Song Jianguo said proudly:"I can already make small gadgets like begging bowls. My weapon-making skills are not far from perfection!"

Ever since he started to make weapons.

The begging bowls and dog-beating sticks of the divination department... were all made by him.

Although he has not yet made a magic weapon, the begging bowls that have been made by him are extremely hard! They will not break no matter how they are thrown!

He received unanimous praise from the five students of the divination department!

Zhang Qingyuan looked at Lu Zizhou again:"What about you?"

Lu Zizhou held his head high and was also very confident:"My footprints can be found in every street and alley of Jincheng City! I can tell good or bad luck by just casually dropping copper coins!"

As soon as the words fell.

Zhang Qingyuan and Song Jianguo hurriedly asked:"Then can you tell us whether this exam will be good or bad? It would be best if you can predict the exam questions or something like that!"

Lu Zizhou waved his hand:"No problem!"


He took out three copper coins from the sleeves of his school uniform and sprinkled them on the ground.

Then... looking at the hexagram, he froze on the spot

"Ahem, this���The exam is of great importance and involves the principal. With my current ability, I cannot predict it.……"

Lu Zizhou's face turned red.

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

…… at the same time.

Principal room.

Qin Mu's eyelids jumped as he just finished class.

He quickly showed his right hand and started counting.

The result will be calculated soon

"People from the divination system actually want to steal the questions?"

Qin Mu's mouth twitched.

These students are really audacious.

It's hard for them to cheat by using divination.

But he also understands.

For this group of old people who haven't taken an exam in decades... …

This midterm exam is of great significance.

It is a test of their academic performance.

It is normal for them to be nervous.


Medicine mountain.

There were several figures flying up and down the eaves and walls in the medicine mountain.

They can climb trees dozens of meters tall at will.

They picked the medicinal materials under the cliff as they asked.

This group of old people from the alchemy department... are currently reviewing the test points in the textbooks hard.

Because there is a midterm exam tomorrow.

They are nervous.

I am afraid that I will fail the exam and let the teacher down.

One hundred and three-year-old Peng Chunzu is one of them.

He remembered his last exam... more than eighty years ago.

Because he was too nervous, he kept practicing his professional medicine-gathering skills in the medicine mountain... until at night, his great-granddaughter Peng Shanshan called him.

He just stopped practicing

"Hello? Great-grandfather, why are you panting?

On the other end of the phone, Peng Shanshan was a little confused:"Are you collecting medicine again?"

Peng Chunzu nodded and said:"Yes, we have the midterm exam tomorrow. I will come to Yaoshan to review."……"

After this period of adaptation, Peng Shanshan became very calm and asked curiously:"Isn't your school teaching immortality?"

"Still have midterm exams?

Peng Chunzu replied matter-of-factly:"Of course we have to take the exam. We are a serious university!""

Peng Shanshan:"……"

Is this a serious university?

Taught all those outrageous courses.

When Peng Shanshan was complaining in her heart, Peng Chunzu suddenly asked:"By the way, Shanshan, you have studied in college and have experience. Are there anything you should pay attention to in order to get good grades in the midterm exam?"

This question... Peng Shanshan was stumped.

She went to college.

But she has never attended such a university for cultivating immortality...

But since her great-grandfather asked, she could only bite the bullet and said:"I don't know much about your university, but a serious university like ours……"

Peng Chunzu immediately corrected him,"We are also a formal university!"

Peng Shanshan had to change her words and said,"Generally, the night before the midterm exam, we will rest in advance and prepare to adjust our mental state to cope with the exam tomorrow."

Peng Chunzu nodded thoughtfully and said,"This makes sense, but we are cultivators, we are full of energy, we don't even need to sleep every day, and it is common for us to stay up until three or four in the morning.……"

Peng Shanshan originally listened well.

But the more I listened to it, the more something was wrong.

Holding back her shock, she asked,"You are all seventy or eighty years old, and your great-grandfather is over a hundred years old, and you still stay up until three or four in the morning every day?"

She originally thought that her great-grandfather was in the outdoor adventure course in school. many.

Unexpectedly... this period of time.

Great-grandfather actually stayed up until three or four in the morning every day?

Are you not afraid of sudden death?

But then, Peng Chunzu’s disapproving voice came over the phone.

"Isn't staying up late a common thing? We have a heavy study task, unlike you young people. If we don't work hard, we will have no chance!"

"I'm pretty good, I only stayed up until the early hours of the morning... There's also a guy named Li Qiong in our school who's really good... He hasn't slept for half a month.……".

Chapter 69 will be released at five o'clock this afternoon.

It took eight days to write this book.

To be honest, the current data is very impressive and the author is very excited after reading it. Thank you all for your support and votes.

I have been working hard on this book, trying to write a more exciting and ridiculous plot.

For this reason, when I was in Kavin a few days ago, I even sat in front of the computer for three hours without writing a single word.

I don't want to be frivolous at all, I just want to write as exciting a plot as possible so that everyone can enjoy it.

Having said so much, I would like to ask for your support.

The collection of this book is relatively small, but it is indeed the most serious book the author has ever written. I ask for your support to order it for the first time.

If there is no glitches later, there will be at least five updates every day.

Sometimes, when inspiration breaks out, I will write ten updates.

The author's coding speed is not very fast, about 2,500 words an hour, and he writes almost all day while sitting in front of the computer.

I was imagining the plot during my break.

Of course, I am not saying this much, but I am speaking out of my own feelings.

Finally, I would like to thank again the students who have been accompanying this book.

Thank you for your rewards, thank you for your monthly tickets, flowers, and evaluation votes.

It will be released on time at five o'clock. Three chapters will be released at once, and one chapter will be released every hour.

Today's update will last until 12pm.

Ten chapters are guaranteed to be updated on the day it is released. If you haven't finished writing it today, you will continue to make up for it tomorrow..Chapter


Hearing my great-grandfather’s voice on the other end of the phone.

Peng Shanshan was slightly stunned.

I suspect I heard it wrong.

Not sleeping for half a month... is this still a human being?

She remembered that there was a Guinness World Record.

What it says above is that someone set a record of not sleeping for 11 days.

But he is a young man in his twenties and strong!

She knew about her great-grandfather's school.

It was full of elderly people.

How could you not sleep for half a month?

If you don't sleep for half a month, you will definitely die suddenly.

Her first reaction was that she didn't believe it

"Anyway, great-grandfather, scientists said that the elderly cannot stay up late, so you must not stay up late.……"

For the sake of her great-grandfather's health, she persuaded him earnestly.

But Peng Chunzu didn't take it seriously:"Okay, I have my own sense of responsibility. Apart from this, what other preparations should I make?"

Peng Shanshan took a deep breath and continued:"Secondly, I must prepare for the exam the next day. The tools used, such as erasers, triangle rulers, pencils, etc."

Peng Chunzu's eyes lit up after hearing this and he nodded repeatedly.

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