"Yes, I want to bring the herb-picking shovel that the Weapon Refining Department helped me build, as well as the alchemy furnace and auxiliary medicinal liquid."

"Besides these, what else?"Peng Chunzu then asked.

Hearing his great-grandfather's murmur, Peng Shanshan was speechless.

But she still replied:"Besides these, you must have a good mentality. You must not worry about gains and losses, and you must perform at your normal level.……"

She was speaking entirely based on her usual experience in taking exams.

But... when he fell to his great-grandfather's side, he was completely changed.

"That’s right! The teacher has also taught us that as cultivators, the most important thing is our mentality. If our mentality is not correct, we can easily become possessed and give birth to inner demons.……"

After listening to Peng Shanshan’s advice, Peng Chunzu suddenly understood

"Shanshan, thanks to you this time, otherwise I wouldn’t have known that I had to prepare so many things before the exam! I want to tell our other students in the alchemy department these precautions so that they can also be prepared!"

Peng Shanshan:"……"

"By the way, what's the matter with you calling me?"

Finally, Peng Chunzu came back to his senses and remembered that it was Peng Shanshan who called him.

Peng Shanshan remembered the business and said quickly:"That's it, great-grandfather, it will be your 104th birthday in two months, grandpa. My father and I plan to celebrate you well, so I will call you this time.……"

As she spoke, Peng Shanshan's expression became more and more weird:"I mainly want to ask you, in two months, will your school... be on vacation?"

Just think of her 103-year-old great-grandfather who is still in school....

She felt like her heart was blocked.

She has graduated.

Only then did Peng Chunzu remember his birthday, carefully calculated the time, and nodded:"Don't worry, we will have a holiday at that time."

Peng Shanshan breathed a sigh of relief.

She was afraid that her great-grandfather would say that their school was going to be in session...

Then she really wouldn't be able to explain it to her father.

But then...

Peng Chunzu said again:"Oh, by the way, since you want to hold a birthday banquet for me, I still have some friends with whom I have a good relationship in school. Let's invite them over together."

Peng Shanshan:"……"

She blinked, but didn't dare to refuse. She could only watch her great-grandfather... turn his 100th birthday party into a class reunion.

As the oldest man in the Peng family...

No one would object to Peng Chunzu's words.


After hanging up the phone, Peng Shanshan began to doubt her life.

She didn't know what was going on... her 100th birthday party suddenly turned into a class reunion.

With mixed feelings, she called her father.

"Dad, I have already told my great grandfather, he said it was already holiday time, he just wanted to call all the classmates to come together……"

"Hello? Hello? Dad, are you listening?"


The next day.

Outside the secret realm of trial.

Qin Mu looked at the ninety-nine students wearing school uniforms.

In the gentle breeze and warm sunshine, the gown flutters.

It is full of the charm of fairy wind and Taoism.

Qin Mu is mobilizing them before the exam

"Today is the midterm exam you have been waiting for!"

"I know that you have been preparing for this exam for a long time!"

"This exam is a Shura field and a touchstone. It can reveal all your learning progress during this period!"

"As a cultivator, I hope you can strictly abide by the code of conduct for students at Xiuxian University, strictly follow the examination rules, resolutely not cheat, not plagiarize, and test with style and your level!"

With Qin Mu's mobilization, all students held their heads high, walked into the examination room with high spirits... ahem, walked into the trial secret realm.

This time, the trial secret realm is divided into various majors.

The Refining Department has its own secret realm.

The Alchemy Department has its own secret realm.

The Sword Control Department has its own secret realm.

After entering the secret realm... you can see their test questions.

With excitement, Song Jianguo and others walked into the secret realm belonging to the Refining Department.

In fact, this is not the first time they have entered the secret realm.

After reaching the Xuan level, you can freely enter the secret realm to explore.

But... …

That secret realm is completely different from this one.

That secret realm is a training secret realm exclusive to the Xuan level.

And this one… is the examination room for the Equipment Refining Department!

As soon as they entered the secret realm, the six people from the Equipment Refining Department appeared at the foot of the volcano.

They encountered boiling magma erupting at the top of the volcano.

Countless flame monsters covered in scales emerged from it.

Each flame monster was half a person tall.

There were a lot of them.

They covered the sky and killed them.

This scene… scared the six people from the Equipment Refining Department.

At the same time.

Qin Mu's projection appeared in the sky.

The examination questions were released.

"A true weapon refiner can hammer anything! Within six hours, use the Hundred Refining Hammer Technique to kill a fire monster and pass the assessment!"

As for the standard of excellence...

Of course, the more, the better.

After hearing this task requirement,

Song Jianguo and others showed joy.

So simple?

Just beat one head to death to qualify.

There is almost no difficulty.

Song Jianguo and others looked at each other. , and then took out the weapon-making hammer they carried with them.

That's right.

As students majoring in weapon-making, it is normal for the six people in the weapon-making department to carry it with them wherever they go. , all have to bring a hammer.

"This time the teacher gave us some water in the exam questions. All of us in the weapon refining department must pass!" Song Jianguo waved his hammer, facing the flame monsters, and rushed forward immediately!

At this time, he... didn't even notice it.

Due to the crazy training during this period, his originally skinny and old arms. strong muscles


Principal room.

Qin Mu is passing through the secret realm.���, watch the exams of these students.

Very much like the legendary invigilator.

As long as they have any cheating behavior, they will not escape his eyes.

He stared at the people from the weapon refining department who were the first to start the assessment, with the corners of his mouth raised.

Although these flame monsters are not lethal... but it is not that simple..Chapter


Ten minutes later.

In the secret realm of weapon refining.

Song Jianguo performed a complete set of Hundred Refining Hammer Techniques.

Beat a fire monster to death.

However... he didn't have time to be happy yet.

This little flame devil instantly shattered…~…

It turned into ten smaller models of fire-flame monsters.

It looks exactly like the monster he just beat to death!

And he was jumping around in front of him lively.

It seemed to be provoking him. saw this scene

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