Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1576: It turned out to be 3 eggs!

How strong is it?



Xiancheng creatures knelt down on the ground one by one, staring blankly at the top, watching the black giant tripod split like a lotus flower at the moment, and then heard a loud clatter, the black giant tripod turned into powder!


Seeing this scene with his own eyes, Xiancheng creatures could not help but take a breath. The secret passage was fortunate that the two ancient immortal masters passed down the decree in advance. Otherwise, if there is no long eye to provoke the young man, I am afraid that it will be a dead face!

"Fake it gone?"

Buxu Ancient Immortal froze for a moment, then spoke blankly.

"Your strength is indeed amazing, we are willing to cooperate with you."

Liuyu Ancient Immortal said for a moment.

"Then go directly to the Temple of Falseness."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"it is good!"

The two ancient immortals looked at each other, then nodded, and in a blink of an eye, a few people swept away the north directly.

"Northern Temple?"

"He... his goal turned out to be the Northern Temple!"

"He... didn't want to kill Tianzun!"

The spirits of a city were stunned for the first time, and in the next moment there was nothing but horror!


A green leaf.

Cross a world.

Less than a quarter of an hour.

The naked eye can see that there is a black light ahead.

There was a huge temple faintly in the black light.

At this moment black light shrouded.

Even the ancestor's mind cannot penetrate.

That temple is the most terrible temple among the creatures in this world, and it is also the most terrifying ethics. Even the real name of this temple dare not be mentioned.

"Your Excellency...should be related to my body."

Liuyu Guxian asked in a low voice suddenly.



She just asked!

A black torrent slammed down!

So the point!

Everything becomes unreal and distorted!

"Fake power!"

Fu Tu Gu Xian raised his eyebrows, just preparing to block the black torrent, Chen Zheng sighed casually, the black torrent that was crushed broke, not only the black torrent broke, but also the black light that shrouded the temple was destroyed, the temple Exposed at once, nothing to escape!


Buxu Ancient Immortal opened his mouth, then shook his head for a while, and secretly said to himself how he is also an ancestral realm, but his Dao ancestor felt like a child in front of this young Xuan Xian! How could there be such a super freak in this world, the Xuanxian mana has the means of Taoist level!

Originally, I thought that the two of you were cooperating with this son, and now it seems that the two of us are not the opponents of this son. The two of them are not qualified to cooperate with this son! If the two of you are not cooperating, this child can kill himself easily!


Qingmang flashed!

Aoba fell on the platform in front of the shrine!




As soon as a few people fell, hundreds of figures flew out of the temple. Although all of them were holding magic instruments, the hands holding the magic instruments were obviously shaking! Looking at Chen Zheng several people at the moment, as if looking at the terrible fiend!

"Please... Great Elder!"

A temple disciple shouted!


You mang flash!

An old man rushed out of the temple and stood at the entrance of the temple at the moment, staring down from the top. After sweeping the two ancient immortals, he stared indifferently at Chen Zheng: "Your strangeness from the outside world, how dare you Come to the temple, you know that this is Tianzun Taoism!"

Although it is cold!

But I can hear it!

There was trembling in the old man's voice!

"Okay, don’t pretend. You are the elder of the Temple of Falseness, but you can’t guess that I tore up the Tianzun Fulu and shattered the false fortune. You will only hurt yourself if you hold on. You’re close to making a mistake The Holy Angel came out."

Chen Zheng casually said.


When the disciples listened to it, they were instantly shocked!


This should be the first person in the history of this world to come to the temple and dare to pronounce such words!


This young man broke the temple array just now!

There is indeed arrogant capital!

If Tianzun Fulu and the false making tripod are destroyed by their hands!

Then this child is really a terrible devil!

I'm afraid of others because I saw this son broke the temple array!

There was trembling in the voice of the Great Elder!

It should have been known for a long time that this tears Tianzun Fulu!

Three Holy Envoys!

Where are the Three Saints!

Why did the three holy envoys not show up yet!

The Three Saints do not show up!

No one can stop this!

"You, you... do you really think you are the opponent of the Three Saints!" The elder elders fluctuated and gritted his teeth at Chen Zhengyi: "The three Saints joined forces, only weaker than Master Tianzun, What's more, there is also the magic weapon given by Lord Tianzun! If you dare to take a step forward, I will immediately invite the three holy envoys to suppress you!"


Chen Zheng smiled faintly and stepped forward.


The disciples instinctively stepped back!

"You!" The elder head shrank back instinctively, staring at Chen Zhengdao: "If you dare to go one step further, I will really invite the Three Saints to show up!"


Chen Zheng lifted his right foot and stepped forward.


The disciples instinctively retreated back!


Jiang Ai and the two ancient immortals saw this scene and were silent. To tell the truth, it was really difficult to believe if they were not seen with their own eyes. Someone could make the temple monk so scared at the temple headquarters!

"Please three saints!"


The elder gritted his teeth!

"come yet."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly and looked deep into the temple.

The disciples of the temple held their breath, and at this moment they almost looked deep into the temple. At this moment, their eyes were full of hope, because they knew that the three holy envoys were the last life-saving straw!

"Three Saints..."

Liuxu Ancient Immortal and Futu Ancient Immortal looked at each other and stared deep into the temple. ·

Three interest!

Nine Breath!

Twenty interest!

Thirty interest time passed!

There is no response in the temple!


What happened?

The disciples of the temple are puzzled!

"Are you holding back?"

Buxu Guxian thought a little frown.

"The big move? It's possible."

Liuyu Guxian frowned and nodded.

"It turned out to be three eggs."

Chen Zheng's double pupils suddenly turned into nothingness, glancing toward the depths of the temple, and then a chuckle.



Is this scolding the three saints?

The disciples of the temple are more puzzled!

"You... you dare to insult the Three Saints!"

The elder stared at him with an angry look!

"Insult? Are the three eggs also insulted by me?" Chen Zheng shook his head gently and raised his right hand to the temple. The elder and the temple disciple shuddered, thinking that Chen Zheng was going to work on them~www.wuxiaspot. com~ But just with a loud clatter, this shrine that has been standing for many years, fell apart in a flash and broke into countless pieces, and everything inside the shrine was nothing to escape!


The temple is empty!

Where are the figures of the Three Saints!


"The shrine was demolished!"

"Wait a minute! The three heavenly saints! Where are the three heavenly saints!"

The disciples of the temple shrieked in horror at first, but when they looked inside the empty temple, they were instantly shocked! At this moment, it seemed to understand why the young man would say that the three heavenly saints were eggs!


The three heavenly sacred messengers are no longer in the temple!

The three heavenly saints seemed to have escaped first!

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