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"It took a long time to tear it down...Oh!"

Meng Xianyuan God sneered!



The monkey has reached the path of the devil!

"Why are you afraid again!"

Meng Xian stared at it!


The monkey caught the devil!


Meng Xianyuan God snorted!


I saw that the original look was only a little steep, and there was no terrible divine path. At this moment, it suddenly changed, and the stone steps became the mouth of the divine devil. It seemed that as long as you stepped up, you would be swallowed instantly. !

Of course, it didn't scare the monkey, but the monkey didn't take ten steps towards the top, and a phantom appeared silently and stood in front of him! And that figure was actually a monkey!

"This is your heart demon, there is a soul between heaven and earth, no matter where there is a heart demon, the heart demon robbery is also one of the most terrible robbery. If you can't suppress the heart demon, then your way heart will be damaged or even broken! You What you will do, what your heart will do, don't need special reminders from this seat!"

Meng Xianyuan God cold drink!



The figure in front of the monkey started!

Come on!

Shock of the magic road!


"Why is this demon so strong!"

"No, this monkey will not destroy the first realm, and it is impossible to shake the **** demon road at all. How can his heart demon blast a stick at random and shake the **** demon road, which can't destroy the third realm. Power!"

The ten powerful clan of the gods and demons appeared in amazement!


Almost at the same time!

The monkey also popped a stick!

Handover of two sticks!

Divine Devil Road concussion again!

"The demon... is indeed a terrible thing... right, master, do you have a demon?"

Biting Beast stared at the fight on the road of God and Demon at the moment, lowered his voice and asked!


The ears of the beast looked up!

"Heart Demon... there should be, but it is basically impossible to affect me. Because the first life has already slashed the Devil, and the Devil has been cut into extreme evil."

Chen Zheng said softly.

Extremely evil?

In fact, not only watching the beasts raised their ears, but also the old gods and demons also raised their ears. Hearing Chen Zheng’s answer at the moment, they all showed their thoughts. They wanted to speculate on the origin of Chen Zheng from Chen Zheng's answer, but it seemed that it was just a broad pronoun. At most, it could be speculated that Chen Zheng's first life was at least the level of epoch-level creatures.


A Daojun mana monk!

Even if this human race monk's flesh is very special!

But you can't do it at once to erase the body of the dark gold immortal demon from the dark gold clan Mengxian Zhanzun!


The old gods and demons, Mengxian Zhanzun, and the rest of the ten strong people who have appeared, have seen the extraordinary body of Chen Zheng's flesh, but no matter how strong the flesh is, the mana is just Daojun mana!

And with this kind of mana that can be said to be not even the entry of the higher spiritual practice outside the realm, it can fight the top creatures of the ninth realm. This is shocking no matter who you see it!

right now!

The ten deities of the gods and demons and old monsters did not show up!

Old monsters are watching in secret!

If this child's ability can suppress the ancestral dragon pilgrimage!

Then it is not impossible to marry Qianyin to his disciples!


Everything has to be seen in person!

Of course there is one more point!

That is to wait for the devil to wake up!

In the end, the Devil Lord will still decide!


On the devil's way!

A loud bang was heard!


"This monkey doesn't work!"

"It seems to be defeated!"

Meng Xianyuan God, many gods and demons, laughed at the moment, because they all saw the monkey almost blasted out of the magic road by the heart demon!

"Um... Brother Monkey is really handsome just now, but this demon is not easy to deal with..."

The Dao Beast whispered.

"Lingming stone monkeys... Four mixed monkeys... There is still a big gap with some of the ape races I know..."

Tianguan Beast shook his head gently, it was a bit pessimistic about the monkey, because the name of the four monkeys of the mixed world is actually not good in the Taixu, there are too many racial tyranny in the Taixu, the four monkeys of the mixed world are in the immortal big They are not qualified to be spiritual pets for those immortal Daozi sons.


At this time!

Another change on the road of Gods and Demons!

A shadow of the Demon emerged!

Instantly surround the monkeys!

"Sorry, I just forgot to remind you that the demon test on the Shenmo Road, once you fall into the downwind, then the Shenmo Road will double to make you more downwind, and more than double! Splash monkey, splash monkey, you quit now The magic road is still too late!"

Meng Xian sneered!

"Fuck! With this rule, it's mean!"

The bite beast scolded when he heard it!


Yin Hong and other gods and demons gave up their faces. Before they had the idea of ​​challenging the road of the gods and the atrium of the ancestors and gods, they knew at this moment that this so-called challenge concealed more than one killing opportunity!


forget it!

Divine Demon Clan was exiled by Divine Demon Ten Clan!

Why return to licking your face again!

Just follow Chen Zu in the future!

Thoughts flashed by!


It was almost at the same time, on the road of God and Demon, the shadows of hearts and demons drove to the monkey with a stick. In the mocking eyes of Meng Xian, the monkey did not resist any time this time, but suddenly closed his eyes in situ move!


In an instant!

The monkey is swallowed by the horror stick shadow and the shadow of the demon!

At this moment, the dark shadow of the demon is transformed into a monster and completely wraps the monkey!

It seems to begin to bite the body of the monkey bit by bit!


Meng Xian sneered mercilessly and said that he was staring towards Chen Zheng, meaning that the monkey was defeated and there was no chance to turn over!


The old **** and demon also looked over. To tell the truth, he hoped that the monkey could pass the road of the demon and even take away Qianyin, but the rules are the rules. Shot!

"Brother Monkey will not lose like this..."

Dao bite also forgot to Chen Zheng.

"Why do monkeys feel defeated?"

Chen Zheng smiled and asked.


All the gods and demons raised their brows!

"He has been besieged by the Devil, and his heart will be damaged even if he does not die, can he still...!"

Meng Xian said quietly again, only half of the words suddenly turned around and stared at the God Demon Road, not only the rest of his Gods also stared in the past!

"Lao...but died once, how could you kill Laozi!"



Fairy light burst!

In an instant!

Xianguang turned into black mans!

The demon that devoured the monkey is now devoured by the black man!

At the moment, it turned into a black armor batch on the monkey!



Every **** and demon saw a stick!

I saw a stick slamming from the bottom of Shenmo Road to the top of Shenmo Road!


Shock of the magic road!




Although the monkey seems to be standing at the bottom of the divine road at this moment!

But that black armor!

The dancing red cloak!

And the black mans that skyrocketed!

Even if the monkey cultivation is not improved at all!

But this figure made a group of gods and demon suddenly think of two words!


This monkey has the gift of heaven!

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