Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1751: This place is dangerous!

Chapter 1748 This place is very dangerous! (Five more)

"It seems there is no acquaintance."

Chen Zheng hangs in the air, sweeps around, and gently shakes his head and smiles.

No one knew him, whether it was the creatures in the Nine Nine Forests or the dead corpses that attacked the Nine Nine Forests.

"Acquaintance? Let me see if there is an acquaintance, it seems that there is no acquaintance, but I feel the breath of that girl, that girl should be in the city of Jiu You Senluo!"

The demon swept around, frowning slightly, but his eyes brightened soon.



The creatures and dead corpses of the Nine Nether Forest can't help but pick their brows!

Did the Jinxian and Demon of the human race suddenly regard Jiuyou Senluo as a tourist attraction!

It doesn't seem to take any party at all!

"What a junk thing, a human race Jinxian really regards himself as a character, right? There is also a garbage demon, and the size of the slap is also a waste! You two waste come together, it really matches!"

After a short silence, a young corpse wearing a half-set of ancient armor on the corroding corpse battleship surrounded by green gas was extremely contemptuous!

"Waste? You, a Daojun corpse, dare to say that this baby is waste, you die to this baby!"

The demon was uncomfortable for a moment, and stared at the young corpse. The young corpse was still disdainful, and it seemed that he would continue to despise the demon, but only the whole person was turned into a powder!


The ancient battle armor fell to the ground!


Nine You Sen Luocheng's souls are stunned!


The middle-aged man in a black robe in the air shuddered, and he suddenly thought of a creature his master once mentioned. The slap-sized demon above seemed to be the one mentioned by the master!

" will it be..."

Middle-aged man in black robe secretly voices!


Suddenly, the master of Nine You Sen Luo City suddenly understood what the middle-aged man in black robe said, and the color of terror in his eyes flashed away! But he quickly thought of another point, his thoughts flashed, and a secret method was secretly applied!

"Huh! The waste from the dead, you are some of the oldest races in the Dark Sky anyway, and it also occupies the dead ground in the four forbidden places in the Dark Sky. The person who robbed the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect actually kneeled directly. Just surrender, you are really a group of cartilage! I used to say that the bones of your dead corpse were the hardest, and now it seems to be just a joke!"

The devil snorted!

The corpses are all silent!


The huge corpse suddenly burst out, facing the demon and Chen Zheng with a bite, the corrosive green gas and the black gas violently raged, and the corpse's eyes lit up at this moment!

The corpse can even shock the evil emperor beast of Nine You Sen Luo City. It should not be difficult to swallow this human race Jinxian and the demon, although the demon is not so weak!

In the dark sky, there are many demons. The demons are arbitrarily distinguished according to the size of the shape. The more the shape is like the human race, the larger the volume, then the more violent, if the more like the orc, the smaller the body, then the weakest!

Although the Demon Spring Demon looks like a human race, it is only the size of a slap, so in the eyes of the corpses and the monks of Nine You Sen Luo City, even if the talent is good, the size of the slap is absolutely waste!

Although the young corpse on the corpse warship was just killed, the young corpse is only Daojun Realm, and it is nothing in the corpse, so the corpse speculates that the demon is at best stronger than Daojun!


At this moment, the giant beast started!

Should be able to...



They guessed wrong!

Chen Zheng and the spirits didn't do anything, Chen Zheng just glanced at the giant beast lightly, the giant beast exploded in the air, and the green man's corpse gas and Yinsha black gas also instantly turned into nothingness!



The corpse party fell into silence again!


Middle-aged man in black robe froze!

The master of Jiuyou Senluo City was also stunned!

The evil emperor beast that almost exhausted its mana also looked ashamed!


Who killed the giant beast!

That giant beast was once an ancestor!

But since the Heaven Smiting Devil Mountain fell into the big dark sky, some changes have occurred in the big dark sky. Except for the human race side, the rest of the dead human corpses, warcraft monsters and other non-human races, the cultivation base has grown a lot!

So the giant corpse is actually much stronger than the ancestor!

But just now!

I didn't see anyone at all!

The giant beast is gone!

How can this be a half-step ancestor or even stronger ancestor!

Is it!

That slap-sized demon can't be done by a ancestor!


The demon didn't do it at all!

The human race Jinxian just glanced at the giant corpse just now!


Could it be!

The human race Jinxian killed the giant beast at a glance!

"This human race Jinxian...I'm afraid it's a great character!"

The middle-aged man in black robe thought about it, and secretly whispered it to the master of the city of Jiuyou Senluo. He guessed the identity of the demon. At this moment, he thought of the identity of the demon. By the ordinary human race Jinxian! After all, the only overlord of the big dark sky, that is, the ultimate female devil, who has been to that place many times and failed to surrender to the demon!


If it's really like guessing by yourself!

Isn't it true that this human race Jinxian was cultivated as a Taoist realm!

But it seems that he really only has Jinxian mana!

It doesn't seem to be disguised at all!

For a while!

The middle-aged man in black robe is a little confused!

"The human race Jinxian and the demon, you know, the nine ghosts of Senluo City are the demons of the Heaven Smiting Demons, and they ordered our dead corpses to take them. There is more than one Daozu Demon!"

For a long time of silence, a middle-aged corpse Youtong stared at Chen Zheng on the battleship surrounded by green mans, and his voice was reduced to the extreme!

"Do you know, it's really dangerous here."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly and glanced at the corpse.



What do you mean?

What does this human race golden fairy mean?

As soon as this sentence was spoken, the monk of Nine You Sen Luo was shocked, and the corpse side was also shocked!

"You came for the ancient artifact that was suppressed in the city of Nine Nine Forests?"

The middle-aged corpse asked in a low voice!


The appearance of the middle-aged man in black robe changed, he could have left Jiuyou Senluo for a long time, and even left the big dark sky to go to other thousand worlds or outside the domain. An ancient object takes away that ancient object! If this mysterious human race came for that ancient thing, I am afraid there is no chance at all!

No way!

Have to find a way!

A middle-aged man in black robe secretly gritted his teeth, suddenly turned into a black gas, and suddenly fell into the city of Nine You Sen Luo!

"Brother, you!"

Jiuyou Senluo stunned for a while, then his face sank, and he guessed what the middle-aged man in black robe had to do!



He hasn't chased it!

A gray light rose from the sky in the Nine Nether Forest!

"Do not!"

The next moment came a scream!

Middle-aged man in black robe reappears!


At this moment there is only one Yuanshen!

"Look, it's really dangerous If you don't pay attention to your body, you will be gone."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly above.


The corpses are silent!

Almost all the monks in the city of Jiu You Sen Luo are also silent!

Because they didn't know that the Nine Nine Forests were so dangerous!

I'm sorry, I didn't make up for the change today, and I will make up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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