
A long shout came.

Xu Wang was still waving his right hand and running towards Ford and the others.

Although it was not a sunset scene, the night scene under the street lights still had a good atmosphere.

But this time, Ford and the others did not respond to Xu Wang.

It was not that they were cold and heartless.

It was mainly because Xu Wang didn't know what was wrong with him.

He had been jogging and waving there for more than 30 minutes.

After such a long time, he was only about ten meters away from the others.

At first, Ford would respond.

It can be seen that Xu Wang was slow to come, so they ignored him.

Over time, Xu Wang seemed to have become a human sign.

Everyone who came here would be attracted by Xu Wang.

Then because of Xu Wang's unchanging behavior, he was ignored again.

It was just that during work, everyone couldn't help but sigh when they saw Xu Wang still jogging and shouting.

This young man has really good physical strength.

Half an hour.

The surrounding firefighters are still trying to control the fire. It will probably take a long time to completely put out the fire.

Therefore, the area around the dormant Godzilla is quite lively.

Shinji Kaminaga looked at Yumi Funayori beside him and asked, "How long will it be dormant?"

"About 15 days!"

Before Yumi Funayori could reply, Xu Wang suddenly came over!

This scared Shinji Kaminaga and Yumi Funayori.

Shinji Kaminaga turned his head and looked at Xu Wang beside him: "When did you come?"

"You all ignored me, I came here when I was tired of playing."

Xu Wang, who had just finished his madness, looked satisfied.

Yumi Funayori added: "The silver giant almost consumed all the energy in Godzilla's body, and it really takes about fifteen days to recover.

Fortunately, it attracted all of Godzilla's firepower to the sky, otherwise, the degree of damage to Tokyo would have to be more than ten times higher."

Xu Wang closed his eyes and opened his arms: "Let's praise the light!"

Everyone turned their heads to look at Xu Wang.

I always feel that this guy is getting weirder and weirder.

Is it a bit too self-indulgent?

"No matter what, we must prepare all the coagulants in these fifteen days. Then we will start the freezing plan for Godzilla."

Kanniaga Shinji looked serious.

They, Ford, have completed the information collection on Godzilla.

But their work is far from over.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night of drinking coffee as water.

The good man Xu Wang will naturally not let Ford fight alone.

So he took out his cardboard box, and then took out the bedding and pillow, and slept directly in the cardboard box.

Xu Wang even prepared a night light.

Even in the cardboard box, it feels quite warm.

The next morning.

After some leaders of the upper level confirmed that there was no danger for the time being, they also came to the post-disaster site.

After a night of firefighting.

Although there are still many places where the fire is still burning.

But the fire around Godzilla has at least been extinguished.

A lot of green smoke rose from the ruins of the building.

The officials in protective clothing entered the cordon under the escort of soldiers.

They first looked up at Godzilla's mountain-like figure.

Even if Godzilla is temporarily dormant.

But facing such a behemoth.

The visual impact alone gives people a huge sense of oppression.

"Mr. Zarab, this is Godzilla."

One of the officials bowed slightly to the alien wearing a windbreaker and a top hat beside him.

Seeing Zarab.

Ford, who was working on the side, immediately became alert to the members.

After all, Zarab had just fought with Xu Wang last night.

And everyone also saw it grow huge and destroy the roof of a building.

Although there was not much contact.

But Ford felt that Zarab was not a good person to the members.

But he didn't expect it.

It had just fought with Xu Wang last night, and it could still appear here today as if nothing had happened.

Zarab naturally saw the reaction of the group of Fords to the members, but he didn't care.

He glanced at the whole audience.

Did not find Xu Wang's existence.

This made Zarab feel a little relieved, but also a little regretful.

He ignored the members of the Ford Team, and just said to the old official beside him: "Like I said before, I came with good intentions. I want to sign a peace agreement with Japan.

To express my sincerity, I will help you solve the harm caused by this monster."

"That's great! Thank you so much! Mr. Zarab!"

The old official seemed to have been completely fooled by Zarab.

But Shen Yongxin and others always felt that this matter was not right.

This Zarab always felt that he had bad intentions.

So he instinctively wanted to stop it.

"Who is it! So noisy outside so early in the morning! No sense of public morality! Don't the neighbors want to sleep?"

At this moment, a muffled voice came from the side.

Upon hearing this familiar voice, Zarab immediately became alert!

It looked around and said, "Shafulin! Are you here? Come out!"

"Stop making noises! Let me sleep for two more minutes!"

Xu Wang ignored Zarab. He muttered and fell asleep again.

But Zarab couldn't really ignore Xu Wang.

He could clearly hear Xu Wang's voice nearby, but he couldn't find Xu Wang.

Nothing annoys it more than this.

It is carrying out its plan in an orderly manner.

That guy Ke Xuwang didn't give any chance to communicate, he just came up and did it!

It's almost annoying.

I can't wait to kill Xu Wang immediately.

"Come out! Shafrin! Let's talk!"

Zarrab opened his hands in a defensive posture.

While talking, he was still pacing in place, looking around.

Then it saw a large cardboard box opened two meters away. Xu Wang was sleepy-eyed and had a towel hanging around his neck.

Standing up with a water glass in one hand and a toothbrush in the other.

Brushing his teeth, his mouth was full of foam.

Xu Wang forced himself to open his eyes.

But the huge sleepiness still made Xu Wang's eyelids extremely heavy.

He wanted to see clearly who was disturbing his sleep.

But he couldn't see clearly, so he took a step forward and bumped into Zarrabu's chest. He opened his eyes and said, "Who are you! Why are you so wrinkled! You're so numb!"

"Shafrin, you are truly the most annoying Star of Light person I have ever seen!"

Zarrab looked down at Xu Wang, who was still brushing his teeth mechanically with his forehead pressed against his chest, and his heart was filled with unknown anger!

It has visited a large number of civilized planets.

I have also met all kinds of people.

But I have never seen a guy like Xu Wang who can quickly arouse its anger!

"What? You said you also hate the excessive consumption of moonlight?"

Xu Wang looked like an old man, as if he didn't hear clearly what Zarrab said.


What else did Zarrab want to say.

Xu Wang had already raised his head and took a sip of water, and then sprayed it towards Zarrab!

The mouthwash with toothpaste foam sprayed all over Zarrabu's face!

Water droplets fell down Zarrabu's cheek, and he was completely speechless.

Xu Wang grabbed the towel on his shoulder and wiped his mouth.

Then he held his eyelids with both hands and tried to open them!

Only then did he finally see who was in front of him: "Oh! Zarrab! So it's you! I told you it was you earlier! I just took a pee by the way."

Now Xu Wang is really not afraid of Zarrab.

Isn’t it just becoming huge?

It’s like no one can do it!

He just wanted Zarrab to experience the aggrieved mentality of not being able to be scolded or beaten.

"Shafrin! You've gone too far!"

Zarrab yelled!

Then he disappeared directly and flew away again.

"Hey! He ran pretty fast!"

Xu Wang could see that Zarrabu's mind was indeed not very good.

"Lord Shafrin?"

The old official also met Xu Wang.

At this time, Xu Wang and Zarrabu were in conflict, and Zarrabu was even angry and ran away. He didn't know what to do for a while, so he could only come up to test his attitude.

"Don't think about it, that Zarrab has read "The Three-Body Problem" and got it in his head. Do you really think he is here to sign the peace treaty? Its goal is to eliminate exposed civilization. Does the Dark Forest know?"

Xu Wang seemed to be completely awake at this time.

He raised his hand and pointed at Godzilla behind him: "Zarabut came here specifically just to try to brainwash and control Godzilla as its weapon."


When the elderly official heard this, he didn't know what to say.

Xu Wang and Zarrab each insisted on their own opinions, which made them don't know who to believe.

In fact, it doesn’t matter who you trust.

Regarding the contradictions shown by Xu Wang and Zarrab, they just need to remain neutral.

Then whoever wins will trust.

Of course Xu Wang knew what these people were thinking.

It doesn't matter to him anyway.

Compared to Zarrab.

What worried Xu Wang even more was Mefilas, who never appeared.

This guy came to Earth before anyone else.

He also understands the potential of people on Earth better than anyone else.

He has long known that people on Earth can cooperate with the enlargement of Beta devices and become excellent biological weapons.

It is necessary to get rid of Mefilas in advance before he shows the characteristics of the earthlings.

But Mephilas hid it too deeply.

The earth is so big, it is very difficult to find someone.

So he had to take the initiative to show up.

Shafrin's information was recorded in the secret file, attracting Lipia and Zarrab.

But Mephilas remained unmoved.

Xu Wang recalled the plot in "New Ultraman".

Guess, maybe I have to transform into Ultraman once.

And it's Ultraman who has merged with the human state.

Only a weakened Ultraman in that state can give Mefilas a sense of security.

A few days later…

The plan to freeze Godzilla is still progressing in an orderly manner.

Everyone is waiting for action on Godzilla.

As a result, at this time, the No. 8 Disaster Beast appeared.

That was the first monster that appeared in the "New Ultraman" movie, named Nelonga!

New monsters appear.

Godzilla is still dormant.

Naturally, Ford had to take action immediately, so he could only postpone Godzilla's actions for the time being.

Xu Wang is now a member of the Ford pair, so he naturally follows the Ford pair.

They took a transport helicopter to the location where Nelonga appeared.

Better luck.

Nelonga only appears in the mountainous countryside.

In this way, whether it is a battle or any other action, Nelonga's impact on the city will be minimized.

Before Nelonga, Ford and his army had already eliminated many beasts.

At this time, they were already familiar with the route.

The transport helicopter landed.

Ford and his team quickly entered the tent.

The police were also evacuating residents in the surrounding mountains.

"Boom boom!!!"

In the mountains, explosions suddenly sounded!

It seemed that some huge monster passed by violently.

The smoke and dust raised could roughly outline the appearance of the monster, but its appearance was still invisible!

This is a completely transparent monster.

Wherever the mountain passes, it seems to have been plowed by a giant machine.

"Laser irradiation does not work, and the target penetration rate is basically 100%. It seems to be able to form a surface tissue with a reflectivity and absorption rate of 0%."

"Thermal weapons should be feasible."

"The target is heading to the substation."

In the military tent, information was quickly summarized.

Even Xu Wang, a slacker, had a three-proof computer in front of him.

However, Xu Wang could not understand many of the parameters on it. The only thing he could understand was the monitoring screen.

Under surveillance.

The transparent monster Nelonga stopped near the substation, then stayed where it was, opened its mouth and began to absorb the electricity in the substation!

As the dazzling electric current was sucked into Nelonga's body, the monster's originally transparent body gradually became no longer transparent.

Under satellite surveillance.

It soon showed its full appearance.

It was a huge monster with four legs on the ground, a sharp horn on its head pointing forward, and two horns bending backward.

Its back was orange-yellow, with ups and downs like mountains.

It looked a little ferocious, and a little honest.

Apart from anything else, seeing the three horns on its head, Xu Wang felt that he was a little itchy.

"Huowei Beast No. 8, visualized!"

"The Minister of Disaster Prevention has sent an order, Huowei Beast No. 8, named Nelonga."

In the military tent, a lot of information began to be reported again.

Shinji Kanei looked at the data in the computer and ordered: "Since it feeds on electricity, cut off its power first!"

"Contact the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the power company to cut off the power of the substation!"

"Yes! Got it!"

Soon, the orders were passed down layer by layer.

The power of the substation where Nelonga was located was cut off immediately.

Nelonga was still "eating".

While eating, he suddenly found that the bowl was taken away!

It opened its mouth wide and tried to take a few more sips, but found that there was no more electricity coming.

It howled in anger!

Waving its thick forelimbs, it directly destroyed all the electric towers in front of it!


Sparks were constantly flying in the substation.

"You flip the table at every turn. Do you think you are Brother Crow?"

Xu Wang saw Nelonga's actions and complained.

Then he stood up, looked at Ford's squad leader, and said solemnly: "Squad leader! I need to go to the toilet!"

"Go, go!"

Tamura Jun'o was very busy at this time, and Xu Wang was basically a mascot here, so he couldn't help much, so he dismissed him casually.

But Xu Wang was not very satisfied.

No one in Ford's team actually paid attention to him.

So he repeated it loudly again.

After seeing that everyone knew that he had left halfway, he nodded with satisfaction, and then ran out of the military tent quickly!

In the forest.

While running, Xu Wang took out the Beta magic wand with excitement on his face.


Xu Wang shouted, pressed the switch of the Beta magic wand, and raised it high!


In the dazzling light!

A 60-meter giant with pink or magenta patterns appeared out of thin air!

And soared into the air!

Sorry, sorry! Very busy today! Very busy!

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