A week later, Roger’s Pirates arrived in Dressrosa.

Lynn didn’t mean to invite either, an uninvited guy who wouldn’t go out to meet him personally.

Roger didn’t care too much, and with his own crew, he visited Lynn directly and came in cheekily.

Inside the living room, Lynn was drinking while looking at the elated Roger and the others, and her face was completely black.

“Hey, Roger, this is my territory, can you restrain a little, don’t be so thick-skinned.”

“It doesn’t matter, to be able to eat such a delicious thing, this is a very enjoyable thing, there is no need to ask for face.”

Roger laughed and didn’t care about Lynn at all.

Lynn gritted her teeth.

“When you leave, I’ll kill you.”

The reason why he doesn’t do it now is purely because this is his territory, so as not to accidentally destroy this place.

Roger didn’t care at all, and smiled even brighter.

“Lynn, we’ve been to Lavrud, and there seem to be traces of your barbecue.” Reilly said suddenly.

Lynn looked at Reilly next to her again.

“Yes, after all, it still takes time to interpret these historical texts, so I found a place to rest.”

Seriously, he’s tempted to chase people now.

These two people were really troublesome enough to eat and drink in vain with him.

“Don’t talk so much nonsense, after eating, you can go now, and you two little devils, don’t eat and drink in vain here.”

Lynn took the red-haired Shanks and Bucky, threw them lightly, and threw them out.

“Oh, is it necessary to be so polite?”

Roger still wants to stay and eat and drink, but is chased away by Lynn.

A group of people were driven to the shore.

When he reached the beach, Roger suddenly stopped.

“Lynn, you’ve arrived in Lavrud, you should know the blank 100 years of history!”

Everyone pricked up their ears.

Although it is not a gold and silver jewelry, everyone loves gossip, and they are curious about what the blank 100 years really is.

“Oh, I don’t know.”

Lynn said coldly.

Roger opened his mouth wide in surprise, a look of disbelief, as if he were looking at a monster.

“You don’t know, haven’t you been there too?”

“Yes, I did go there, but I’m sorry, I wasn’t interested in this blank 100-year history, so I didn’t ask at all.”


Roger almost fell to the ground.

It’s all in Lavrud, and Lynn doesn’t even look into the blank 100-year history.

It’s okay to know a little bit.

But Lynn refused, and he didn’t have much to say, so he had to turn and leave.

But before she could leave, Lynn suddenly appeared next to Roger, a hand on Roger’s shoulder.

“Roger, eat and drink for free at my place, and ask Mitsuki Mita to help you translate ancient texts, so you are going to leave?”

Roger’s face froze.

Turning his head, he saw Lynn’s face darkened.

This look looks murderous.

“Hahaha… This one…… Lynn, aren’t we good friends? This little thing is nothing at all. ”

Roger smiled awkwardly, then lifted his feet and prepared to leave.

But before she could run away, Lynn suddenly kicked over, right on Roger’s ass, and almost fell into the sea.

Fortunately, Roger’s reaction was very fast, and he immediately jumped and hid on the other side.

“Arrogant enough, so arrogant, I must teach you a lesson today.”

With a sonorous sound, Lynn pulled out the demon sword Muramasa.

“Damn, since you want to fight, then let’s have a good fight, and I will never lose to you.”

Roger also pulled out his Western sword, and turned it around in mid-air, then aimed the tip of the sword at Lynn.

“Brothers, start robbing.”

Reilly also drew his weapon, ready to strike.

“Captain, I’m here to help you.”

Not far away, the red-haired Shanks suddenly jumped over, then lifted one foot and kicked at Lynn.

The corners of Lynn’s mouth were slightly raised.

It was actually the red-haired Shanks, the future four-emperor-level strongman, standing at the peak of the new world.

Just take this opportunity to teach red-haired Shanks a lesson and leave a little psychological shadow on Redhead Shanks.

Lynn reached out, just a finger, and then aimed at the red-haired Shanks’s foot, and nodded hard.

Roger watched from the sidelines and didn’t stop it.

It just so happened that he also wanted the red-haired Shanks to know that the world was not simple and should never be careless.

“Don’t underestimate me, just a finger, I will never be afraid.”

Red-haired Shanks felt humiliated, his face flushed, and the strength under his feet was heavier.

Unfortunately, Lynn’s fingers stood still, and he didn’t even retreat, not even domineering.

Instead, Lynn’s fingers burst out with a strong force, causing the red-haired Shanks to tilt his feet, his face was a little painful, and his body flew out uncontrollably.


Bucky saw that the red-haired Shanks was injured, and although he was very happy, his body was particularly honest and he immediately rushed over.

Lynn turned and held out a hand, the domineering cold light on her arm flickering.

Bucky, who had just prepared to do it, suddenly stopped, especially seeing Lynn’s expressionless eyes, feeling a little frightened.

“This… I’m sorry, just Shanks’s foot, may have soiled your hands, are you okay? ”


Many people almost fell to the ground.

Just saw Bucky rushing so fast, and thought Bucky wanted to help the red-haired Shanks.

It turned out to be something like that.

The red-haired Shanks also almost didn’t get angry with Bucky.

“Bucky, shouldn’t you help me?”

“Why should I help you, and it’s a battle between captains, why don’t you have anything to do?”

Bucky couldn’t help but complain.

“Red nose, disappearing from my eyes.”

“Bastard, who do you say is Red Nose?”

Bucky roared, but noticed Lynn’s eyes again, cold sweat on his forehead.

“Hahaha… I’m sorry, I’m the red nose, the favorite is the red nose, I went first. ”

With that, Bucky turned and ran.

Lynn looked at Roger again.

“Roger, don’t leave some money today, don’t think about getting out of here.”

“We’re pirates, how can pirates give money?”

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