Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1364: Heartbroken!


"A pair of young men and women!"

"One mysterious one...not worth mentioning!"

"Two children, didn't your parents tell you, didn't you run around at night, this world is very dangerous!"

"This little girl looks pretty good, and it's well-suited for our Shaoxian Shixian Mountain! Hey!"

All kinds of sounds!

Almost all belts are abused!



Chen Zheng took a moment to face the mysterious array of Yueshen Mountain, and the mysterious array burst instantly. The body of Yueshen Mountain appeared, and all the sounds disappeared instantly. Air!

Above the Moon God Mountain, this old man in black robe is suspended, and the old man in black robe is the elder of the moon **** teaches the night sky. Just now this man and woman appeared, he did not pay attention to it. He thought that he was just a young man who did not know the heights and heights. Hands on, those ancestors from Tianmen, Shixian Mountain, etc., just one thought will wipe out the pair of men and women!


That Xuanxian Realm kid broke up with his hands raised in the magic fairy!

What's the point of this kid!

Why have never heard of such a kid!

"This child..."

Desperate Dao Gong also sent an ancestor, named True Red Ancestral ancestor, at this moment he came back to God and stared at Chen Zheng several times. At this moment, he suddenly remembered something. That is the change of the Destiny Tomb, a young man once mentioned by the ancestor of Hongyan Yan who escaped from the tomb of Destiny. Was this kid the one mentioned by the ancestor of Hongyan?

It seems that the kid mentioned by the ancestor of Honghong Yan is also Xuan Xian Xiu Wei!


Don't provoke this child for now!

The ancestors and monks of the rest of the forces seem to have never seen this kid, and they don’t know the origin of this kid. When these guys come first, confirm the identity of this kid. If this kid is really that person, he will hide far away, see The killing of the ancestors of the remaining forces is also a good thing for the destruction of the Yundao Palace!

That's right!

It seems that there are not many people who have escaped alive except the true red ancestor!

These guys don't know that the strange young man is normal!

Soon there was a decision in the heart of True Red Patriarch, and he had secretly notified several monks around him with his mind, ready to evacuate at any time. Those monks were all ignorant when they heard it, and they did not know why they had to evacuate.

"I didn't come to Yueshen Mountain to kill people. I only need to have a good luck and take away."

Chen Zheng stood in the air and swept across the Moon Mountain to smile at the night sky.



"who do you think You Are!"

Ye Motian had not yet responded. Tianmen Li Yunxian and Shixian Mountain Confucius almost snorted at the same time. Except for the True Red Patriarch of the Yunyun Road Palace, the other monks also almost coldly locked Chen Zheng!

That hand just now!

They are very surprised!

However, if you want to take away Tianyun Shilong with that hand alone, this young man is too naive!

The strongest monk who appeared at this moment is only the ancestor, the top sect with heritage, but there are old monsters, and those who can be called old monsters have the fighting power above the saints. The old monsters did not show up. Will make you a kid of unknown origin!



"Tianyun Shilong is like Tianjian, only my Tianmen can control..." Li Yunxian stared at Chen Zheng and said in a deep voice, but suddenly stopped after half of the words, and suddenly smiled when his expression flashed: "I have forgotten a bit. Now you want the Luck God's imprisoned Tianyun Shilong. The protagonist is you and the Luna God. The Tianmen is not mixed for the time being, so I will watch the excitement."


As soon as this word came out!

The eyes of the Seventh Immortal Mountain Kong Qi and others suddenly light up!

"We are not mixed in Ten Immortals Mountain, you fight."

"Your Excellency!"

"I would also like to see your Lord’s war against the Moon God Church. By the way, the Lord Moon God’s ancestor Ye Motian said just now, there is more than one Moon God Church that imprisoned the Tianyun Shilong, I hope you can lead another force out. !"


These guys smiled one by one, retreating backwards with haha, although they retreated backwards, although they said no blending, they actually just retreated a mile away, and did not really leave. !


All are ready to be fishermen!

I want to benefit from a fisherman!


Ye Feitian saw this scene and snorted at the moment. He had wanted to see the big denominations fight with the kid in front of him. Unfortunately, Li Yunxian, these guys suddenly seemed to be smart!

With a look, Ye Feitian stared at Chen Zheng, and the thought flashed in his heart: "Young people advise you, the lunar religion is not so good to provoke, besides the lunar religion, there is also the Feitiandao and me The Lunaism teamed up to suppress the Tianyun Shilong, and the high-rise of Feitian Dao has long been in the Moon God Mountain! By the way, there is one thing that I almost forgot, that is, the ancient Moon God enshrined by my Moon God Church, unlike Hongmeng The moon **** Chang'e, who was in the heavenly court in Taishang Tianzhong, was so weak. He really invited the moon god. You can't go if you want to go!"


The voice just fell!

Several fairy lights flew from the Moon God Mountain!

I saw a few people hanging on the side of the night ferris!

"Flying Road Ouyang Shenyu!"

"Feitian Dao Jin Feitian!"

"Feitiandao elder Ouyang Zhentian!"

Li Yunxian and others saw these voices, their brows were slightly frowned, and they read out the identity of these people. These people are the ancestors of Feitian Dao, and there are also ancestors that have long been famous, such as the Ouyang God. Yu, was the pinnacle ancestor thousands of years ago!

"It turns out that Lunism and Feitian Dao have already joined forces, and it is also said that the origin of your two cases has been linked. It is also normal to secretly collude to suppress the imprisonment of Tianyun Shilong!"

Confucius of Ten Immortals snorted.

"The four pinnacle ancestors are not so easy to kill. I dare not say any one of them can stabilize the head. Is this the young man mentioned by Hongyan ancestor... .."

The True Red Patriarch who retreated to the farthest point whispered secretly at the moment.

"Young people, the four peak ancestors are not all the top fighting forces of Luna and Feitian Dao. You want to see Tianyun Shilong and want to get Tianyun Shilong. Let's pass our level first!"

At this moment, there were three peak ancestors in the night ferry. At last he was the elder of the Moon God, and he took it out with majesty at the moment.



His voice has not completely dropped!

In addition, the three ancestors of Feitian Dao have not recovered yet!

Chen Zheng's eyes glanced away from the three ancestors of Feitian Dao, the flesh of the three ancestors of Feitian Dao shattered, and Yuanshen also shattered!


Feitian Dao, Ouyang Shenyu, the broken and broken Yuanshen shouted in horror, but it was a pity that he shouted a word, which will be completely destroyed in the next moment!


The other two ancestors were also completely destroyed!



Break the calm!

But this is only this moment!

At the next moment, there was a dead silence near Moon Mountain!

"It's him! It's really him! My mother! He's the young man mentioned by Ancestor Hong Yan! Terrible! Terrible! Real people are even more terrible than the one mentioned by Ancestor Hong Yan!"

this moment!

The true red ancestor roared in the furthest distance!

As for others!

Only one feeling!

That's heartbreaking!

Oh shit!

That kid!

The three ancestors of Feitian Dao were wiped out at a glance!

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