Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1814: She is that terrible creature!

"The ancestor!"

"The ancestor came out!"

"It's just why the ancestors...why did the corpse change happen!"

The Lu tribe was shocked at first, but when they saw the ancestor of the Lu ancestor at this moment, especially the sharp fangs on the terrible face of the ancestor of the Lu ancestor, the surprise became a panic!


How could the ancestors become like this!

The ancestors have proclaimed themselves for so many years.

This is clearly a corpse!


The ancestor of the Lu tribe yelled at the sky, and the cyan double pupils suddenly changed, and the figure of ghosts flashed, and he was already in front of Lu Xinyi when he appeared next moment!


"Miss Three!"


Lu people scream!

Lu Xinyi has been scared silly!


The old woman suddenly recovered and pushed Lu Xinyi away, blocking herself in front of Lu Xinyi!


The ancestors of the Lu tribe were furious and raised one hand, just like the ghost claws, they would shoot at the old lady!


In an instant!

Chen Zheng raised his hand, slapped it, and the ancestors of the Lu tribe were directly bombed into the ground!


The Lu people were shocked from top to bottom, and their hearts were beating madly. The old woman recovered, and immediately turned around to pull the landing Xinyi and flew into the largest hanging fairy palace!




The ancestor of the Lu family who was slapped into the ground by Chen Zheng slammed out!

This time I changed the target!

This time stared at Chen Zheng!



The corpse came out!

The ancestor of the Lu tribe was like a beast that only knew about killing. He had no brains at all, his body and ghost disappeared, appeared in front of Chen Zheng in an instant, and raised a ghost claw against Chen Zheng to grab it!

be careful!

The vast majority of the people of the Lu nationality have a tight heart!


Chen Zheng didn't move at all!

The transparent shackles on his body appeared again at this moment!

The transparent shackles gave a more terrifying roar as if they were alive!

This roar!

The ancestor of the Lu tribe froze and then stayed in place!



Continue dumbfounded!

The Lu people are only surprised at the moment!

This mysterious young man!

The transparent yoke on the body only surged for a moment and only a roar!

The ancestor was shocked!


This is really difficult to understand!

"Big...Uncle....The ancestor... Has the ancestor changed his body..."

Lu Xinyi had recovered, and at this moment trembling asked.

"It's not a corpse change, this should be the body of a general, cultivated into a demon."

Chen Zheng casually said.

"The body of a general?"

"General? What is a general?"

"It seems to be the legendary ancestor of zombies... but our first ancestors of the Lu people should be older than the ancestors of zombies... and the secret method of the Lu people is the secret method passed down from the oldest times. It’s also on top of the secret law of the general’s body, how could his ancestor..."

The Lu tribe was surprised.

Chen Zheng pointed to the ancestor of the Lu nationality who lived in a fixed position. The ancestor of the Lu nationality flew out and stopped a few dozen steps away. Seemingly away from the transparent shackles on Chen Zheng, the first ancestors of the Lu clan had to start struggling again. Chen Zheng took one easy move and a figure emerged.

Who is this?

Looking up and down, the Lu tribe showed a puzzled look, because it was a little girl who seemed to be a demon tribe. From a pure breath, there was no such thing.


The ancestors of the Lu family saw the little girl dozens of steps away!

That grim face with green fangs was replaced by fear!

The body of the Lu ancestors began to tremble!

Before that, the blue eyes without any human emotions were full of fear!

Why is that?

The Lu tribe noticed this scene very quickly, and showed a doubtful color again. Why did the ancestor who was in a demon state saw this little girl and was so afraid!

"Ah? That... what is this place, you suddenly summoned me to do something, are you going to have some parent-child interaction?"

The little girl didn't look at anyone else, only looked at Chen Zheng. She seemed a little afraid of Chen Zheng, but she still gritted her teeth.


Parent-child interaction?

Is this little girl the daughter of this young man?

"Uncle has a daughter?"

Lu Xinyi froze.


The old woman was also shocked.

"Did you get this thing out, if you left it, you can unlock the secret back door for him."

Chen's face didn't change much, he gave a little glance at the little girl.

"It's not parent-child interaction..." The little girl was expecting her eyes. At this moment, she heard Chen Zheng say this, revealing a touch of disappointment, glancing at the Lu clan ancestor, frowning slightly: "This Why does Ya seem to have seen this, this Ya seems to be a child of the Wang Lu clan? Huh! The child of the Wang Lu clan, in the end, I haven’t learned the old... The secret method I created, I really look down on your king. Lu!"

He hummed, raised his small hand, and shot a green awn, which fell into the eyebrows of the Lu ancestors. The ancestors of the Lu ancestors returned to normal as if they were green stiff!

"The back door is unlocked, but I can only do this. This fellow is now stronger than me. I can’t abolish his cultivation. In fact, it doesn’t matter if it’s abandoned or not. If you don’t have a backdoor, you won’t be enchanted. , Equivalent to being able to urge the body of the general without any sequelae. Well, that’s it. You called me out for parent-child interaction. I was a little disappointed. I continued to discuss the philosophy of life with Sister Zhengyue."

The little girl said casually, and when the words fell, she turned into a green man and flew into Chen Zhengmei's heart.


The Lu people went silent up and down.


Their hearts are full of doubts.

Just dare not ask.

It seems that the little girl has a relationship with the human king and Lu family, and it is not a general relationship. When she heard the little girl mentioned the human king and Lu family, the tone seemed to be full of disdain.

"Your sister is still alive. You can go to your sister when she has time. She should go to Chen Zheng glanced at Lu Jiuxuan, who had recovered her sobriety, and casually said that her figure disappeared.


Lu Xinyi shouted, but it is a pity that Chen Zheng has left the land of the Lu people.


Lu Jiuxuan spoke at the moment, there was still a fear in his voice.

"The ancestor... Could it be that the little girl just now?"

Shen Sheng, the head of the Lu tribe, asked.

"Demon...Yelian Lotus, she is the ghost of the muddy world, and it was her who suppressed the seal by the King Lu!"

Lu Jiuxuan responded with trembling!


"Dark World Fairy!"

"Human King Lu Clan once suppressed the terrible creatures of the seal!"

"This... how could this be!"

"But... but the young man who helped us seems to have an unusual relationship with the little girl. If the little girl is a ghost of the world, why should he help us!"




This time!

The Lu tribe was completely ashamed!

"Who...who, that young man, the young man with Daojun's mana but immortal body..."

Lu Jiuxuan's expression changed, and he lowered his voice and asked.


The Lu people looked up and down at Lu Xinyi!

"Uncle is..."

Lu Xinyi looked at the old lady!

"He...I met both Miss San and me in the cloud god. A few hours ago, he was just a real fairy. He swallowed the gods in the cloud. The gods in the cloud engulfed for hundreds of millions of years. The power of the five elements, the mana cultivation has grown to the level of the golden fairy, and then..."

The old lady groaned and said what she knew...

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