Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1815: 1 cut happens too fast!


Hear what the old lady said!

The Lu people are silent up and down!

A few hours ago!

That young man is just a real fairy!

The young man became a golden fairy after swallowing the power of the five elements in the clouds above the gods!

Then came the land of the Lu nationality!

After swallowing the power of the fairy in the magic weapon of the human king, he became Daojun!

In just a few hours, the fifth ancestor of Ao Shimeng was killed, and the Taixu stranger invited by the Second Lord was forced back, and even the stranger surrendered the sign of the ancestral land of the stranger family!


just now!

Slammed the nine ancestors of Jiu Xuan into the underground with a slap!

Then, he summoned a little girl and came out to resolve the secret backdoor of the Nine Progenitor's cultivation!

The most critical point!

That little girl is the terrible creature who once suppressed the seal!

"Then... who is this Chen Zu?"

An elder from the Lu clan throbbed in his throat, and he asked in a hurry.

"He should be a reincarnation of a creature that is more terrible than the ghost of the turbid world."

Lu Jiuxuan sighed again, and today he saw the Cloudy Fairy Lotus again. He knew that the King Lu family had failed, but he knew that the eldest sister was still alive. This was a little comfort.

"He...Chen Zu, he should be from outside Sifang Jueju. Most of the reason for coming to Sifang Jueju is to Heavenly Abyss. If we want to see Chen Zu, we should be able to see him when we go to Heavenly Abyss."

The old lady thought for a moment.

"Heavenly Abyss..."

Lu Jiuxuan heard these four words, his body was trembling again, his eyes flashed with horror, as if he remembered something terrible. He shook his head gently, lowering his voice and said, "If this Chen Zu really went to the Abyss, we will go again."


The Lu tribe responded immediately.


Lu Xinyi opened his mouth and sighed in his heart. He wanted to worship Uncle as a teacher. Uncle said that Wang Lu clan and another Lu Fei Xuan ancestor he did not look down on. Uncle accepts so strict, what kind of talents are eligible to become uncle Disciple.


Gods in the cloud!


Nine large warships gathered!

The gods in the cloud are at least twice as many creatures as usual due to fairy fairy Shi Qing, but at this moment there are less than a thousand people left in the gods in the cloud. There are Luo Xian, Su Yi Taoist, children too Yi and Zi Lei animal Venerable!

As for other creatures, they have retreated to miles away from the gods in the cloud at this moment, and are now staring in the direction of gods in the cloud!

No one thought of it!

Ao Shimeng even tore his face and suddenly made trouble to the **** in the cloud!

The leader of Ao Shimeng is here!

All the elders of Ao Shimeng are here!

Said to catch the murderer who killed Elder Hong Guyi!

"Qingyuan, you and I have fought together. You handed over the boy, and I will naturally not deal with your **** in the cloud! The elder under my seat is dead, if I don't cut the murderer, this is my Will the leader of Ao Shi League still serve the crowd in the future!"

A gold-clad gold mask monk hangs in the air, and it seems to correspond to the cyan mask of the goddess of the capital of the gods in the cloud. At this moment, he stands in the air and confronts the lord of Qingyuan who is also in the sky!


Qingyuan City Lord did not respond!

Just hang in the air!

"In the past, we cultivated the same, and even had similar opportunities, but in the end, you chose to be an agent of the Lu family, and I founded Aoshi League! After so many years, your cultivation has not increased much, and I have broken through. The Eightfold Dao Pagoda has been built! Qingyuan, Qingyuan, your way is wrong, you can’t stop me, unless the Lu King comes!"

The leader of Ao Shimeng snorted again!

"Lu King..."

"Could it be... Ao Shimeng is ready to challenge the master of Nantianyu... This ambition is a bit too big..."

"So is it possible that Elder Hong Guyi was killed is a game in itself, but no one expected that Hong Guyi would be killed by the Jinxian kid who had swallowed the power of ecstasy above the gods in the cloud! This time! Ao Shimeng came out and avenged Hong Guyi's elders just by the way. Is the real purpose to challenge the Lu family!"

Those creatures outside the gods in the cloud are thoughtful at the moment.

"Ao Shimeng...the ambitions are really big. I am afraid that there is a Feng family behind them! Hum! Feng Luotian Nao is also watching a drama, Nao wants to sit and collect the fishing profit! Lu Family's blood It’s not easy. It’s not that easy to win the Lu family, even if the second Lu family is going to betray the Lu family! By the way, there is that guy, that guy is not that simple. It makes me Kuixinghe bet losers, heaven and earth He is the only one in between! That guy should have gone to Lujiazudi. I don’t know when he will come back. I really look forward to that guy having a war with the leader of Ao Shimeng!"

On a mountain-like warship, Kuixing River's head was suspended toward the ground, and a mysterious smile appeared at the moment.

"Master, Master, this time you can take another chance to gamble with that person. If you win, you don't have to stand up like this."

The maid suggested.

"Hey, it doesn't have to be anymore. I have a hunch, young master, I still have to bet with that guy! I should be grateful to that guy. If it weren't for that guy, I didn't know that I kept this posture, and I could cultivate the family. The secret method that no one else can practice! Of course, the most crucial point is that the inverted posture makes the young master awaken the good things in the body!"

Kuixinghe smiled.


He just smiled!

There is a figure suddenly appearing above the gods in the cloud!

"Chen Zu!"

"Chen Zu!"

In the yard where the **** Du Luoxian in the cloud is When several people saw the person who appeared, they could not help shouting!


"That young man!"

"I swallowed hundreds of millions of years of confounding power of the five elements in the cloud above the gods in the cloud, and used Jin Xianxiu to kill Hong Guyi, the fifth ancestor of Ao Shimeng, is it going to be the leader of the Aomeng League?"

"Huh? His cultivation behavior seems to be... he is a Daojun!"

"Dao Jun? Only a few hours have passed. He is already a Dao Jun. His cultivation base is so strange!"

Various exclamations sounded outside the gods in the cloud!

"Daojun... let Ben Shao see how you Daojun can be against the sky!"

Feng Luotian chuckled on the Fengjia warship!

"This child..."

Behind him, the light flashed in the middle-aged pupils, his brow furrowed slightly, as if he could see something!

"It was you who killed the elder Hong Guyi of my Aoshi League? Good boy has a kind, I heard that you have extraordinary means, so let me this Aoshi League leader come to try yours...!"


The gods in the clouds are all over!

The proud master of the golden armor and golden mask stared at Chen Zheng!


His thick and low voice came to an abrupt end!


Everyone has not reacted!

Just listen to a tear!

Ao Shimeng's golden armor shattered!


Everyone was shocked!


next moment!

Just listen to the big shock!

The leader of Ao Shimeng exploded into blood mist!


The gods in the clouds are shocked!



The wind blows!

The leader of Aoshi League is gone!


this moment!

Only the cool breath was left!

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