Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1436: Blood Man's Spear


"do not!"


Seeing that Mo Xin was about to rise again, the open Mujia monks opened their mouths, Mo Xin froze his small face, and locked his eyes on these Mujia monks!

"That... we were wrong, we... leave now!"

Yimujia Jinxian's eyeballs turned and said that they would turn away and escape away!


The girl snorted, turned into a meteor again, and quickly caught up with the Mujia Jinxian and several others, and then listened to several wailing sounds.


The girl's figure moved, and she fell in front of Chen Zheng. Respectfully respecting Chen Zheng was just a worship!

"Thank you Chen Gongzi to unlock the curse of Mocun!"

Mo Cun was shocked for a short while, and at the next moment, led by Mo Kaiyang, all bowed down to Chen Zheng!



This is just a worship!

Above Mocun!

An instant thundercloud is coming!

Thunder and lightning are huge!

As if the sky-tribulation is coming!


Mo Kaiyang and other Mocun people raised their heads one by one. At the moment, Mocun was a place of legal prohibition. Before that, Mocun had never lowered the thunder and the like. At this moment, Chen Gongzi lifted the legal prohibition.

Is it!

Will Mocun be stared at by Heavenly Dao!

"Heavenly Dao is really stingy." Chen Zheng glanced at the sky dome and smiled lightly: "Both the upper and lower Mocun have changed blood, and now the legal ban has been lifted, and the power of the bloodline has awakened. Only a few people, Tian Dao will not stare at him so quickly, Mocun has become alien, and Tian Dao will come so fast."

"Different number?"


"I was really stared at by Heavenly Dao, what... what should I do, even if I awakened the power of the bloodline, I would not dare to fight against Heavenly Dao!"

Mo Cun was shocked when he heard it!



Thunder masterpiece!


One of the terrible lightnings blew down!

Directly towards the girl in front of Chen Zheng!

The girl looked up!

There is no fear on the small face, but the battle is raging!

There seems to be no awe at heaven!

Just when the girl was about to get up and rush up to receive the terrible lightning, Chen Zheng lifted her right hand gently, and the lightning that burst down and the thunderclouds in the sky disappeared instantly!

Over Mo Village!

Suddenly the clouds are breezy!

Mo Cun's eyes widened up and down, and the girls' double pupils also glared to the extreme, all staring blankly at Chen Zheng!


Chen Gongzi!

Have you dismissed the Tao of Heaven!

Would this be too exaggerated!

"If Mocun people gather together again, they will still be stared at by Heavenly Dao. I believe you don't want to be separated, so if you don't want to be stared at by Heavenly Dao, you will go outside the world."

Chen Zheng's eyes swept the crowd.

"Beyond the Thousand Worlds?"

"Shall we go outside the world?"

"This... can we survive outside the world?"

Mo Cun heard from the next, whispering thoughtfully.

"You can think about it carefully. If you can figure it out, Elder Tomorrow will just tell me."

Chen Zheng said aloud and entered the deepest stone palace in Mo Village.


The people of Mocun looked at Mo Kaiyang.

"I will discuss this matter with the big guy."

Mo Kaiyang focused on the head.


The second day.

"Chen Zu, leave the arrogance!"

The ancient holy will incarnation turned to Chen Zheng to pay homage to all the villages except Mo Xin. In Mo Village, there are only two people left, one is Chen Zheng and the other is Mo Xin.

"Lihou Gusheng is the Taoist ancestor of the Fifth Realm. There should be no accidents when he takes care of Mo Village. When you avenge your revenge, I can let Lihou Gusheng take you outside the territory."

Chen Zheng gave the girl a glance.

"Mo Xin understands!"

The girl focused on her head.

The reason why she is the only one who stays is that she took the initiative to stay, saying that she wants to destroy the enemy forces in the village of Moxu in the Boundary Profound Realm. Of course, on the other hand, Chen Zheng and Xiaohua Doll also want to see if Mo Xin has any cultivation value, and see the upper limit of the girl's **** blood growth.

"The blood of the muddy sky, I saw one in the chaotic prison, the kid is now the evil master of the muddy sky, the devil is the devil, and he is in charge of the chaotic prison. Although your blood of the cloudy sky is not born, you can be a member of the Mocun family God is a little special. Now it has become a special number. It is not that he has no chance to grow into that kid's realm. The blood of the heavens, the more and more brave the war, as long as your fighting intentions are not extinguished, then it is difficult to die."

Chen Zheng said.

"Mo Xin understands!"

The girl again focused on her head.

"This blood-mand sharp weapon was a magic weapon that I used at the time, and I also refined it by my own hands. Although it is not a treasure, it is not much difference. At the beginning, I gave the blood armor to the ominous beast in the ancient land of Eight Wastes. The lance and the blood armor represent my identity. Since the blood armor has been sent out, today the blood lance is given to you."

Chen Zheng made a move, and saw Chi Mang flashed into a **** sharp gun, suspended in front of the girl.


The girl focused on her head for the third time.

Chen Zheng smiled faintly, the fairy light flashed on his body, and the girl turned away with the girl.


There is wind blowing in Mocun!

There is a huge gray pupil looming above the sky dome!

Grey pupil glanced indifferently at Mocun and disappeared!


Bitter ground!

Wan Jianfeng, a land thousands of miles southeast of Mo Village!

This is where the Qianji Jianzong Mountain Gate is located!

At that moment, the tens of thousands of immortal crossbows were all aimed down the mountain!

There was a corpse lying under the mountain!

Those are the bodies of Qianji Jianzong disciples!

"A Xuanxian, a little girl, dare to come to the Qianji Arrow Sect, it's really boring! Let's say this one last time, and get out immediately, otherwise the next moment the fairy array opens, the magic weapon in your little girl's hand Strong, you must be shot into nothingness!"

On Wan Jianfeng, a middle-aged man in a purple robe drunk!

"Do it yourself."

Chen Zheng said lightly.


The girl took orders, grabbed the **** sharp gun, and turned into a **** rush to kill!

"Arrow! Kill her!"

The middle-aged man in purple robe is furious!


Thousands of fairy crossbows flashed!

Ten Thousand Arrows!



I saw the blood mans masterpiece!

Wan Jian was instantly blasted!

next moment!

Blood Mansions devoured Wan Jianfeng!

"Do not!"

I only heard the middle-aged people howling, but only for a moment. I saw that the **** mansions were gone, and thousands of arrows on the Wanjian Peak had been reduced to ruins. The middle-aged people or the rest of the disciples, no matter what. No figure!

Except for a young girl standing in the air and surging in the air, Wan Jianfeng can no longer feel the breath of other creatures!

"Amitabha, who sinned and sinned, and committed such murderous sins, even if this woman is leaps and bounds, in the near future, she will probably fall under the catastrophe. The donor is not a devil, evil This woman was trained as a demon repairer."

At this time, a buddha sounded under the mountain, and a buddha cultivation came like a wind. At this moment, he fell beside Chen Zheng, glanced at Wan Jianfeng, and swept over the girl who was absorbing blood, and could not help shaking her head for a while.

"You do not understand."

Chen Zheng glanced at Buddhism and only smiled. His figure moved the girl toward the south.

"I don't understand... I was the ancestor of swallowing the devil Buddha 100,000 years ago. I have been cultivating in the world of Xuanhuang for so many years. Is there anything I don't understand? That girl's bloodline is special, just right Pass me the mantle, pass me the mantle, and I will be able to go beyond the Great Thousand Worlds without regret. Could you worship that girl as a teacher?"

As the Buddha cultivated his thoughts, Huaguang followed, but he did not get any response. To his surprise, his ancestor couldn't catch up with a mysterious celestial being. Fairy!


Isn't this kid the power of traveling around the world!

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