Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1829: Ancient seal!

Chapter 1826 Human King Ancient Seal! (Three more)


There is a guardian beast in the secret world of the king!

That's a creature that is more tyrannical than the top five!

That's the creature that condenses the goddess of the overlord!


Legends appear!


The legend appears under the mysterious live magic of the mysterious magic weapon!

The unifying souls of all avenues in the Quartet's extremity had to be shocked!


Overlord **** pattern!

That behemoth really has the overlord **** pattern on his forehead!

Although the overlord **** pattern is only half way!

But that also means that it is a creature with a half-step dominance level!

Monkey King Beast!

This is beyond the existence of almost all creatures in the Quartet Extinct!

"The Five Peaks should be observed in secret...I don't know if I will show up at this moment..."

Some monks whispered secretly.

"Qi Tian Sheng King Beast..."

On the warship of the Ji family, Taiyi looked at the behemoth in the light curtain above, frowning slightly, and seemed to remember something not so good in the past.

"If this thing enters the Sifang Ruins, can it ruin the Sifang Ruins, can no one stop this thing..." Zilei Beast Vendor whispered: "But the legend is that Qitiansheng The king beast is guarding the ancient seal of the human king. After the selection of the four ambassadors is over, this heavenly sacred king beast will release the ancient seal of the human king, to promote the cultivation of the new four squares, and to grant protection to the magical power. At this moment, this thing comes out, It seems that he is staring at Chen Zu, and he is staring at him, would he have to shoot Chen Zu."

Luo Xian, Su Yi Taoist, and Elder Ji Jia all frowned. The purple beast in Luo Xian's arms also frowned. Although he saw the scene in the secret world of the human king through the light curtain, he could not really feel Qi Tiansheng King The horror of the beast, but looking at the semi-dominant **** seal, people have to have the idea of ​​worry!

"This kid is afraid it's going to be finished!"

The master of the Feng family sneered, and at the moment the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he made a gesture of watching the show!

"Qi Tian Sheng King Beast...Qi Tian Sheng King Beast did not stare at the other disciples who were competing for the Quartet, but only stared at him, I don't know why..."

"Overlord Divine Grain...Without this mysterious live broadcast today, we can't see the scene in the secret world of King Ren, nor can we see this legendary Qitian Saint King Beast...come to heaven today Yuan is worth..."

"Such a terrible creature, no one in the Sifang Realm can beat it... this young man in Dao Realm is afraid that it is... dangerous!"

A whisper sounded one after another. Those creatures who had never seen Chen Zheng shook their heads in their hearts at this moment. They were stared at by the frightening mythical beast. If they could not escape, then it should be finished!


In the eyes of those who have seen Chen Zheng's means in person, especially those who saw Chen Zheng demolishing seven Fengshen Pagodas in Donghuangshan three days ago, although they were also deterred by the Qitian Saint King Beast at this moment, they are also limited to this. No one thinks that Chen Zheng will be killed by Qitian Saint King Beast. There is no such idea!

As for Yuan Zu and other people in Fengshen Temple, although they are all frowning, they all know that they can't deal with Chen Zu even on the Cang Chair, and most of this Qisheng Sheng King beast can't deal with Chen Zu!

The Cang Chair is not yet qualified for Chen Zu to sit!

It didn't take long for Chen Zucai to sit on the Cang Chair before he broke a rotten!

Not to mention!

Chen Zu and Heaven and Earth met the palace master of the First Orthodoxy!

It is absolutely impossible for Chen Zu to fall here!


In the light curtain!

In a small light curtain separated!

Ji Yun, Feng Luotian, Lu Xinyi, Kuixing River, Liu Fangkong and so on, all their eyes were taken back. At this moment, they began to kill evil beasts to obtain merit points. None of them went to the place where Chen Zheng was, and they seemed to know that the sound just made The creatures of the beast roar are not what they can provoke!

They are in the human king's secret world, so they don't know what it is, but the exogenous spirits of the human king's secret world see everything in their eyes through the light curtain. At this moment, they basically think that this is indeed the right choice, and continue to kill evil monsters and demons. It is the right way to gain merit points!

"Tian'er will not be like some people, thinking that with some secret means, he dares to challenge invincible things, and wants to seize things that are impossible to win!"

The Feng Family Master sneered again!

Although he didn't say a name, the ancestors of every avenue knew who they were talking about. Elder Ji's family raised his eyebrows, and the Lu family's face also changed slightly.


Wait for the result!

Qitian Saint King Beast should start soon!

The confrontation between one person and one beast in the light curtain should be over soon!


"Do it!"

"Qi Tian Sheng King Beast moved!"



All creatures in the sky before the abyss stared at the light curtain where Chen Zheng was!

Qitian Saint King Beast moved!

"You will die if you don't run away!"

Seeing this scene, the master of the Feng family sneered again at the corner of his mouth!


The next moment his face suddenly froze!

The corner of the mouth is like a cramp!

It seems to have some toothache!


Not only did he have a toothache, but many people felt toothache at the moment, because the Qitian Saint King Beast moved, although the huge head looked like Chen Zheng on the cliff, but it fell like a kneeling before Chen Zheng. Then I vomited, and spit out something!

And that thing is the ancient seal of the human king!

Although the creatures in the Sifang Jurisdiction have never seen the real human king Gu Yin!

But everyone knows what it looks like!

Because from the ancient times, almost every Taoism has ornaments in the shape of human kings!

Ancient seal!

That is definitely the ancient seal of the king!


Qitian Saint King Beast What does this mean!

Is this the initiative to offer the King Guyin!



The master of the Feng family got up abruptly!

Staring at the roar in the light curtain!


This time did not get any response!

Although other Taoist monks can't believe this scene in front of them, it is true that the Saint King beast is genuine, so the ancient seal of the human king cannot be fake, so the scene just now is indeed the ancient seal of the human king!


Those who have seen Chen Zheng, the thoughts flashed in their hearts at this moment, this moment confirmed the previous guess of Chen Zheng!


This child is definitely God!

only if!

Can explain the pass!

"Human King Guyin..."

On the Jijia warship, the elder Jijia shouted four words.

"Human King Guyin..."

Yuan Zu shouted the same four words on the side of the temple.



In the light curtain!

The ancient immortal light of the King of the People broke out!

"What happened?"

"Is he swallowing the power of King Guyin!"



Countless exclaimed!


In the light curtain!

The bright fairy light dispersed!

The ancestors of all avenues are very Zheng on the cliff throws the ancient seal of King Ren to the Qitian Saint King Beast, and also hits a mysterious light to the Qitian Saint King Beast, and the Qitian Saint King Beast shows a happy look at once After swallowing the man Wang Guyin, he worshipped Chen Zheng three times, and then the huge body retreated into the abyss!

(End of this chapter)

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