"Please take your seats, please take your seats!"

In the venue, the host's voice came from the speakers.

The sound of the music in the venue gradually faded.

The men and women who were still dancing on the dance floor also stopped and looked at the stage.

"Now it's time to select the king and queen of the ball!"

The host's voice sounded again, and the high tone instantly ignited the atmosphere of the entire venue!

The men and women in the audience cheered enthusiastically!


"There are ballots on the table, everyone has one, please take your seats!"

As the host spoke, everyone who participated in the party returned to their seats, picked up ballots and pens, thought about it, and ticked the king and queen in their minds.

Jason hugged Carrie and Tommy back to their seats and patted their heads like coaxing children.

This made Tommy a little helpless.

Carrie smiled subconsciously.

Although Jason was a weird person, he gave Carrie a good feeling.

She had never felt such pure emotions in a person.

"Please put a cross behind your favorite candidate, let's have the best dance party!"


The young people cheered again.

Tommy glanced at Jason and sighed again.

But he hadn't forgotten his girlfriend's mission.

So Tommy adjusted his mood and looked at Carrie: "Our names are on the ballot. Wouldn't it be great if we were elected?"

He smiled and pointed to the stage: "Don't be nervous, just sit on the throne, wave the scepter, sing a school song, and let everyone see how silly we are."

Carrie was also attracted by Tommy's words, turned her head to look at the two thrones on the stage, and smiled yearningly: "So beautiful..."

"You are beautiful..."

Tommy looked at Carrie, his tone was soft, and he didn't hesitate to praise her.

Carrie was just a little moved, and Jason next to her suddenly leaned his head over, staring at Tommy with his eyes under the hockey stick.

Tommy paused, and finally raised his hands like surrender: "Okay, you are also beautiful."

Jason stood up again with satisfaction.

Tommy and Carrie looked at each other and suddenly laughed.

They actually felt that Jason, this big guy, was a little cute, and they were not afraid of him.

"Hey, listen to me, let's vote for ourselves. Whether you are elected or not, you are the queen of the ball tonight in my heart."

Tommy said, ignoring Carrie's objection, and had already checked his and Carrie's names on the ballot.

Seeing this, Carrie also gave it her all, and chose to show herself for once, and voted for herself.

As the ballots were put into the cardboard box one by one.

It also means that today's party is coming to an end.

If it was a normal vote, as a small town freak and a low-level person in the school, Carrie would definitely not be elected.

But in order to retaliate against Carrie in front of everyone, Chris had colluded with others early and changed the final voting results.

Above the dark stage.

Chris and her boyfriend Billy are making final preparations.

"Once the bucket flips, we will run, don't stay to watch the fun, understand?"

Billy told Chris while tying the rope.

Chris did not respond to Billy. She was like a madman, staring at Carrie in the crowd below with her eyes fixed, with a sinister smile on her lips.

"Are you listening? Huh?! Hey! Hey!"

Seeing that Chris still ignored him, Billy frowned and grabbed Chris's shoulders with both hands, asking her to look at him.

Chris cried out in pain and said dissatisfiedly: "What are you doing!"

"Wait until she comes on stage, then you pull the rope, and then we run..."

Billy reminded Chris again.

But Chris seemed to be possessed by evil at this time. She turned her head, her eyes still fixed on Carrie, and pushed Billy with both hands, as if she wanted him not to disturb her.

I don't know why.

This Chris has a lot of malice towards Carrie.

It is very pure, the kind of malice that completely disregards the consequences.

This forced Billy to raise his voice again: "Listen to me! Listen to me! If you get caught and dare to tell this to others, I will not let you go! Do you understand!"

When he said this, Billy's eyes became a little fierce.

"This is different from bullying Carrie in the bathroom. This is a crime! If you get caught, you will go to jail!"

Maybe Billy's eyes were too fierce.

Chris finally turned his eyes back. She gritted her teeth and squeezed out her voice: "I know!"

"The election results are out! The votes are very, very close! Drums--sound!"

Just then, on the stage below, the young host had already received the vote results and began to try his best to exaggerate emotions.

"Boom boom boom--!"

A meaningless drumbeat sounded.

"By one vote difference! The narrow winners are--Tommy Ross and Carrie White!!!!"

The host waved his fist and cheered loudly!

Under the stage, Carrie's eyes widened. She couldn't believe that she could hear her own name!


She wasn't the only one who didn't expect it.

Many people in the venue did not expect this.

The scene was quiet for a while, and then a rhythmic and very loud applause broke out!

"Bang bang bang!"

Everyone turned their heads.

A two-meter-tall muscular man wearing a hockey mask clapped his hands vigorously.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, as if awakened, and began to applaud one after another!


Soon the applause resounded throughout the hall!

Cheers and screams followed!

In fact, most people still have a normal attitude towards Carrie.

Neither hate nor like.

As long as Carrie tries to get rid of the influence of her fanatic mother, she will soon find many new friends.

In the original book, because of the psychic runaway, the entire venue was slaughtered and half of the town was destroyed. This is really not right.

"Let's go."

Tommy smiled, stood up, straightened his suit, and extended his hand to Carrie.

"Carrie! Well done!"

Someone in the crowd cheered!

At this time, the school song also sounded.

The happiness at this moment made Carrie feel like she was in a dream!

She smiled widely, stood up and walked to the stage with Tommy's help.

Congratulations were heard from the people around her.

Jason resolutely carried out Xu Wang's instructions and followed the two closely.

The surrounding students also noticed Jason's actions.

Some hesitated and wanted to stop him.

But looking at Jason's tall figure, they could not muster up the courage.

In the end, Jason followed Carrie to the stage.


On the shelf above the stage, watching Carrie go on stage as she planned, Chris laughed triumphantly.

But the next second, Chris's expression immediately became cold.

She held the rope in her hand and looked down at Carrie with cold eyes.

Her body was trembling slightly, whether because of nervousness or excitement.

Xu Wang put on a cardboard box, revealing a pair of hands and a pair of eyes.

The personal terminal in his left hand recorded all the crimes of the two without missing a single thing.

There was clearly such a conspicuous cardboard man standing on the side.

Chris and Billy did not notice it at all.

They really treated him as a cardboard box.

Until Xu Wang moved, and in order to get a close-up, he pointed the camera directly at Chris's face!

"Ouch! What hit me?!"

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