Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1363: Fortune begins!

"This thing...this thing is Shilong! What's the matter with Ma Ye, is Shilong trapped? Isn't it right? When Shilong comes out, it means that a saint will be born in this world. Lord, the master of the fairy dynasty in this world, who can get the approval of Shilong, who will have the opportunity to cast the holy court, once the holy court is successful, then the xian dynasty can be promoted to the holy pilgrimage, and then jump out of the bounds of the world of heaven! This Nima is really someone who has forcibly trapped Shilong, who is so dare to lie in the trough, and dare to be so indifferent!"


   As soon as the dragon of Tai'an Xian Dynasty's luck fell down, at the moment it was a snake size, suspended on the side of Chen Zheng, the dragon's eyes glared and the boss looked at Tai'an Xian towards the northwest direction!

   "Shilong? Zulong?"

   Ji Chunyu asked.

"Shilong and Zulong are not the same thing. Zulong is one of the three great beast Yuanlings in the early days of the sky. Zulong Yuanfeng Fengshiqilin, the three great beast Yuanlings have very high natural ranks and do not need the destiny of Shilong. The Tier can also jump out of the world. The full name of Shilong is Tianyun Shilong. In fact, the emperor in our spirit of destiny, no matter which realm or whatever level is the master of the Yun Dynasty, as long as it can be recognized by Tianyun Shilong, at least There are more than 60% chances of casting holy courts and pilgrimages. By the way, there is also a rumor that Tianyun Shilong is related to the Emperor Shishi. Anyway, no matter whether Shilong is imprisoned or not, anyway, Shilong has appeared, so as long as he can When it is recognized, or conquered, there is a foundation for the Holy Court to establish the pilgrimage."

   The dragon of luck opens again and again.

   "Holy pilgrimage... The holy dynasty has jumped out of the world of thousands, and the world cannot accommodate holy pilgrimages, which are only available outside the territory."

   After all, Ji Chunyu was the daughter of the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Although in the past years, due to the defects of the congenital body, the flesh and mind were not mature, but after all, I have heard a lot of these things, so I thought of it.

   "It turns out that this thing is hidden."

  Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

   "Is Grandpa known long ago?"

   Ji Chunyu showed curiosity.

"Tai'an Xianchao is hundreds of miles northwest of Tianyin City, and there is Luna Mountain, which is where Luna Mountain Gate is located. Before, I used a thing to explore the world and found something. I wanted to wait for a guy to show up Take another trip to Luna, now it seems that there is no need to wait."

  Chen Zheng nodded.

   "Moon God Religion?"

   Ji Chunyu blinked.

"Moon God Religion? It's also a bit old. Although I am the dragon of luck in Tai'an Xian Dynasty, everything in Xian Dynasty can't escape my longan exploration, but I can't see through the gate of Moon God's Church." Suddenly, I suddenly thought of something, and my face changed: "There is a Tianmen in the Tianyun World, dedicated to enslave our destiny spirits, claiming to take Kuangfu the world as their duty, and the dragons are born, and those guys in Tianmen will definitely come. Fight for Shilong, if you are going to win Shilong, Monk Tianmen is the biggest opponent, after all, those guys have Tianjian!"

   "Not to worry about." Chen Zheng chuckled and glanced at the Dragon of Luck: "It's almost the same if the Tai'an Immortal Dynasty hasn't gone away. You will follow Chunyu in the future."

"This... also works!" The dragon of luck showed his thoughts, gritted his teeth, and nodded. The dragon-shaped body disappeared, turned into a light spot, and fell on Ji Chunyu's shoulder: " Our family also has a name. My name is Xiao, and the dawn of dawn will be followed by the owner. By the way, I don’t know the name of the owner, I don’t know your name, and the relationship between the owner and yours."

   "Da Zhou Xian Zhao Ji Chunyu, this is my grandfather Chen Zu."

   Ji Chunyu replied.

   "Chen Zu... Why did you seem to have heard it somewhere..."

   The spirit of Destiny only felt as if he had heard these two words somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a moment. He just wanted to ask, Chen Zheng stepped out and took Ji Chunyu to Yueshen Mountain.


   Above the skyy city!

  The dragon of luck emerges again!

   It's just that at this moment, the eyes are dull and the old charm is gone!


   Moon God Mountain.

   The mist shrouded.




All kinds of fairy magic mysteries slammed towards Moon God Mountain and wanted to break the formation forcibly. However, as soon as the mist surged, these fairy magic mysteries were all absorbed. Just when those monks who came in the first time wanted to open their mouths against the moon When the gods teach, the mist is another surge!


   The cold and cold moon appears!

   One face to face!

  The monks below Heavenly Emperor Realm are all destroyed!


   "Moon God teaches you to dare!"

"Is it possible for you to win the Tianyun Shilong in one month of the gods? You secretly suppress the Tianyun Shilong, it is already hurting, and if you continue to be stubborn, you will definitely invite the evil of destroying the door! Tianyun Shi Dragon, only our Tianmen can control, and only our Tianmen is qualified to find a wise man for the world of luck!"

The ancestors from all major forces roared into the mist at this moment!


"This time, if it wasn't for the Tai'an royal family to have an accident, how could Shilong be alarmed and not exposed, but even if it was exposed, it would still be suppressed by our Moon God Church! Since our Moon God Church can suppress Shi Long for so many years, naturally Eligible to control Shilong and decide where Shilong belongs! The ancestor of Li Yunxian in Tianmen, will the Moon God Church lead to the evil of destroying the door, so you don’t need your Tianmen to give pointers! What's more, I really think that Shilong is my Moon God Is Zong imprisoned? Ha ha!"

   Lengheng came out from the mist!

   "The Moon God teaches the elders the night sky!"

   Tianmen's ancestor, known as Li Yunxian, looked instantly sinking!

   "Yellow Sky Sky Patriarch, besides your Moon God Religion, who else is imprisoning the Dragon!"

  A middle-aged fat man with seven magical instruments hanging behind him, sighed and drank at this moment!

   "Seven Confucius of Ten Immortals Mountain, you have only been promoted to your ancestor for less than a hundred years, so don't come to this turbulent water. Your seven kinds of magical instruments can't break the moon gods!"

   Cold hum came again!

   "So the ancestor of the night sky asked me to invite the ten ancestors!"

   Middle-aged fat man looks cold!

   "Ten Jue Patriarchs? Huh! What happened to him? Is it true that my Moon God Religion has no heritage? The Ten Jue Patriarchs dare to come, and I naturally have a way to beat him in embarrassment!"

   The cold hum came for the third time!

   "Good, I will invite ten ancestors to come by now!"

The middle-aged fat man was Raised his hand and sacrificed a magical instrument behind him. The magical instrument was a sword, which instantly transformed into a ghost, crossed the vast land, and traveled thousands of miles to the more western Shixian Mountain. !

   "Oh! I was waiting for you to break into the mountain in the Moon God Mountain at night!"

In the mist, a sneer sounded!


   The ancestors from all the families are silent!

  Because for a time they couldn't do it with Luna!

   They can't break the mystery formation at all!

   "Grandpa, these guys seem to have a beginning, but the old monster did not show up, Shilong involved a lot of luck, the old monster will definitely show up, are we waiting for those old monsters to come back?"

  On a hill a few miles away, Ji Chunyu looked softly at Yueshen Mountain.

   "Wait no longer, it doesn't matter whether the old monsters come or not. I have chosen the owner for Shilong, and the owner of Shilong just needs Shilong."

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

   "Ah? Shilong's master? Who is that?"

   Ji Chunyu blinked.

   Just didn't get a response. The next moment her body shone with immortal light, and then the next moment was already above the moon **** cult of immortals. There was no occultism at this moment. She and Chen Zheng were exposed to the monks of all parties!


  In an instant!

   Various eyes stared!

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