Xu Wang is familiar with the plot.

He knows that Chris was punished by the physical education teacher Desjardins for not being able to attend the dance because she had led the bullying of Carrie.

Therefore, she holds a grudge and finds her boyfriend Billy to take revenge on Carrie at the dance.

The two of them are now hiding right above the stage.

As long as Xu Wang finds them in advance, he can prevent this tragedy.

But this dance is very important to Carrie.

With the help of Tommy and Chris's tampering with the results of the vote, Carrie can indeed regain some confidence.

Xu Wang does not want to ruin this result.

In addition, Xu Wang also wants to wait and see.

Wait for them to make a mistake and catch them in the act.

Send them directly to the police station and pay the price they deserve.

"Jason, go ahead and do it. Remember to be friendly. I have something to do too."

Xu Wang ordered with a serious expression.

Jason nodded and turned away.

Xu Wang also nodded and walked towards the backstage of the stage.

Tiezhu and the dog were left standing there in a daze, looking left and right, not knowing what to do.


Finally, Tiezhu decided to do what he could.

It flew away in a flash, following the habit of dogs, peeing in every corner of the venue to mark its territory.

Carrie and Tommy sat on the chairs facing each other.

Tommy seemed to be used to this kind of place, and kept smiling and greeting people around him.

Although Carrie had mustered up the courage to come to the venue.

But she always felt that everyone was looking at her with strange eyes.

This made Carrie quite uncomfortable.

Even when she was sitting on the chair, she still shrank her shoulders like a frightened little animal.

"Shall we go dance?"

Tommy invited.

Seeing Carrie's worried and frightened expression, he immediately changed his words: "Maybe we can wait for a slower song."

It was indeed a bit difficult for Carrie, an introverted girl who was bullied on weekdays, to dance to a lively song.


Carrie smiled and nodded.

Tommy also smiled.

The atmosphere between the two became more relaxed and harmonious.

At this moment, a black shadow came to the table, and its tall figure directly blocked the sight of the two people.

Tommy and Carrie were obviously stunned for a moment, and they turned their heads stiffly.

Then they found that they could not see anything.

So they raised their heads together again.

Only then did they look into the eyes of Jason, who was two meters tall.

Although Jason was not so scary under Xu Wang's teaching.

But this figure, coupled with the hockey mask with a hole, gave people a strong sense of oppression!


Facing Jason who stood in front of them motionless and stared at them, Tommy couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Hello, hello, what's the matter? Are you a student from another middle school? I don't think I have seen you before?"

Tommy talked to Jason nervously.

Jason still didn't say a word.

Just stood there, staring at them silently.

He was seriously completing the instructions given to him by Xu Wang.

"Well, it seems that you don't like to talk."

Tommy sighed and glanced at Carrie next to him: "Carrie, how about we change seats?"

Since Jason came, Carrie has been attracted by the special aura of Jason and couldn't help staring at him.

Until Tommy called her twice, she reacted and quickly got up and sat down with Tommy in another seat.

Unexpectedly, Jason, the big guy, followed again!

Jason's behavior was actually very provocative.

But Jason didn't make any provocative moves.

He just stood here like a human figure, looking at them motionlessly.

Jason still remembered what Xu Wang told him.

Be friendly.

So Jason's face under the mask was actually smiling.

It's just that the mask blocked it, so other people couldn't see it.

Seeing that Jason didn't make any further moves, Tommy felt a little awkward, but he could only try to ignore Jason's existence.

He tried to continue chatting with Carrie.

But because Jason stood there like a wooden stake, staring at them without blinking, they felt uncomfortable and very embarrassed.

Until the end, the two didn't know what to say, they could only look at each other and laugh awkwardly.

"Sorry, I need to go to the bathroom."

Tommy might not be able to stand the atmosphere here, so he planned to go to the bathroom first.

Carrie seemed to be relieved, and nodded quickly: "Go ahead."

So Tommy went to the bathroom.

Jason's little brain was a little out of order!

Hopefully, Jason will keep an eye on the two.

But now the two are separated, and he is alone, what should he do?

Just when Jason was so anxious that his head was about to smoke, he suddenly had an idea.

"Hey hey hey? What are you doing?"

Carrie looked at Jason suddenly walking towards her, a little nervous.

Then Jason picked up Carrie and carried her to the bathroom like carrying pork.

Carrie was dumbfounded.

Because she had awakened some of her spiritual power, she could feel that Jason had no ill intentions.

So she subconsciously did not resist.

Of course, because of the environment, she was also used to escaping and not resisting...

She let Jason carry her across half of the venue.

Xu Wang noticed Jason's actions and gave him a thumbs up with great satisfaction!

That's great!

Our Jason can even eat cabbage!

Then Xu Wang opened his hands like a trumpet and shouted to Jason: "Pay attention to being friendly! Be friendly! Provide them with help!"

Jason was encouraged by Xu Wang and nodded immediately, and his pace quickened.

He quickly carried Carrie into the men's bathroom.

Now he could keep an eye on two people at once.

Carrie was carried by Jason, her head tilted back, and her eyes could only see Jason's back.

She didn't know where Jason had taken her at first.

Until she saw the tiles on the floor and heard Tommy's exclamation.

Carrie instantly realized where she had been taken!

She struggled hard, but couldn't get rid of Jason's hand at all, and finally chose to play dead.

Jason slowly walked to the toilet and slept with Tommy.

Jason even stuck close to Tommy, looking down at him without blinking.

Do you know when people are most helpless?

People are most helpless when they go to the toilet.

Especially Tommy now has his pants off and has even urinated halfway, and he can't hold it back even if he wants to.

If Jason stood to the side again, he would be even more helpless!

"Can you please go out first! No matter what happens, wait until I finish peeing, okay?!"

Tommy was sweating profusely and almost crying.

Jason did not answer.

He lowered his head and remembered Xu Wang's advice to be friendly and helpful.

So he decisively reached out to Tommy.

Tommy noticed Jason's action and his eyes widened!

Bloodshot quickly covered his eyeballs!

He immediately planned to run away.

But the friendly Jason still helped him hold on and carefully adjusted the trajectory.

This moment!

Tommy's soul seemed to be sucked out in an instant.

He was completely gray.

In just a few seconds, he seemed to have gone through his entire life in his mind.

Some people are alive, but they are already socially dead...

Until the three of them left the men's room together, Tommy still looked half dead.

As the soft music sounded.

Tommy himself didn't know how he came to the center of the dance floor.

The tall and strong Jason was swinging around the dance floor holding Carrie and Tommy as if they were two rag dolls.

Behind the stage, Xu Wang was very pleased with what Jason was doing and cried with emotion.

He grabbed a waiter who was serving drinks and pointed at Jason: "See, Jason, my good boy!"

The waiter was frightened and quickly moved away from Xu Wang.

Xu Wang also reacted at this time: "Oh, by the way, I still have things to do."

As he said that, he turned on the camera function of his personal terminal, turned around and climbed up to the top of the stage like a spider.

Today's two updates are all done!

Finally back to normal

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