Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1834: I don’t know what I want!

Chapter 1831 I'll wait and see what I want! (Make up three)



God's abyss!

No more cover!

Everything in it comes into view!


Completely dumbfounded!

This time Wujuding is also completely dumbfounded!

This Nima!

I thought Yangmou took effect!

I thought the kid was going to be in the abyss!

I thought the kid would be suppressed and imprisoned!

Even if you are not suppressed and imprisoned, you will consume a lot of mana!

But this kid!

One raised his hands to wipe away the chaotic mists of the Abyssal Abyss!

This kid makes the true appearance of Shang Cangyuan in the eyes of the world!

"That's... a lot of shouldn't be god..."

"That's not God, it's the dead creatures from our Quartet extinct entering the Gods Abyss!"



One answer!


Crowds looked at the dense white bones in Shangcang Abyss, but at this moment they were just shocking. These are not Shangcang bones. These are the native creatures of Sifang Jue that have never come out after entering Shangcang Abyss!

I didn't feel it before!

I couldn't see the inside of the Abyssal Abyss before!

At this moment, I saw the inside of the Abyss!

I realized that there were so many creatures falling in the abyss of the sky!

So where is the bone!

Where is the blood of heaven!

Where is the relic of God!

Is there really a living God in the God Abyss!


Divine read!

All kinds of magical powers!

The Cultivators looked towards the depths of the Abyssal Abyss!

This look!

Another surprise!


Someone screams!

Because I saw a figure in the depths, it was a humanoid creature, but it was staring at a stone pillar. The creature seemed to be dying, but suddenly raised his head and turned towards the sky. Smile outside!

This laugh!

So good!

The face of the humanoid being crucified on the stone pillar is full of cracks!


On the Jijia warship, Taiyi's body shook involuntarily. Perhaps the creature in the Quartet Extremity thought that the creature was smiling at them. In fact, only he knew that the creature was smiling at him. He knew who it was!

At first!

He was also imprisoned in the depths of the abyss of the sky like the creature!

Even more miserable!

At least that creature looks dignified!

And he was tied like a dog to the deepest part of the Abyss!

Memories emerge from scene to scene!

Tai Yi crazy shook his head and wanted to erase those memories!

But it cannot be erased at all!

Luo Xian, Su Yi Dao Ren and Zilei Beast Vendor discovered Taiyi's anomaly and knew that Taiyi remembered something. At the moment, seeing Taiyi showing painful colors was helpless!



The old man of Xuanyi in Wujue Peak rushed into the abyss of the sky with his teeth!

He started!

He is going to capture the power of God!


"This suddenly started!"

"This... why do you feel that the top five grades are much lower..."

Seeing this scene, Zhong Xiu froze for a moment, and then a lot of people sighed in their hearts. Once upon a time, the Five Great Peaks were giant mountains that could never be surpassed in the Four Extremities. Today, the Five Great Peaks really showed up, and found that it was not as majestic as I imagined!

What Wu Jue Ding did today seems to have been completed!


Another big red dragon pattern robe with the overlord's **** pattern screamed, and with three other peaks also rushed into the abyss of the sky, their goal is one, that is, the humanoid creature nailed to the stone pillar !

In their eyes, that is the imprisoned god, as long as the **** is divided, then he and others can go further, and even further in the future. Anyway, this is an inestimable chance!

"Haha! You Chen Zu, after all, made a wedding dress for Wu Jue Ding!"

On the Fengjia warship, Feng Luotian stared at his back and laughed!

"Thank you for erasing the chaotic mist that covered the abyss. If you weren't like this, the ancestors hadn't found the imprisoned **** so easily!"

On Liu's warship, Liu Fangkong laughed wildly!


Qi Tiansheng King beast frowned, and hesitated at the moment, whether he would shoot or not, he was not afraid of Wujueding, but it felt that Chen Zu didn’t seem to be for the **** who was imprisoned and suppressed!

Although I don't know what kind of soul Chen Zu was reincarnated in, in the secret world of the human king, when the human king Gu Yin felt Chen Zu, he wanted to free himself and fly to Chen Zu! It can be inferred from this point alone that Chen Zu is definitely a more formidable creature than the oldest human king who left the human king ancient seal, and even the human king ancient seal may be a magic weapon that Chen Zu once refined!

and so!

Don't worry about Chen Zu yourself!


At this moment I am very eager to know!

What does Chen Zu want to do!

"Did you give up..."

"Do you really give Wujuding the power of God..."


The Cultivator saw that the Wujue Peak had reached the depths of the Abyssal Depths, and there were less than ten steps away from the stone pillar that crucified that humanoid creature. At this moment, his eyes moved again to Chen Zheng's back, and he whispered one by one!

If it was before!

They absolutely hope that Wujuding will get the power of God!

But now!

They are a little scared!

The Five Great Peaks get the power of God!

The Quartet's extinct pattern will be completely broken in the future!

The four domain master families may not exist!

Only Feng Family and Tianshou Liu Family are left!

"I'll be here soon, and there are the last few steps, wait for the top five points to divide the god, and get the power of the gods, and then the four corners are extinct... ha ha ha!" Feng Luotian looked fanatical: "Ji Yun , Lu Yatou, Kuixing River, Dongfang Qingshuang, how do you get the title of the Quartet, and you are not going to submit immediately! Don’t say the title of the Quartet, even if you get the title of King of the People, you also have to submit, do you think I Feng Luotian was defeated, but now you understand, you are defeated, from the beginning you are doomed to defeat!"

Ji Yun!

Lu Xinyi!

Quesing River!

Oriental Cream!

Brows closed!

These families and sect elders are also frowning!

"As for this Chen Zu, even if it is really God, he doesn’t dare to enter the God Abyss, and he will be suppressed unless he escapes the Sifang Boundary now! So Chen Zu, Chen Zu, you can still escape now! Haha Hahaha!"

Feng Luotian's eyes moved, staring at Chen Zheng's back, another burst of laughter!


However, Chen Zhengdu was too lazy to respond to Feng Luotian, even lazy to look at the Five Peaks that had fallen into the abyss of the sky, and even the humanoid creature regarded as the supreme chance he was too lazy to look at it, and only shouted softly at the moment.


A shadow appeared!

Zhongxiu stared over!

Brow a brow and lock!

It seems that this is just a ghost-like woman!

Just a remnant soul!

This remnant soul seems useless!

"It's an abandoned tradition below."

Chen Zheng asked softly.

"Back to the master, You'er felt it, and there was an abandoned Taoism underneath, which should also suppress the master's evil thoughts!"

You Ying focuses on responding!



What abandoned tradition?

What bad thoughts?

Cultivation is more doubtful!

"Hum! Pretend to be a ghost! In addition to the suppressed gods, how could there be any abandoned orthodoxy in the abyss of the gods, and any evil thoughts, you think pretending to be a ghost can frighten..."

When Feng Luotian heard it, he sneered with disdain, but his voice stopped abruptly!



You Ying flew into the abyss of the sky!

I didn't even care about Wu Jue Ding and that humanoid!

Instead, it fell into the deeper cliff of the stone pillar that crucified the human form!

In an instant!

The abyss of the heavens is shocked!


next moment!

A terrifying roar came from deeper in the deep abyss!

This moment!

Whether it's the Five Great Peaks or the humanoid creature crucified on the stone pillar, it is trembling!


Everyone's eyes moved in shock and inexplicably stared at the deepest cliff!


What is it!

Is it really suppressing the creatures that are more supreme than God!

(End of this chapter)

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