In "New Ultraman", the setting of Ultraman from the Star of Light is somewhat different from the Ultraman in the TV series.

When Lipia first appeared, she was all in silver.

It wasn't until he merged with the human God Naga Shinji that red patterns appeared on his body, and his face became softer and more handsome.

The red pattern on Lipia's body actually symbolizes the bright red blood of human beings.

After Xu Wang transformed into Lipia, the color of the patterns on his body was pink for this reason.

Because the integration of Lipia and Xu Wang was incomplete.

Just as they merged, they were interrupted by Xu Wang.

Therefore the blood is lighter in color and ultimately appears pink.

But don't underestimate Xu Wangfenfen.

Compared to the Ultraman transformed by Kaminaga Shinji in "Ultraman New", the pink giant transformed by Xu Wang, because there is no need to maintain human life, although the strength is not as good as the silver state, it is at least more powerful than in the movie plot. .

He, a pink giant, should be no weaker than Mefilas in combat power.

Xu Wang took off and broke through the sonic boom cloud in the air, and soon arrived in front of Nelonga.

"hold head high--!"

Nelonga was originally working hard to destroy the electric tower in the substation.

A sixty-meter-tall pink giant suddenly appeared in front of it, making it stunned for a moment.

Not just Nelonga.

Ford, who had been monitoring Nelonga, was also stunned by everyone.

"The mysterious giant appears again!"

"Its appearance seems to have undergone some changes, its face has changed, and its skin patterns have turned pink."

"That must be magenta, right?"

"I don't know, it looks more like pink."

"Is it the same person as the silver giant that appeared in Tokyo Bay?"

“It’s not certain yet, so let’s wait and see.”

On the other side, Xu Wang was suspended several hundred meters high, looking down at Nelonga on the ground.

"hold head high--!!!"

Nelonga obviously felt a fatal threat from Xu Wang, and immediately gave up the substation, turned around and yelled at Xu Wang!

Although the roar was full of threats.

But its silent retreat expressed its inner fear.

After Xu Wang transformed into Ultraman Lipia, his senses were almost infinitely amplified.

That was even more powerful than when he used mental scanning.

Make sure everyone around you has evacuated.

Xu Wang stopped flying and fell from a height of several hundred meters like a cannonball!


It was as if a huge aerial bomb had landed!

With Xu Wang as the center, the surrounding land suddenly rose and fell like waves! Spread around!

With a weight of 2,600 tons, the dust raised was hundreds of meters high!

Even the figure of the pink giant is completely covered up!

Huge shock waves spread around!

The trees in the surrounding mountains and forests are bending down!

The ones that were closer even made a "click" sound and were broken and flew out!

"Okay! Perfect score on landing!"

Seeing the impact of his first appearance, Xu Wang immediately raised his hands and started running and jumping on the spot!

Everyone could tell that the pink giant was celebrating himself.

In a military tent a few kilometers away.

Shinji Kaminaga frowned when he looked at the pink giant running and jumping in the satellite picture!

"Why does it feel like this giant has changed into a different person... Moreover, this feeling is so familiar!"

Kaminaga Shinji thought.

Among all the people he knew, there seemed to be only one who was so crazy...

"Isn't it? Isn't it? It can't really be him! That would be a big deal..."

On the other side, Xu Wang waved his hand to drive away the dust rising around him.

A pair of eyes as bright as light bulbs.

Lipia appears in the movie, mysterious and powerful.

The boss is full of temperament.

If he were Xu Wang, he would be like a nimble monkey in the mountains.

Maybe Blaze, the Savage of Light, will have something in common with Xu Wang.

"hold head high!!!!"

Directly opposite Xu Wang, Neilongga was on all fours, watching the pink giant like a gangster walking out of the smoke. He was so frightened that he stepped back several steps and roared at Xu Wang!


Xu Wang bent down and waved to Nelonga like he was teasing a puppy.

But Nelonga is not a dog.

Completely ignore Xu Wang.

It roared, and its two pointed horns that bent backwards suddenly twisted forward!

The three forward horns were aimed at Xu Wang, and a burst of strong electricity suddenly burst out!


More than 500,000 kilowatts of electricity bombarded Xu Wang's chest!

But Xu Wang seemed to be fine and didn't care at all about the electric current bombarded by Neilongga on his body.

Not only that, he even posed in various bodybuilding poses amidst the current.

Display the pectoralis major, abduct both latissimus dorsi muscles forward, abduct both latissimus dorsi muscles posteriorly, abduct both biceps anteriorly, and abduct both latissimus dorsi muscles posteriorly...

Xu Wang's postures were quite standard.

After all, he also participated in the farm bodybuilding competition in Wolverine's world and achieved "excellent" results!

Just a pity.

Lipia's body is too slender and thin.

Just like a horse.

It's too funny to do these actions.

Thanks to Ultraman's good looks, he can fight better.

Otherwise, you really can’t watch it.

"hold head high--!!!"

Nelonga said he couldn't bear to watch, and decisively retracted the electric current. His body gradually became transparent, and he turned around and wanted to escape.

Xu Wang couldn't let it run away like this.

If it ran away, who would let him experiment with the performance of Ultraman Lipia.

Xu Wang rushed behind Nelonga and grabbed its tail that had just become transparent!

Although Ultraman Lipia looks slender and weak, it is really powerful!

He exerted force!

He threw Nelonga up!

Nelonga, who just wanted to escape, was immediately thrown up by Xu Wang!

He fell directly from the left to the right!

With a "boom" sound!

Even half of the hill collapsed!

But this is not over yet.

Xu Wang grabbed Nelonga with both hands, as if he had returned to his childhood, standing on the bed, throwing pillows around!

Now Nelonga is the pillow that Xu Wang smashed crazily!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

It was like an earthquake.

Smoke and dust rose all around Xu Wang, and the sky was falling and the earth was collapsing!

The Nelongga, who had been in stealth mode, could not hold on any longer.

Its figure appeared and disappeared from time to time.

It screamed miserably.

The blood it spat out was all around.

The armor that looked stiff and thick had cracks.


Xu Wang stopped hitting.

After Nelongga reappeared, he turned over and sat on its back.

He grabbed Nelongga's horns with both hands.

Xu Wang pulled Nelongga up with a sudden force and let it run fast in this mountainous area.

Nelongga did not want to run with Xu Wang on his back.

In fact, it was mainly running away.

But there was no way.

Xu Wang sat on it, and it could not get rid of it at all!

Instead, Xu Wang enjoyed riding a horse for a while.

When passing by the woods, he grabbed a tree!

He pulled it hard!

He pulled off all the branches and leaves, leaving only a straight trunk.

"Gee, gee, gee!"

Xu Wang waved the tree trunk and howled like a savage, making Nelongga run faster.

He actually wanted to subdue Nelongga as his mount.

It was a pity that Nelongga didn't seem to have this idea at all.

It stood on its feet and even tried to roll over, just wanting to throw Xu Wang off its back!

There was no other way, Xu Wang could only break Nelongga's horns with force!

Then he cut off the last sharp horn on Nelongga's nose with a hand knife!



Kicked Nelongga to the ground.

Xu Wang used the force to fly back and landed with a light somersault.

Squatted slightly and stood up.

Looking at the monster without horns, Xu Wang felt much more comfortable.

He could see it.

This monster was indeed a biological weapon.

It would not beg for mercy, and there were no other extra thoughts.

It just fought if it could win, and ran if it couldn't.

This kind of monster, if left on Earth, will only become a disaster that destroys everything.

It still has to be dealt with.

After playing for so long, Xu Wang has a general understanding of Ultraman Lipia's body, and there is no need to continue to entangle with it.

Slightly raised his left hand.

The pink pattern on Xu Wang's body began to shine.

This made Xu Wang, the pink giant, look even more pink.

But everyone knows.

The pinker the clothes, the more fierce the beating!

Nelonga obviously felt the threat to his life and turned around to escape.

It consumes a lot of energy.

At this time, it is impossible to be invisible.

In Xu Wang's eyes, there is nothing to hide.

After the energy is stored, Xu Wang raised his right arm and collided and crossed with his raised left hand horizontally.

Formed a cross!

The positive and negative poles of Specium 133 came into contact, and a huge energy burst out instantly!

The blue particle stream Specium light rushed towards Nelonga!

"Buzz buzz buzz--!!!"

The particle stream hit Nelonga!

This huge monster had no power to resist and was quickly penetrated by the Specium beam from head to tail!

The mountain behind Nelonga was also blasted with a big hole by the high-energy impact!

This powerful force directly shocked everyone watching the battle!

Xu Wang lowered his head and found that the pink pattern on his body began to turn into light green.

This means that his energy began to be consumed.

Although it is not the classic three-minute battle limit of Ultraman.

But Ultraman Lipia’s energy is obviously not infinite.

This was the case before he merged with humans, and even more so after the fusion.

Although the energy is limited, Xu Wang estimates that he can still fight for three to five minutes.

It is slightly more durable than Ultraman in the TV series.

Such a long time is enough for Xu Wang to do many things.

What's more, Xu Wang still has 40 seconds to transform himself.

Confirm that Nelonga is dead.

Xu Wang put his fists on his waist and held his chest high.

It's just a pity.

It's still morning, not dusk.

Otherwise, it would be more meaningful.

At this time, he appeared as Ultraman Lipia.

It is estimated that Mefilas will soon be unable to sit still.

Xu Wang nodded, opened his arms and flew directly into the sky!



The giant broke the sound barrier and disappeared quickly!

After confirming that no one could see him.

Xu Wang quietly circled in another direction, became smaller and returned to the earth.

I didn’t know before I became Ultraman.

Now that he was Ultraman for the first time, Xu Wang finally solved the doubts in his heart when he was a child.

When he was a child, he was always curious when watching Ultraman.

Why did those Ultramen fly into the sky after beating the monsters, but the human body appeared on the ground?

Now that he had personal experience, he finally knew!

It turns out that flying into the sky is very cool.

But quietly circling back, the sense of stealth is also very strong.

Fortunately, no one knew, otherwise Ultraman’s flying away would be a bit funny.

In the military tent.

Ford has come out to everyone.

They all looked up at the sky.

That was the direction Ultraman left.

But at this time.

Another familiar, long-pitched shout came over!


Everyone looked around!

As expected.

In the morning light.

Xu Wang had a sunny smile on his face, waving his hand while running towards this side!

Seeing this, Taki Mingjiu suddenly said, "I think I've seen this episode!"

"Nonsense, he appeared like this yesterday."

Funyuan Yumi grinned.

Fortunately, Xu Wang didn't jog for more than ten meters in half an hour today, and soon ran to the team members.

He put his hands on his waist and raised his head proudly.

He looked like he was asking for praise.

Everyone didn't know what to say again.

Kanyong Shinji looked around and saw that everyone around him was Ford's own people, so he looked at Xu Wang seriously: "You are the giant, right?"

Xu Wang heard the smile on his face instantly disappeared!

He looked at Kanyong Shinji with a shocked face, and even jumped back a step to distance himself from them: "Why do you say that!"

Kanyong Shinji was a little speechless.

The pink giant's sand sculpture temperament that was about to overflow was too conspicuous!

Only a fool could not see it!

"What! He is the giant!"

Fort crossed his arms to the squad leader Tamura Jun'ao, and looked at Kaminaga Shinji with a shocked face!

Now it was Kaminaga Shinji who was shocked!

He turned his head sharply and looked at his squad leader.

After working together for so long, this was the first time he doubted the squad leader's intelligence level!

This shock was really terrifying!

Xu Wang took Ultraman's classic fighting posture, his face full of seriousness: "Kamiyori Shinji, don't talk nonsense. What evidence do you have to prove that I am Ultraman!"

Kamiyori Shinji: "You even said the name of the giant. Moreover, the giant appeared just when you said you were going to the toilet."

Xu Wang changed to the posture of launching the Specium ray: "Let's be reasonable! When I disappeared, the monster appeared, so why don't you doubt that I am a monster."

Kamiyori Shinji said firmly: "It's mainly the temperament. The pink Ultraman has a unique temperament of yours."


Xu Wang put away his posture and stood up straight: "Since you said so, I won't hide it anymore. That's right, I am both a human and a light, hahaha! I'm so sorry!"

Fort looked at Xu Wang's smug smile, and his heart was quite complicated.

Although he didn't want to admit that Xu Wang, an abstract thing, was a hero.

But Xu Wang did defeat the Fuwei beast and helped them a lot.

Fort had to admit this.

No one noticed.

Behind a big tree far away.

Mefilas transformed into a human in a suit and leather shoes, silently observing Xu Wang.

"Light Star, after you merged with humans, you turned into this kind of monkey?"

Finally caught up!

It's so busy today! I got home so late!

I wanted to take a leave and go to bed directly.

After thinking about it, I decided to finish this chapter.

I'm going to bed first.

Good night!

Oh! And I wish all friends in the disaster area are safe!

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