A large number of cockroach people are running around next to the War Horse armored vehicle.

The "rustling" sound made even Xu Wang, who was not afraid of insects, feel a little physically uncomfortable.

However, this group of cockroaches seems to have no intention of attacking yet, and is just running around.

Although it is much larger in size, it behaves like a real cockroach.

There is an eerie feeling.

Xu Wang was just curious about these cockroach people, so he came over to take a look.

No longer lingering at this time, the armored vehicle shifted gears and drove towards the direction of Cake Town.

Those cockroach people had no intention of stopping Xu Wang's actions.

They suddenly stopped running around and stood there, silently watching Xu Wang leave.

The first time I saw this wasteland creature, I felt quite weird.

The warhorse armored vehicle drove to the outskirts of Cake Town.

As expected.

The city gate is closed.

The two automatic machine gun turrets on the city wall have automatically aimed at the armored vehicles.

This thing may have been seen in the game "Fallout 4".

It is a good helper for players to defend their strongholds.

As long as it is not damaged, it can continuously fire 5.56-caliber bullets almost unlimitedly.

Cause continuous fire suppression to the enemy.

In the game, after all, numerical values ​​determine everything.

The power of firearms is not as great as it appears.

But in reality it's different.

These two automatic machine gun turrets alone are enough to protect Cake Town from a certain degree of autonomy in the surrounding one-third of an acre.

In the past month or so, Xu Wang had been in and out of Cake Town several times without seeing these two automatic turrets.

It seems that I was also scared by the cockroach people outside the town today.

"Who is that person down there!"

Behind the machine gun turret, a guard from Cake Town stuck his head out and shouted at Xu Wang.

The reason why he didn't shoot directly.

It’s not that these people are kind-hearted.

The main reason is that the car Xu Wang drives seems to be beyond the reach of ordinary people.

It's funny to say.

I don’t know how the technology tree of people in the pre-war era was selected.

Although we know that oil, coal, solar energy, etc. can be used as energy sources.

But in the end, nuclear energy has developed so well.

They almost skipped the internal combustion engine and jumped from steam engines to nuclear power.

As a result, there are basically only atomic vehicles in the entire wasteland.

However, 213 years have passed.

Because of the global nuclear war, human civilization has rapidly regressed.


Most people in the wasteland do not have the technology to build atomic vehicles, and nuclear power technology is controlled by major forces.

It is unrealistic to turn around and develop internal combustion engines.

Ordinary people can't study it.

Big forces don’t need to study.

This is why wastelanders have very limited means of transportation.

The reason why the biological animal power of the two-headed cow has returned to the stage of history.

Xu Wang didn't have to do anything at this time.

Just driving a car here was enough to make the senior officials in Cake Town think highly of Xu Wanggao.

"Eiko! Open the door! It's Daddy!"

Xu Wang picked up the walkie-talkie, and his voice, which he did not hesitate to take advantage of, came from the loudspeaker of the armored vehicle.

The guards above the city gate were silent for a while.

Suddenly someone shouted: "Xu Wang! Where did you get the car?"


Xu Wang was shocked: "You can recognize me even when I'm in the car?!"

"Those who know you will never forget you even if I want to! Stop talking nonsense and come in quickly!"

After the guard finished speaking, the city gate of Cake Town slowly opened amidst the sound of metal movement.

Xu Wang was still feeling emotional.

I didn’t expect that I would become so well-known in the cake town without even realizing it.

It was really beyond his expectation.

Xu Wang didn't expect it at all.

With his usual psychopathic style, it's hard not to be famous.

The warhorse armored vehicle started up again.

After opening the door, he immediately rushed in.

The guards opened the door quickly and closed it even faster.

The car had just entered Cake Town, and the door that had just been opened behind it was immediately closed again.

After parking the car behind the city wall, Xu Wang and his party jumped out of the car.

The guard who had talked to Xu Wang before also came over.

He looked at Xu Wang's car with some sigh, and seemed to like it quite a lot. Then he looked at Xu Wang and said, "You're lucky. If you come a few minutes later, we won't open the door even if you drive."

Tell the truth.

Although Xu Wang felt that the guard opposite looked familiar.

But he couldn't remember their names at all.

But the other person seemed to be very familiar with him.

Xu Wang is also a mature scene person.

Of course, he couldn't refute the other party's face given to him, so he nodded calmly: "I almost thought you wouldn't open the door just now."

The guard laughed and said, "If you come here on foot, we really don't know how to open the door."

When Xu Wang heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes and instantly lost the mood to communicate with the other party.

He didn't do it for a long time to save his face, but in the end it was all about the car's face.

"Who is that, the mayor? We accepted Niuhu's commission and came to help defend the city."

Xu Wang didn't want to chat, so he went straight to the topic.

"The mayor hasn't been elected yet, and the deputy mayor is still in charge. It's over there."

The guard said, pointing across the street, where an old man with red hair was talking to the bartender of Sanfan Tavern.

The old man was a bit unfamiliar, and this was the first time Xu Wang had seen him.

I didn't expect him to be the deputy mayor here.

Xu Wang immediately prepared to go over and talk to him about the reward.

He had just taken two steps and looked back at the guard who was still standing there with nothing to do. He couldn't help but feel curious: "There are cockroaches outside. Shouldn't you guard the city now?"

Hearing this, the guard waved his hand indifferently: "One more or one less doesn't matter. I don't have much combat power, and going up will only cause trouble."

"Niu Hu went to Duobao Town for help, and the deputy mayor is also asking for wasteland hunters."

"If it still can't be defended, the residents of Bing Town will come out and fight the cockroaches. I get 500 coins a month, what's the point of playing with my life."

"Either live or die."

Hearing this, Xu Wang immediately retreated tactically.

This guy seems to have started.

I don't know if he is too clear-headed or has long been determined to die.

But no matter what, Xu Wang has no obligation to change other people's minds.

"Then I wish you good luck. Thank you for opening the door, saving me from climbing the wall."

Xu Wang waved his hand and strode towards the deputy mayor.

Beside the deputy mayor, there were many people holding weapons and looking serious.

Except for a few security guards in the town, more people were dressed like predators in the wasteland.

Of course, their identities here are most likely the same as Xu Wang, a wasteland hunter.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Bartender."

"You're polite, Mayor Niu Siji. After all, we still have to do business in Bing Town, and of course we can't watch Bing Town being occupied by cockroaches."

As soon as Xu Wang approached, he heard the conversation between the deputy mayor and the bartender.

The bartender patted the robot next to him and said, "But the protector moves very slowly and can only be deployed in important areas of the town for defense. I hope you can understand."

Following the bartender's movements, Xu Wang also cast his eyes over.

I found that there were several two-meter-high big-headed robots next to him.

These robots have different paint jobs.

The hands are also equipped with different parts due to the division of labor.

The Protector, a product of pre-war research, is a compact bipedal drone.

In addition to being used for home and business defense, this type of robot is also commonly used in industrial production.

In other words, they were not originally designed for combat.

"Of course I understand this. I hope Mr. Bartender will deploy them in the farm, town government and factory areas. For the rest, we will find a way."

The deputy mayor sighed with a headache: "Usually, those big cockroaches are in the city. Why did they come here today?"

"It is likely that the radiation storm destroyed their nests, so they ran to our side."

The bartender said, and looked at Xu Wang next to him, and suddenly said: "Do you want to put my protector in your bag?"

Seeing that his little action was discovered, Xu Wang silently put the robot down again, but his hands were still reluctant to touch the protector: "Don't talk nonsense, I just hug."

Besides, this thing is quite heavy. Xu Wang's waist bag is stuffed with a lot of things and can't fit in at all.

Fortunately, Xu Wang also has his own way to get it for free.

Spend more time scanning, and he can also get the blueprint of the protector.

Unfortunately, the bartender didn't give him this time at all.

Through the personal terminal, the bartender gave orders to all the protectors present.

The protector that Xu Wang had been taking advantage of suddenly took a step and walked towards the farm.

Not to mention, this thing is really slow.

It's really difficult for them to deal with the cockroaches that run so fast.

As expected, they can only passively defend.

Seeing the robot leave, Xu Wang immediately approached the bartender with a grin and put his arm around his shoulders: "You have such a good thing, why didn't you take it out earlier! Really!"

"With your assets, you can't afford this kind of goods at all. What's the difference between taking it out or not?"

The bartender spoke lightly and hit hard.

Xu Wang immediately covered his chest and pointed at the bartender and was immediately dissatisfied: "Hey, hey, hey! Don't talk nonsense!"

At the end, Xu Wang shook his head with some sighs: "I originally planned to get along with you as an ordinary person, but what I got in return was alienation."

"No more pretending! I'm a billionaire! I'm showing my cards!"

While speaking, Xu Wang put his hands in his pockets, raised his chest and raised his head, and the whole person was pulled up directly!

"Oh, you are a billionaire, why do you want to do business with me? Just go to Liumu City."

Before the bartender finished speaking, Xu Wang admitted his mistake at the speed of light, and put his arm around the bartender's shoulders again, saying: "Oh! I am just bragging! Look at you, you are still so rigid and don't know how to joke."

"But I was just joking just now, isn't the joke I told funny?"

The bartender was a little surprised to hear this, and took out a badge and handed it to Xu Wang: "Your car is nice, this is a member of the Sanfan Tavern, after dealing with the cockroaches, let's talk about business."

Xu Wang took the membership badge and stared at the bartender with a pair of dead fish eyes: "You really have no sense of humor. Then make a deal, remember to give me a robot later."

"I didn't say that."

The bartender decisively refused.

Xu Wang ignored the bartender and looked at the tall and thin old man with red hair next to him: "I came here at the invitation of Niu Hu, how do you calculate the reward for you wasteland hunters?"

Deputy Mayor Niu Siji looked at Xu Wang, and then at the car he parked under the city wall.

He looked like he was asking, "How can you be so rich and care about these little things?"

Although Niu Siji was the deputy mayor, he looked like a good person: "Like those wasteland hunters, stand on the city wall to defend, 500 coins, defend inside the city 300 coins."

This amount of money was not too much or too little.

But it was enough to make people work hard.

But Xu Wang obviously didn't come for these coins.

He looked at Niu Siji and said, "I don't want your coins. I will try my best to save Bing Town. But in the future, my Horseshoe Stronghold will reach a cooperative relationship with Bing Town. What do you think?"

Niu Siji was still worried about the cockroach man.

Hearing Xu Wang's words, he immediately became interested: "You seem very confident?"

"Whether you are confident or not, you can see it with your own eyes. We can discuss the cooperation in detail at that time."

After all, Xu Wang's current strength is different from the past.

Bing Town was not a very strong town, and he was fully confident that he could use his own strength to intimidate the other side.

"Move! Move! Those damn cockroaches are moving!"

At this moment, a guard on the city wall shouted loudly!

Following that.

The guards' weapons immediately began to fire.

The two automatic machine gun turrets also automatically locked onto the enemy and suddenly burst out with fierce firepower!

"Da Da Da Da Da --!!!!"

"Da Da Da Da Da --!!!!"

A large number of bullet shells fell on the wall like rain, "ding ding dong dong".

"The wind has weakened, and they have begun to move. They should have received the pheromones of the attack."

The bartender quickly made a judgment.

"Then let's talk later, I'll go meet those cockroaches first."

Xu Wang was about to leave when he looked at Mayor Niu Siji and said, "Do you want to come up and watch the battle together?"

Niu Siji shook his head decisively.

He didn't hide at home, he was already very brave, but he didn't dare to climb the wall.

"Okay, Tiezhu, Wall-E, you guys stay in the town. If you see any cockroaches coming in, just deal with them."

Xu Wang said, and he rushed towards the city wall with other wasteland hunters.

These people still have to go up the stairs.

Xu Wang has biostatics, and he can run directly up the vertical wall.

All the way to the top of the wall.

The gunshots beside his ears became more obvious.

Xu Wang looked outside the town of Bing, and immediately saw a large group of cockroaches rushing here.

They all came from the east.

These cockroaches reminded Xu Wang of the Martian cockroaches in "Mars Alien".

But they don't seem to be as strong as Martian cockroaches.

These weapons on the city wall can also penetrate their shells.

The pools of green blood underneath.

Thinking of this, Xu Wang took out the mechanical recurve bow from his waist bag.

A wasteland hunter nearby saw the weapon in Xu Wang's hand and laughed at him: "You don't even have a gun? Are you worth 500 coins?"

Xu Wang grinned at him, took out an explosive arrow, and shot it directly into the sky at an upward angle!

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

35 explosive arrows suddenly turned into a rain of arrows, shot out and fell from the air!

The next second!

"Boom boom--!!!"

The explosion washed the ground!

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