Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1575: How about this strength?

"Yuankang Saint Envoy, the minions boldly asked, why can't you contact Master Tianzun!"

The elder gritted his teeth and couldn't help asking.

"You don’t have to ask about the matter of Lord Tianzun, then the alien alien next step is Liuyufutu City. I have passed the decree to Liuyufutu City. If the two ancient immortals in Liuyufutu City are against the law, I don’t mind ruining it. Liuyufutu City!"

The Heavenly Envoy responded indifferently.

"The minions understand..."

The elder elder was stunned, but he was even more puzzled, but he dare not ask, and retreated silently.


As soon as the elder elder withdrew, a ghost was shot from the temple, and disappeared in a blink of an eye!


Cangqing fairy city.

Cang Qingxian Temple.

Jiang Hua opened her eyes, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw that there were two more women in the fairy hall. One of them had met in the Great Leichi Leichi, while the other woman in a palace dress had not seen it, but her appearance was different from that of another woman. It was exactly the same, she instantly guessed the identity of the woman in palace dress. This woman in palace dress should be the real blood body mentioned by the son.

"The same physique as Devouring Goddess is indeed a bit against the sky. Devouring Goddess is unlucky. I haven't encountered any creatures such as the tyrant, God, and Holy Emperor. I have no chance to devour the power of these creatures and I am stuck to the wall of origin He will not come up and down. If he is confronted with creatures such as the Lord of Tribulation, the God, and the Holy Emperor, he will have become the overlord of the era."

Chen Zheng glanced at Jiang Hua and nodded and smiled.

"The Wall of Origin..."

Cangqing ancient immortal thoughtful.

The Master of Rainbow Palace is also thoughtful.

A Jiu and Xiaoya are also in the temple. Both are the masters of the past era. Although they were both the supreme creation of the era, they are actually very strange to the wall of origin. Of course, the four characters of the wall of origin made them think of the original land involuntarily, which all seemed to have the same meaning.

"The two elders and three elders of the Northern Temple have successively fallen, and the Tianzun Fulu has also been torn into pieces by the son. Now that the Emperor Xuan Emperor's Temple is destroyed, the Northern Temple should know that the son is going to the Six-destined Futu City, and most of them have already taken action. A heavenly saint, maybe cultivated as a creature that is not as good as ours, but the tools given by the vain Heavenly Lord can also threaten our creatures."

Cang Qing Gu Xian thought a little, frowning slightly.

"The chessboard has been torn open by me. No matter how the Temple of Falsehood falls, I can’t continue to lay out a complete game. I’m not in a hurry. They are in a hurry. They are useless no matter how anxious, and I just need to destroy the board a little bit according to the picture. Now."

Chen Zheng smiled.

Jiang Li and Xiao Tingyu didn't understand it, but Cang Qing Ancient Immortal, Master of Rainbow Palace, A Jiu, and Xiao Piao instantly understood. Now the passive side is not Chen Zheng, the passive side is the False Temple and False Heavenly Venerable.

"Then...what day will I go to Liuyufutu City?"

Cang Qingxian asked softly.

"Wait for this girl to devour Cangqing Avenue."

Chen Zheng glanced at Jiang Hua.


Cang Qingxian nodded.


After a day.

The creatures of Cangqing Xiancheng watched Chen Zheng take Jiang Jiang with a piece of green leaves, thinking that it was just a simple departure, but did not know that there was no one in the Cangqing Immortal Hall, and the Cangqing Ancient Immortals were no longer in the immortal palace.

"I went back to Ying Xiancheng and told my father that no matter what, I couldn't provoke Chen Gongzi."

Xiao Tingyu whispered, and left Cangqing Xiancheng, but instead of going to Liuyufutu City, he returned to Yingxian Xiancheng. He only knows one thing now. No matter how terrible the temple in the north, and no matter how terrifying the Lord Tianzun, is nowhere near as good as Chen Gongzi.

It won't take long.

This world is about to change dramatically.

It will be a new world by then.

After half a scent of incense.

A piece of green leaves fell in Liuyufutu City.

What surprised Jiang Hua was that the major monk forces in the Liuyufu City seemed to have known for a long time that the prince would come, and monks without any force appeared to block them, but they only watched from afar.


Between Jiang's doubts, two figures appeared. It was a man and a woman, and their appearances were peerless. Upon seeing this man and a woman for the first time, Jiang Li felt it, and this man and a woman had a green face. The ancient immortal and the main palace of the Rainbow Palace are exactly the same breath!

no doubt!

This man and a woman are also the kind of real blood mentioned by the son!

So this man and a woman should be the ancient immortals of Futu and the ancient immortals of Liuyu!

"Meet the ancient immortals!"

"Meet the two ancient immortals!"

"Worship the ancient immortals of Liuyu, worship the ancient immortals of Futu!"

This man and a woman had just appeared, and the monks of various denominations and families in the city saluted a man and a woman. At the moment, the whole Liuyufutu City was surging!

The previous moment was still a silent city, and it is boiling now! A woman raised her hand, this fairy city instantly changed back to the silent city!

The woman looked at Chen Zheng for a few moments, and then smiled: "The Celestial Envoy of the Northern Temple has passed the decree, let us go to the Northern Temple, but we did not go, a Celestial Envoy has not yet qualified to threaten us. Of course that fellow If you use the magical tool given by False Tianzun, you can't cut both of them, but you can threaten both of them. I think that the magical tool should be coming soon. So I have a question, what is your strength."

"If your strength is not enough, the two of us cannot cooperate with you."

The man added.


Its voice just fell!

Suddenly a loud noise came from the northern sky of Liuyufutu City!


Everyone read it!

Suddenly eclipsed!

Because there is a black behemoth that is pressing towards the city of Liuyufutu!


That is a black giant tripod!

"Destroy the world!"

"I can't stop it!"

"Between life and death!"

The monks of all the streets in the city exclaimed!

"Fake fortune!"

"Although this tripod can't destroy the two of me, but neither of them can stop it, now it's up to you!"

The ancient immortals of Liuyu and Futu were all dark, and they glanced at the black giant tripod, and their eyes moved to Chen Zheng at the same time!

"Two Guxian adults, is this Xuanxian boy really good? Two Guxian adults, don't put your fate on a Xuanxian, this is very unreliable!"

"Can we escape now?"

"It seems that it's too late, and the city of Liuyufutu seems to be blocked! It's finished, we're going to be finished!"

The monks of all avenues in the fairy city shouted in horror, but the two ancient immortals ignored these monks, and at this moment they only looked at Chen Zheng!


Black giant tripod!

Pressed with the terrifying power of destruction!

Less than three miles from Liuyufutu City!

This distance!

One breath is enough!

In other words, the next blink of an eye will be life and death!

Xiancheng creatures held their breath, they were desperate, that Xuanxian kid really unreliable!



A loud noise!


Xiancheng creatures widened their They opened their mouths at the next moment, because they saw a scene that this life can never forget! The Xuan Xian suddenly rose into the sky, even using his body to block the black giant tripod, it seems that not only the black giant tripod was blocked, but also a terrible crack appeared on the black giant tripod!


That black fairy is like a dust in the black giant tripod!

But this dust broke the black giant tripod!


Xiancheng creatures heard an ethereal voice from above!

"How is my strength?"


Xiancheng creatures heard this question!

All kneel!

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