survived six hours, then you are eligible to enter the ancestor blood pool. Now you are sent to the ancestor blood pool. After you swallow the power of the ancestor blood pool, you will see you again. Supreme!"

Meng Xianyuan God stared at him with cold eyes, and at the moment he secretly said, even if this monkey passes this level, it can't pass the next level, because the next level is not a dead object like the ancestor **** demon, the next level is a living person The opponent of this monkey in the next level is the eleventh prince of Zulong Shengzhao!

As long as the weird young man does not take action, this monkey must not be the opponent of the eleventh prince of the Zulong dynasty.

"Go to the ancestor blood pool."

The old demon nodded and was about to cast a spell to send the monkey to the blood pool of the ancestor.

"and many more."

It was also at this time ~ ~ Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


The old demon and other deities have all looked over!

"what are you going to do!"

Meng Xian Yuan God locked!

"Yin Hong Yin Jia, you two brothers and sisters also go to the atrium of the ancestral **** golem."

Chen Zheng's eyes moved across the two siblings of Yin Hong and Yin Jia.


The two siblings froze.

"These two gods and demons abandoned the clan? Huh! Do you want these two gods and demons abandoned the clan to go to the blood pool of the ancestor, want them to go to the blood pool of the ancestor to get the blood of the ancestor? Huh! I satisfy you!"

Meng Xianyuan God's thoughts moved, revealing the look through Chen Zhengxin's thoughts, and one raised his hands and sent the two siblings into the atrium of the Shizu deity!

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