Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1830: 4 parties break the pattern!

Chapter 1827 The Quartet Breaks the Pattern! (Four more)


What's going on!

What happened just now!

Didn't the Qitian Saint King beast give him the ancient seal of man king!

How did he return Wang Guyin!

Everyone's face was full of doubts!


At this time!

In the light curtain!

Suddenly a new line appeared!

"Seventh order Daojun..."

"This means that his cultivation base is the seventh order Daojun..."

"He used to be a Tier 5 Daojun before, but now he is a Tier 7 Daojun, which means that he just got the ancient seal of the King of the People. He really devoured some power, how can he raise the two small realms..."


Everyone continues to be forced!

"Humph! The mortal thing!" Feng family principal Lengheng said: "The scene just explained one problem, that is, he was not qualified to control the person Wang Guyin. Become the lord of the ancient seal!"

"This...but the Qitian Saint King Beast respected him very much, and when the Qitian Saint King Beast retreated, he still worshipped three times. It felt that the Qitian Saint King Beast was very humble in front of him... .. Could it be that he despised the person Wang Guyin..."

Some monks couldn't help asking.

"Haha! Hahaha! Look down! What a look down! Are you a man, Gu Guyin, are you a junk in your hand! You are a half-walk ancestor, and take care of your mouth without talking!"

The master of the Feng family stared at him with cold eyes!


The monk trembled and lowered his head. He was just a half-walking ancestor. He was stared at by the master of the Feng family at this moment.

"Don't care about this, now my Fengjia Tian'er ranks first in merit points, and that kid's merit points are zero. Even if the means is extraordinary this time, he is just a loser when he enters the secret world of King Wang!"

The head of the Feng family stared at the monument of merit in the light curtain. Seeing that Feng Luotian had ranked first, a smile appeared at this moment!



Only smiled!

The face of the master of the Feng family has changed!

Because Feng Luotian was surpassed!

Ji Yun's name came first at the moment!

"Ha ha."

Elder Ji Jia smiled slightly.

"It's not over yet!"

The master of the Feng family has one sleeve, but this sleeve sleeve, Feng Luotian, who was ranked second in the ranking, has dropped by one, and is now ranked third. Lu Xinyi is the one who surpassed Feng Luotian!


"Miss Lu Jiasan is second?"


The other monks saw this scene, and they also showed surprise. However, when they looked at the small light curtain where Lu Xinyi was, they saw that Lu Xinyi urged the Lu King's human magic weapon to kill a large piece of magic shadow like chopping melons and vegetables. Everyone can only show emotion!

This Nima!

The quality is not enough to come together!

The human king magic weapon wipes out a big shadow instantly!

Although those phantoms are not too arrogant!

Not many merit points!

But the number is huge!

The efficiency of gaining merit points is far more than several others!

of course!

Nothing beats Ji Yun!

Ji Yun has a pair of nothingness wings behind him at the moment!

Divine wing moved!

Skimming an area!

The ghosts in that area are also evil beasts, and they are erased instantly!

Look at Feng Luotian, Liu Fangkong, and Kuixinghe. At the moment, they are fighting with the tyrannical evil beast. Although they can kill the evil beast 100%, it will obviously take a lot of time!

So although the merits of tyrannical evil beasts are far more than ordinary evil beasts and ghosts, once the number is added, then the efficiency is completely different!

"The strategy is wrong..."

"Feng Shao Liu Shao and Kui Shao, the strategy is a bit wrong..."

"It's not that the strategy is wrong, it's not strong enough. If you are strong enough to crush the evil monster, you can definitely compete for the first!"

A voice sounded, and at the moment everyone's eyes were taken back from Chen Zheng, because Chen Zheng was standing on the cliff, at the moment it seemed to be motionless as if thinking about something.

"The girl of the Lu family relies on the magic weapon of the human king to obtain merit points. This is not cheating. This girl is not even the Emperor Realm!"

The head of the Feng family stared at the Lu family!

"Your family is fourth."

The head of the Lu family spoke lightly.



The master of the Feng family was taken aback for a while, and then looked at the monument of merit in the light curtain. I saw that Feng Luotian's name was already in the fourth place, and Kuixinghe surpassed Feng Luotian in the third place!

"Quei Shao suddenly broke out!"

"Quai Shao started to work hard!"

"Huh? What is the secret method of Kui Shao, and it's so powerful to wait for the head and the feet to be up against the sky? It turns out that the reason why Kui Shao maintains this posture is to practice a special secret method?"

When the practitioners looked at it, they exclaimed again. At this moment, the Kuixing River in the light curtain has already begun to kill and kill, and the merits have risen!

"It turns out that your kid from Kui's family also kept a hand!"

The head of the Feng family stared at him and gave him a fierce glance at the ancestor of the Kui family.

"Coincidence coincidence."

The ancestor of the Kui family smiled faintly.

The Feng family principal looked cold and his eyes moved again. This time he looked at the Tianshou Liu family's principal and gave the Tianshou Liu family's principal a look. The Tianshou Liu's principal looked like there was no fluctuation.

This is the moment!

In the light curtain, Feng Luotian and Liu Fangkong, who were originally in different directions, suddenly changed their routes and suddenly swept in the same direction, and that direction seemed to be where Lu Xinyi was!


"Feng Jia and Liu Jia!"

"Shaofeng and Liushao are ready!"

The public was stunned, and then quickly guessed what Feng Luotian and Liu Fangkong were going to do, but at this moment it was still a little uncertain. Could it be that the Feng family and the Liu family joined forces to really break the pattern of the Sifang being monopolized by the owners of the four major domains? !

"Miss Three!"

On the Lu family's side, the old woman's face sank, although Miss San took the human king magic weapon, but Miss San also urged the human king magic weapon to destroy the evil beasts and the like at most, if they were ranked fourth and fifth by Feng Luotian and Liu Fangkong Under siege, although Miss Three can escape with the magic weapon of King Ren, the merit points will definitely be exceeded!

Feng Family and Liu Family don't continue to look at this, is this to be clear!


The Lu patriarch's eyebrows were locked, and the elder Jijia's eyebrows were also locked, in addition to the ancestors of the Kui family. At this moment, I guess that the Feng family and the Liu family joined forces! But for now, they have no choice, Feng Luotian and Liu Fangkong are within the rules, and if they enter the secret world of the king, they will really break the rules!


"Feng Shao and Liu Shao teamed up to siege Miss Three!"

"Is the Liu family going to grab the title of Sifang Envoy!"


In the light curtain!

Three people from different areas were in the same area at the moment!

"Sister Xinyi is sorry!"

"Little girl film, I heard that your Lu tribe's blood is very special. Today I will come to taste your Lu tribe's blood!"

Almost at the same time!

There was no sound in the light curtain!

But suddenly there was a voice!

These two voices are the voices of Feng Luotian and Liu Fangkong!


The outside world is in an uproar!

Is this the true face of Shao Feng and Liu Shao!

Liu Shao, the first person of the Sifang Youth Generation!

It turned out that there was no such high-spirited festival!


In the light curtain!

Seeing that Lu Xinyi was going to be cut by Liu Fangkong's Excalibur!

In an instant!

A giant palm surfaced!

The giant palm shot down!


Feng Luotian and Liu Fangkong were horrified, and they shattered the teleportation rune between them in a panic. At the moment, the area where the giant palm appeared in the secret world of King Ren, only Lu Xinyi was left, and Lu Xinyi was stupid!



This is the moment!

Immortal light flashes in the secret world of the King of Man!

The huge palm that burst down was destroyed!

"Feng Luotianliukong has not completed the selection of the Quartet Although it is ranked fourth and fifth, it still fails, and the title of the Quartet ambassador is extended by one!"


An indifferent and ruthless voice sounded in the secret world of King Ren!

this moment!

Cultivators are dumbfounded!

Feng Luotian!

Liu Fangkong!

Fengjia people!

The Liu family!

One by one!

(End of this chapter)

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