Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1435: Mortals become gods

After a day.

"Mo Xin is holding on, and the eternal bloodline is not bad. But at present, it is just changing the bloodline, and has not really awakened the power of the bloodline."

In the deepest stone temple in Mo Village, Chen Zheng looked at the boy who fainted on the cursing device and nodded.

"Then... when will it be awakened?"

Mo Kaiyang's whole person was trembling. In addition to Mo Xin, Mocun finally had a second person who successfully changed the supreme bloodline by cursing the forbidden device. Although he hadn't awakened yet, there was an incredible true master monk like Chen Gongzi. I believe that it will not take long for the curse on Mocun people to be completely lifted.

"Your gods are a little special. If they are not special, no one can exchange blood successfully. It's just that this thing turns Mocun into a land of legal prohibition, affecting your power to awaken the bloodline. Once the legal ban is lifted , The bloodline will naturally awaken."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"Then... how can the legal ban be lifted?"

Mo Kaiyang shivered and asked again.

A day ago, he and Mo Cun people experienced a terrible despair, and now seeing hope, I hope that hope will become a reality immediately!


"The priest of Qianji Jianzong reappears, in addition to the Mu Family, Mu Family has nine fairy puppets!"

"Old clan, those guys are still not giving up!"

At this moment, several voices sounded outside the stone hall!

"The Thousand Machine Arrow Zong... The Thousand Dao Arrow Arrows were all broken, the Wanxian Crossbow was robbed, and the Dao Jun who had come before was also killed. The village is guarded by mysterious powerhouses. How dare they come?"

Mo Kaiyang froze.

"Not everyone has your consciousness. Besides, in the face of absolute interests, desires will be infinitely magnified, and there is no reason for the mind to breed. Since coming, this is just a look at the power of Mocun people."

Chen Zheng smiled and walked out of the stone palace.

"The power of Mocun people...Chen Gongzi is going to...Is the law ban lifted?"

Mo Kaiyang froze for a moment, then quivered again.

"Whoever bullied us Mocun, we must bully back!"

The girl Mo Xin gritted her teeth and said out of the stone hall.

After a moment.

Entrance to the main entrance of Mo Village.

Two figures stood.

One is Chen Zheng, and the other is Mo Xin, a girl with a faint smile on her face, and the girl with a cold face, staring fiercely at the huge fairy puppet outside the village with hundreds of feet tall, staring at the monks in the air.

"This girl's **** blood should almost be awakened. Let's see how much potential this girl has. If the potential is good, this nature can help you adjust!"

In Chen Zheng's mind, the sound of a little doll made a sound.

"The blood of the sky, the more courageous the war, the girl is a little female leopard, should not disappoint me."

Chen Zhengyuan responded.

"Huh! Don't come out hiding in the enchantment, don't you think we can't break the Mocun Enchantment, right? I think someone who has broken the Thousand Arrows Arrow's Arrow Rain formation can sit back and relax, huh! Wait for our wooden parents The old restoration of the ancient immortal puppet can’t destroy Mo Village, so I don’t believe in wood! The ancient immortal puppet is not affected by the law. Once it is restored, it will be at least the ancestor’s strength!"

"Kill me Thousand Arrows Zongzong Hundred Trails, take me Thousand Arrows Zongzong Ten Thousand Crossbows, you Mocun people are really brave! That Xuanxian boy standing at the door, you are not a Mocun person, a Mocun person All mortals don’t have any mana. Is it you who killed Hundred Trails? Huh! Even if it’s not you, you should be related to you. Which monk do you suffer from? Are you a monk from the other three territories? The elders of the door secretly killed Hundred Trails! The monks of other realms also wanted to come to plan Mocun. Are they really no one in a miserable situation! Even if you come from a family of gods, kid, this time you are in big trouble and are destined to take the lead!"

"A Xuan Xian, a mortal girl, there is a kind for Lao Tzu to come out and see how I torture you to death!"

Outside the village!

Monk in the air!

Indifferent eyes swept over!

"These bastards!"

The girl Mo Xin gritted her teeth again and snorted!

"Forever immortal princesses... are not affected by the legal prohibition, once repaired, they will have the ancestors' fighting power... this... if it is really an ancestor who is not affected by the legal prohibition, Our Mocun, is our Mocun..."

"Can Master Chen stop an ancestor?"

"Ancestor... There is a huge gap between Daojun and the ancestor, if the Mu family said it true..."

Mocun people in the rear are all sinking!

Although I have seen Chen Zheng’s tyrannical means, I have seen Chen Zheng squeeze Daojun, but the ancestor is different. The ancestor is the most top creature in the world except for the sage. If Mujia really repaired the ancient fairy puppet , Really urged the immortal puppets to kill the village of Mo, then...

"Forever immortal princess..." Mo Kaiyang's face was also sinking: "No one in the mysterious realm of the earth can basically break the enchantment of the Mo Village, although the broken arrow of the Qianji Arrow Sect can wear it. Through the enchantment, in the past, there were at most a number of broken arrows. Thousands of machine arrows couldn't make many broken arrows at all, but yesterday the hundred trail monarch brought the Wanxian crossbow to urge the broken arrows! Now Mujia The immortal puppet that hasn’t been repaired for thousands of years has suddenly been repaired! This... who controls everything behind the scene!"

He got it!

He understands why these sects still send people to attack Mocun after knowing that Bai Bu Dao Jun failed, not that these people have absolute certainty, but that there are people behind these people!

"Will it be a saint..."

Mo Kaiyang suddenly thought of something, his brow was locked again!

"That Xuan fairyland kid, you have grown out, fighting with your elder brother for three hundred rounds, seeing your elder brother don't thrash you! You have a kind of outing, what kind of man is hiding in the enchantment, dare to come and face the elder brother! "

At this time!

A dangling man shouted at Chen Zheng across hundreds of meters!


Almost at the same time, Chen Zheng raised his hand at will, and the Mocun enchantment disappeared!


"Did Chen Gongzi erase the enchantment?"


Mocun people are puzzled, this is without guardianship, Mocun people are mortal, isn't it equal to giving nothing!

"Huh? The enchantment is broken!"

"Who withdrew the enchantment? Is this kid? No matter! Without the enchantment guardian, these Mocun mortals we want to kill are not just casual killing! We will not be affected by the law ban if we do not enter the Mocun, we just need to urge Xianyang is enough!"

"Haha! The enchantment is broken, the boy is dead!"

Qianji Jianzong and Mujia monk instantly showed a happy look, and Mujia monk directly urged nine huge fairy puppets to run towards Mocun! The screaming, extremely powerful man, raised his hand and sacrificed a magical instrument. The magical instrument instantly turned into a hill, and it crashed towards Chen Zheng with a bang!

"Master Chen!"

Mo Cun exclaimed up and down!

Chen had no fluctuations, just touch it, and Mo Cun only felt something in his body broke up and down at the moment, and at the next moment, the light on their mortal body lighted up, as if there was endless in an instant. Divine power!



The girl beside Chen Zheng rushed out with a bang!

The girl ran head-on against the bumping hill!

"court death!"

The reckless man who urged the implement was disdainful!



A face-to-face!

The hills transformed by his magical tools were smashed!


next moment!

He was in great consternation!

The flesh was hit by a meteor figure!

And that meteor-like figure is the girl Mo Xin!

She also froze for a But it was only a blink of an eye. The next moment was like a meteor moving. I was dazzled and only heard a loud noise. All nine fairy puppets burst into slag!

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