Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1750: 9 You Sen Luo City

Chapter 1747 Nine You Sen Luo City (four more)


A scream came from an elder Yan Mo. After the elder made a scream, he fell to the ground with a puff. This elder Yan Mo was frightened by his life, and his heart was shattered!


As for the other Yanmo one by one!


Slap-sized demons sneered!


An elder Yan Mo had recovered, and his throat agitated suddenly to kneel on the ground, but he had not kneeled down yet, and he and the rest of Yan Mo instantly turned to ashes!


The wind blows!

The pit of Yinmoquan below is clear!

"Hey! Although Chen Zu's mana fell badly, it was still as powerful as before. These idiots didn't even know that no one could kill Chen Zu. These idiots didn't even understand that Chen Zu was the supreme demon, that is, the corpse died. The deepest thing can't hurt Chen Zu!" Mo Ling smiled and said with a move of his eyes: "That Chen Zu, Yin Mo Quan is ruined. Chen Zu just said to me to find a new home, what is that new home Where is it?"

"What do you think about the realm of chaos, there is also a magic spring in the realm of chaos, not called Yin Demon Spring, called the Heavenly Demon Spring, do you want to go to that place."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.

"Chaotic realm? Lying trough! Isn't that a jail cell! I heard that after entering the chaotic cell, I won't come out. I still think about it. Although I am only interested in cultivation, I can still tease some places in Yinmoquan from time to time. Young people, if they go to the prison of chaos, the weakest ones should be half-walk ancestors, those guys should not be afraid of me. Chen Zu Chen Zu, the baby is still young, the baby has not grown up, the baby has not played enough ."

The slap-sized demon revealed his thoughts, then shook his head for a while.

"There are also mortal races in chaotic prisons, and there are also not tyrannical creatures."

Chen Zheng said.

"Is this...really? Well, after the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect is settled, Chen Zu takes me to the chaotic prison... Um? What is the situation, that is the colossus of the corpse god, that The direction is... The direction of Jiuyou Senluo City! The Yan Mo family came to Yin Mo Quan, and the dead corpse went to Jiu You Senluo City, what do the demons of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect do, those guys thought Jiu Jiu Do you only hide that thing in Yousen Luocheng! Do these idiots really want to destroy the big dark sky and rebuild it? Do these guys have that ability!"

The demon frowned, frowning, and stared southeast.

"Nine You Sen Luo."

Chen Zheng also looked at the past.

"Dead corpses are also waste, and a Heaven Smiting Devil Sect shocked these wastes. When the baby followed Chen Zu to the death place, he should wipe out all the wastes from the dead place!"

The devil snorted.

"This Heaven Smiting Devil Sect is a bit greedy. They want Yin Demon Spring. They want the same thing in the Nine Serenity City. They also want the thing in the Heavenly Devil Demon Tower. They want it. If it is just the Taoist Realm, you can swallow it. These are not enough."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Chen Zu was too strong at that time, but he took away the uncle who swallowed the sky. Where is the uncle who swallowed the sky? I haven't seen the uncle swallowed in more than two thousand years. The baby missed the uncle swallowed a little."

The magic eyeball moved.

"The Taoist ancestor who swallowed the ninth realm last time is now absorbing and digesting." Chen Zheng said, looking at Jiuyou Senluo City and said: "Since they have started to move Jiuyou Senluo City, then Just take a look at Jiuyou Senluo City. By the way, a man who claims to be a baby or a baby is too little, don’t call yourself a baby in the future."

"This..." Mo Ling froze for a moment, and then some grievances said: "But I am equivalent to being reborn, I used to be a past, I am really small now, really not grown up Ah, should Chen Zu give me a new name?"

"Huh? Isn't the name I gave you bad before?"

Chen Zheng frowned slightly.

"This... I used to think that the name Jiaduobao was fine, and it sounded very special, but then a young Moxiu broke into Yinmoquan. When I reported the name Jiaduobao , The young female magician laughed. I asked the female magician why he laughed. The female magician said that Jiaduobao was the name of a herbal tea in her hometown. I asked the herbal tea why, Nay said Herbal tea is a cold drink... By the way, Chen Zu, the female demon cultivator is the Yin Mo Quan who came a few years ago. At that time, I let her go, I don’t know if I’m still alive, so the girl looks pretty good, Although it's not as good as the female emperor, it's almost the same."

The demon groaned.

"Since you don't like the name Jiaduobao, you will call it Lingbao in the future."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"Lingbao? I know that there was an innate Lingbao before. Will the name Lingbao make others think that I am a magic weapon?"

The demon groaned again.

"Is the name Supreme Pavilion good?"

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Supreme Treasure? This... sounds good too, but I am a demon, will the name Extreme Treasure be a little bit immortal?"

The demon revealed his thoughts again.


This time Chen Zheng didn't respond to the demon. One raised his hand, the fairy light turned on, and in the blink of an eye, he took the demon and swept the direction of Jiuyou Senluo City.



A fierce monster roared up in the sky, and a purple beam of light was sprayed on the huge corpse at the top of the mouth. The huge corpse above screamed, but it was also a mouth, and spit out millions of bones in an instant!

"Be careful!"

"It's over!"

"Corpse army!"

In the Nine Serenities City, the monks saw this scene, which was already pale, and this moment is even more pale!

"Can't keep it, the evil emperor's mana has been exhausted, and they can't stop the army of corpses. Just now the corpse gods are just a flash, and the old things of the dead corpses haven't really shot, we can't hold Jiu Yousen at all. Luocheng! Besides, none of the Heaven Smiting Devil Sects have come. This is still just a dead corpse. Lord of the city, let's drop it!"

On the head of the city, a middle-aged man in a black robe shouted tremblingly!

"Surrender? Huh! Brother! Master said, death will also be killed in Jiuyou Senluo City. Master's life and death are uncertain. If we escape, will we be worthy of Master's nurturing grace! Escape? Escape is impossible Run away!"

The lord of the black armor snorted coldly, and said that with a big hand, the middle-aged man who grabbed the black robe would rise to the sky!

"Yin Tianzong, why do you want to bring me to death? I don't want to die!

Middle-aged man screaming!


It's too late!

The city master urged the secret method to forcibly attract the middle-aged man in black robe!

At the moment, the two turned into a black giant knife and rushed towards the huge corpse!

"The world and the world return together!" At this moment, a voice above suddenly sounded, and the city master and the black middle-aged man who turned into a black giant knife were suddenly frozen in the air by an invisible force!

"What... what happened... Fortunately, I didn't really share the same thing. If we really cut it out, we would be useless!"

The middle-aged man in black robe opened his eyes wide, but he was relieved at the next moment!


The city master frowned, staring upward! In fact, more than two of At this moment, the monks in the city of Jiuyou Senluo, who attacked the dead corpses of Jiuyou Senluo, also looked up!


A young man stood in the air!

The young man seems to be a human race!

And it seems to be just a golden fairy!


The young man was sitting with a slap-sized devil-like thing on his shoulder!


That little thing is not easy!

A human race golden fairy!

A weird demon!

How can this come together!

(End of this chapter)

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