Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1835: Destructive!

Chapter 1832 Destroying Heaven and Earth! (One more)


Another roar!


Deep in the deep abyss!

The dark cliff wall suddenly shattered!

I saw a huge shadow rushed out!


Where the shadows pass!

Almost everything is crushed!

The ancient prisoners in the abyss of the heavens collapsed!

The humanoid being crucified on the ancient stone pillar seized the opportunity in consternation. At the moment when the ancient stone pillar was crushed, he broke free from the abyss of the sky!


The Five Great Peaks were horrified, and they retreated immediately!


A ghost shadow also flew out of the abyss of the sky and fell beside Chen Zheng. He bowed to Chen Zheng and said, "Master, Youer has found a remnant soul again. This evil thought of the master is terrible. There is no restriction on Heavenly Path in the Sifang Jurisdiction. This evil thought is already invincible in the First Age and is in the same situation as the master’s first evil thought!


What is this female ghost talking about!

What a bad idea!

What an invincible state of the First Age!

Upon hearing the unifying creatures from all corners of the Quartet, the eyes stared at Chen Zheng's back, and they were extremely surprised at the moment. That moment they would appear in the abyss of the world and play a scary shadow of terror, is this young man's evil thought?


If this is true!

What is the identity of this young man?



The black shadow in the abyss of destruction was roared again. After this roar, the figure rose again, and the twisted and changing face became clear at this moment!


When a face that has completed the account appears in front of the Sifang Extremity!

The Quartet's extinct creatures look silly!

It's exactly the same!

My goodness!

It's exactly the same!

The horror shadow has the same face as the young man!

"Chen Zu..."

Ji Yun frowned on the Ji family warship!

"This... so Chen Zu came to Sifang Juejie not for God, but for this thing... this thing seems to be pure evil, this thing seems to be something left by Chen Zu ..."

Purple Thunder Beast Venner trembles!

"Very evil..."

Tai Yi also trembling and speaking, he thought of something at the moment, thought of some quartet of extinct creatures, even things other than God did not know!


It turned out to be this way!

It turns out that the worst is...!

A stagger!

Too Yi almost fainted again!

"Damn it! What monster did you release, how could this monster be so terrible! Where is this monster, and why has this seat condensed the overlord **** pattern, and looking at this monster has no courage to fight back? !"

Xuanyi Jueping stared at Chen Zheng's back and drunk!


The other four peaks are silent!

They think that they are already the strongest in the Quartet's extinct territory. It is impossible for any creature to be stronger than them. Even the suppressed God in the Heavenly Abyss cannot be their opponent before restoring their strength!


at the moment!

They are afraid!

They trembled!

Face the horror shadow!

They don't even have the courage to shoot!

Between heaven and earth!

How could there be such a horrible thing!

And listen to that female ghost!

Such a terrible thing seems to be just a bad thought of that young man!


This is by no means possible!

A bad thought has been so terrifying!

Then how arrogant he was at its peak!

There can be no such creatures in the world!

Even if there is only one kind of creature!

That is the supreme creation of the Hongmeng universe!

Is that young man the supreme creation of Hongmeng universe?



Another roar!


The Quartet is shocked!

More than the sky and the earth!

But the entire Quartet's extinct space is oscillating!

"This Nima!"

"It just feels like it's going to crack!"

"This is too scary!"

The creatures in front of the abyss of the heavens were dumbfounded, and there was only fear in their pupils!



In the broken abyss, the horror shadow shot a big hand towards Chen Zheng!

"Chen Zu!"

Luo Xian!

Ji Yun!

Lu Xinyi!

Purple Thunder Beast!

People who know Chen Zheng exclaimed!

"Good, you let out such a monster, no matter what this monster has to do with you, now you are stared at by this monster, then you will be out of luck!"

On the Fengjia warship, Feng Luotian recovered, and now he smiled!


On Liu's warship, Liu Fangkong shouted in his heart!

"Waiting for you."

In front of the abyss, Chen Zheng looked at the giant palm that was photographed. At this moment, he smiled, not retreating, but stepped out of the sky, and he was directly greeted by the shadow of horror. The giant palm shot!


There doesn't seem to be any meaning to fight back!


Is this dead?

Cultivation is even more stunned!



Chen Zheng is hanging!

The horror shadows slammed!

At this moment, the incomparable power of terror hit Chen Zheng!

"the host!"

The purple beast in the air shouted!


This is the moment!

The sound of cracking sounded!


"Chen Zu!"


Luoxian Jiyun and others on the Jijia warship, Lujialu patriarch and other people, Feng Zuyuan Yuan Zu and others, all looked at this moment!

Chen Zu!

A crack appeared on Chen Zu's flesh!

The power of that palm is so scary!


Why didn't Chen Zu fight back!

Why do you want to get so scared in vain!

There are no creatures in the palm of the world that can't take it!


Sifang Jue also cracked!

And that's just radiating the power that spread out!


so horrible!

"Haha! You're done!"

On the Fengjia warship, Feng Luotian smirked at this moment, and he was extremely fanatical in his face. In his eyes, Chen Zheng was bound to die!

"You let out a monster, but you can't control this monster. If this monster is really a bad thought you once left, then you will be killed by your bad thoughts because of reincarnation!"

Liu Fangkong did not hide anything at this moment, but also grudgingly!


After a short period of suspicion, Wu Jue Ding moved at the same time towards the human beings who escaped from the abyss of the sky!

"Brother Taiyuan!"

this moment!

On the Ji Family Battleship!

Taiyi shouted subconsciously!


The elders of Ji Family and the rest of the Orthodox people stared at them with one eye, and they stared at Tai Yi one by one, their expressions changed wildly! This child, who looks like a mortal, even called the humanoid creature who had been identified as God as Taiyuan!


This seemingly mortal child!


The face of Purple Thunder Beast changed, blocking Taiyi in front of him! Luo Xian's complexion changed slightly, and it was also in front of Taiyi!



The humanoid creatures who escaped from the abyss of the abyss looked to be besieged by the tops of the five abundances, and suddenly showed a smirk, the figure disappeared in place, and they were already in the broken abyss of the abyss when they appeared at the next moment!


This man fled into the abyss of the sky!

This man wanted to escape the disaster with the power of the horror shadow!

Wujueding understood it instantly, Yuanshen immediately communicated, and when he saw the horror shadow still, and Chen Zheng didn't move, Wujueding gritted his teeth at the same time, and he also broke into the broken Abyss of Heaven!


This is the only chance!

Take this opportunity to win the **** and leave!

Wu Jue Ding shouted in my heart!



Wujue Peak just flew into the broken Abyss of Heaven!

That horror shadow suddenly moved again!



The ruinous palm blasted again!

This palm is more terrifying than the previous palm!


The Five Great Peaks exclaimed wanting to get out at this moment, but it was too late, the avenue law they urged was crushed in an instant!


Loud noise!

The ruinous palm hit Chen Zheng!

Chen Zheng still did not hide!

But the top five are gone!

Wujueding was crushed into nothingness!

And Wu Jue Pin is not the target of the horror shadow

The Five Peaks are just being affected!


All the photos of Wujueding are gone!

(End of this chapter)

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