Time flies, and the years fly by.

In the blink of an eye, a few years have passed.

For the years, Lynn was in Dressrosa every day, basically never going out much, and there was no trouble for the Navy to find Lynn.

Only a few pirates, some dead, tried to provoke Lynn, and were easily beaten by Lynn.

But these are just a few minor hassles.

Over the years, Lynn has received a lot of reinforcement points, but it is a pity that these reinforcement points can not continue to strengthen the body.

Lynn didn’t know why, anyway, he wanted to strengthen, but he couldn’t do it.

These little troubles, Lynn did not take to heart, so many years later, he is still one of the strongest pirates in the New World.

The world government and navy had not bothered him for so many years, especially the navy, which often came to the new world, but would never come to his turf.

Such is his might, and few people dare to touch it.

On this day, Lynn got up from the side of the moon, poured herself a cup of tea, and then walked to the window and looked at the sky in the distance.

In the sky, the blue sky and white clouds are still there.

After a few years of development, not only did he become stronger, but the strength of the pirate group also became stronger.

Kaido also became more powerful in advance because of his presence, possessed an immortal body, and often went to find death.

As for Mitsuki Mita, it is also very powerful.

His pirate regiment is even more powerful than Roger’s pirate regiment.

“Roger, you should be One Piece right now.”

Lynn muttered to herself.

Just as Lynn was muttering to herself, Roger’s pirate regiment had just reached Loverud.

Roger looked at the island of dreams in front of him, tears streaming down his face, wanting to cry without tears.

“It’s finally here, Lynn, bastard.”

Reilly next to him was also quite embarrassed.

They recalled a month ago and approached Lynn again to inquire about the correct location of the historical signs.

As a result, Lynn actually came to a sentence, the historical signpost has always been with him, but he was not happy to give Roger, and it was quite unhappy to see Roger.

Roger almost drew his knife and started to move.

They searched for five whole years, found nothing, and there were several more than five years in life.

If it weren’t for the fact that Reilly was standing by, Luo was said to have provoked Lynn when he got inside, and it would have been a fierce battle.

“Well, Captain, don’t say so much, let’s hurry up and look at the island, which is said to be full of gold and silver jewelry.”

Bucky jumped on the island excitedly,

Others are curious, some are curious about gold and silver jewelry, and some are purely curious about the island.

“Well, let’s go and have a look.”

Roger also set foot on the island, quickly found the palace, and entered it.

Looking at those ancient texts in the palace, Roger was particularly excited, waiting so long to finally find this place.

But others aren’t so excited.

For example, Bucky, looked carefully here and did not find gold at all.

Don’t talk about gold, gold he didn’t find.

“Why isn’t there a single piece of gold?”

Bucky fell to the ground, particularly disappointed.

After looking for several years, it turned out that there was not a single gold.

“Was it stolen by Lynn?”

Bucky thought carefully, it is very likely that he was snatched by Lynn, then there is no way, he can only go to Lynn himself.

But on closer inspection, he couldn’t beat Lynn at all, and it seemed that he could only give up.

You can’t fight Lynn to death.

Bucky could only sit on the ground disappointed.

“Well, Bucky, in fact, there is no treasure here, the original photos were deliberately taken by Lynn, and the gold was also prepared by Lynn himself.”

Reilly gave a comforting cry from the side.

Bucky was even more disappointed when he heard it.

“It’s also true, there is nothing to mess with the photos, let me actually be so excited, I will not let him go.”

The red-haired Shanks suddenly appeared next to Bucky and tapped him lightly on the shoulder.

“Bucky, you’re pretty good, or the next time I see Captain Lynn, I’ll talk to him and let you teach him a lesson.”

Bucky’s face changed instantly.

Don’t look at what he just said, but in fact, he is still very afraid of Lynn, especially does not want to fight with Lynn.

He was also not qualified to fight with Lynn.

“Hahaha… I’m kidding, how could I possibly beat Captain Lynn, who and Captain Roger have been on a level lately. ”

Bucky smiled awkwardly.

The redhead and the others were also smiling, but instead of saying anything, they turned their heads and looked to the other side.

Not long after, Roger came out of the palace with a big smile on his face.

Obviously, Roger has gained a lot.

“Reilly, I’ve got what I want, now I’m ready to go, let’s go, let’s go and meet Lynn.”


“By the way, Reilly, go get some gold, and I’ll take some pictures to get these people excited.”

Roger suddenly remembered what Lynn had done and was immediately interested.

The others, even Bucky, were particularly excited.

Since he has been played, so will everyone else.

When everything was done, Roger left Lafrud with the crowd.

Roger once again conquered the great seaway and reached the legendary island of Lavrud, which spread throughout the world in an instant.

And Roger also sent a lot of photos.

All are some golden photos.

For a moment, the whole world boiled over.

The era of the sea thieves was originally set off by Lynn, and it was set off again.

The legendary Ultimate Island has endless treasures, and many people are particularly excited, even trying to get Lavrud’s treasure immediately.

World government, the five old stars broke out again.

A few years ago, Lynn sent these photos, which made the world boil, and they couldn’t explain it, and now Roger actually sent the photos.

This is clearly a provocation to their world government.

“There is absolutely no forgiveness, Roger must be eliminated, Lynn knows it, and it must not be known to so many people.”

“Yes, you must destroy Roger.”

The five old stars all decided to take action against Roger’s Pirates.

After all, Lynn can fly, and has super defense, perverted resilience, they can’t help, but it doesn’t mean that they can’t help Roger.

“Got it, let the Navy do it now, and make sure to take Roger down.”

For a moment, the Navy began to prepare.

Karp was also particularly excited, he had long wanted to take down Roger, but he had never had a chance.

But all this, Roger did not know.

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