Xu Wang was not in a hurry. He slapped Niu Hu's fist away with one palm, and then punched Niu Hu to the ground with a backhand punch!

Before he could react, he was already lying on the ground.

Niu Hu's eyes instantly cleared up!

"Sorry, I was impulsive just now."

As he spoke, Niu Hu stood up, touched the back of his head, and bowed to Xu Wang to apologize.

This guy is quite straightforward, and Xu Wang also prefers to deal with such people.

"Let's talk business."

Xu Wang pulled a stool from the newsstand and sat down, looking at Niu Hu opposite him and said: "I will help you deal with the cockroach man, what conditions can you give?"

"It depends on how you perform, but this kind of city defense commission, the reward is generally not low."

Niu Hu said, and said anxiously: "Anyway, you go to Bing Town first, and someone will contact you there."

"Just say it directly when you get there, Niu Hu invited you. I won't go back with you, I still have to go to Duobao Town for help."

Xu Wang was also attracted by the so-called cockroach man after listening.

It just so happens that I have been picking up garbage in the wasteland for a month, and it is time to develop the profession of wasteland hunter.

As the first commission of the wasteland hunter, I must make a name for myself.

With a resounding reputation.

It will be more convenient to do anything in the future.

For Xu Wang, the wasteland is actually an undiscovered treasure.

There are many good things in it.

But these good things are difficult for ordinary people to have the opportunity to touch.

Therefore, he had to first improve his reputation as a wasteland hunter.

Being able to talk to all the major forces is what Xu Wang needs to do at this stage.

Only by connecting with those major forces.

Xu Wang will have a chance to get the various black technology weapons, power armor, bullet production lines and other things he wants.

"Then I'll go refresh my status first, and see you later in Bing Town. My bicycle is outside. When the wind is a little smaller, you can ride it first, and remember to return it to me then."

Xu Wang said, regardless of what Niu Hu was thinking, he rushed out of the newsstand and rushed directly to the center of the radiation storm!

Niu Hu saw Xu Wang's actions and couldn't understand them at all.

In his opinion, Xu Wang's behavior was suicide.

But he called for a long time behind him, and Xu Wang ignored him and still rushed into the storm without hesitation.

Until Xu Wang's figure was covered by the wind and sand, Niu Hu gave up.

It's hard to persuade the damn ghost with good words!

I just felt that I had said so much to Xu Wang, which was a pure waste of time.

Wastelanders who came out in this weather must be mentally ill!

No one can survive after entering the center of a radiation storm without wearing protective clothing.

Even if Xu Wang was wearing a shelter uniform with a certain degree of radiation protection.

But that uniform has almost zero protection against high concentrations of radiation.

It is only useful in low-radiation areas.

Having said that, hiding in the newsstand, thinking of Xu Wang, who had just met him not long ago and was heading for death in the blink of an eye.

Niu Hu couldn't help but sigh.

He rarely saw humans who had no prejudice against scorched corpses.

It was a pity.

If he wasn't a mental patient with self-destructive tendencies, it would be great.

If he really wanted to become a scorched corpse, he would have a way to get the scorched corpse potion.

On the other side, Xu Wang was getting closer and closer to the center of the storm.

However, the closer he was to the storm, the greater the impact of the strong wind on Xu Wang.

The huge strong wind rolled up the sand and covered the sky!

Xu Wang gradually felt that he could hardly move.


At this moment, Xu Wang's eyes lit up with a golden color like the sun.

His feet suddenly burst out a high-temperature shock wave!

As the road surface under his feet suddenly broke like a spider web!

With the force of the recoil.

Xu Wang flew up into the sky like a rocket!

Jumping more than ten or twenty meters high!

He went straight to the center of the storm!


Just after jumping into the air, Xu Wang was blown away by the horizontal wind!

He hit a refrigerator that was also blown up!

This made Xu Wang's whole body like a kite with a broken string, and began to spin non-stop in the storm!

In the process, it continued to collide with other messy things!

Xu Wang was hit and his head was bleeding.

The wind in the center was really strong.

Xu Wang even saw a lot of nuclear-powered cars flying into the sky.

These atomic cars can be seen everywhere in the wasteland.

But why would the wastelanders who dare to pick up anything turn a blind eye to them, or even stay away from them?

That's because the design of these vehicles is really problematic!

They are extremely unstable, and after being subjected to severe external impacts.

There is a high possibility of explosion!

You know, this is a nuclear-powered car.

Each car is like a mini nuclear bomb!

Xu Wang didn't know how the federal government agreed to let these cars enter thousands of households 213 years ago.

At this moment.

An atomic car was thrown out of the center of the storm.

And flew far away!

Xu Wang immediately released his mental power to scan!

He saw that the tattered atomic car directly hit a building one kilometer away!


The explosion sounded so huge that even the strong wind could not cover it up from afar!

A small sun bloomed directly in the center of the building!


Under Xu Wang's mental scan, it can be seen clearly.

The building that stood for more than two centuries was instantly blown into two sections!

Then it collapsed with a loud bang!

At this time, Xu Wang didn't know whether to sigh at the huge power of the atomic car explosion.

Or the quality of buildings in the pre-war society was really high.


Xu Wang was still watching the show, and another toilet flew towards him and exploded directly on his forehead!

This time, Xu Wang was hit hard from mid-air to the ground!

He fell heavily to the ground.

Xu Wang felt that there was no good meat on his body.

After traveling through so many worlds.

Sure enough, the natural disaster brought the greatest sense of oppression to Xu Wang.

Facing the power of nature, Xu Wang had no power to resist at all.

A large amount of nuclear radiation was still attacking Xu Wang.

At this time, his teeth had fallen out.

His mouth and stomach were severely ulcerated.

The hair began to fall down in clumps!

Xu Wang's hematopoietic ability was hindered.

Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and hemoglobin decreased drastically.

His vision became increasingly blurred.

Even the mental scan began to become unstable.

At this time, Xu Wang was lying on the ground like a pool of rotten meat, just quietly waiting for death.

It was not the first time he died.

But it was the first time he died due to severe nuclear radiation.

After experiencing it personally.

Xu Wang knew why so many people were afraid of radiation.

It was like a curse.

As long as he didn't die, he would be entangled and tortured for the rest of his life.

Instead of suffering so much, it would be better to die happily!

"Hua La——!"

Just when Xu Wang was deeply tortured by nuclear radiation and was about to die.

On the hillside not far away.

A tree finally couldn't resist the pull of the wind!

In the end, it was uprooted!

Then it spun, like a pillar of heaven, and hit Xu Wang heavily with an unstoppable force!


That was the sound of flesh exploding.


[Cause of death: Killed by ultra-high concentration of nuclear radiation and the big tree swept up by the storm. ]

[Death reward: Energy +2]

"Good fellow, this can also be killed by a combined force."

At this time, Xu Wang had been resurrected in the room of the horseshoe safe house.

After the experience of being buried by the landslide mine last time.

Xu Wang learned a lesson.

He left a little finger directly in his room.

At this time, Xu Wang crossed such a long distance and resurrected with this little finger.

His right hand turned into an adamantium lizard claw, and Xu Wang stretched out the little finger of his left hand.

He did the same thing and cut off his finger again.

Then he took out the gun of kindness and shot himself twice.

Xu Wang's cut little finger immediately grew back again.

As for the little finger cut off by Xu Wang, it will continue to stay in the room, waiting for Xu Wang's future resurrection.

In fact, at the beginning, Xu Wang wanted to leave a hair at home as a resurrection point.

But he found it useless.

Xu Wang guessed that hair should also be used as a resurrection base.

It's just that Xu Wang's body was preserved in a large piece, so the priority was postponed.

When I was beaten to powder one day.

Maybe I can choose a favorite powder to revive.

"Woof woof woof!"

Xu Wang had just resurrected when he heard Tiezhu's barking downstairs.

The dog's nose was sharp.

He smelled Xu Wang's scent at once, so he shouted excitedly.

Sure enough.

Xu Wang had just walked out of the room.

Tiezhu had already run up to the second floor "da da da".

He kept barking excitedly when he saw Xu Wang, and then circled around Xu Wang.

"Very good, Tiezhu, keep this up."

Xu Wang nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Let's go, come downstairs with me, we are going to Bing Town, we have work to do. Don't forget my training for you in the past month."

"Woof woof!"

Tiezhu shouted and even jumped up.

"Xu Wang, I'm so glad you're okay."

Wal-E finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Xu Wang coming downstairs.

"Don't worry, I won't be in trouble even if the earth explodes."

Xu Wang waved his hand and said, "We are going to fight in Bing Town now, you can come with us."

"Fight, fight, fight?!"

Wal-E was quite happy at first, and followed Xu Wang's ass like Tiezhu.

When he heard this, the track wheels stopped moving, and his hands were clenched together nervously.

"Wal-E is just a garbage robot, and Wall-E has no combat function."

It can be seen that Wall-E is really scared.

"Don't worry, it's not time for you to fight yet. You just go there to recognize people. In the future, you will be responsible for the handover of our cooperation with Bing Town."

Xu Wang said, and walked towards the garage without looking back.

In the garage, there was an orange off-road armored vehicle parked.

Since this is the Horseshoe Railway Station.

Xu Wang named it the War Horse Armored Vehicle.

This car has a high chassis, good suspension, and large capacity.

When Xu Wang was in the world of "Wolverine", he asked Charles to find someone to help design it.

It is specially used for transportation in the wasteland.

Therefore, many targeted designs were made.

For example, the whole body is bulletproof, explosion-proof, has strong off-road capabilities, and has a long battery life.

There is also an antenna on the roof to avoid the situation where the signal cannot be captured.

In addition, at Xu Wang's strong request.

This car was also treated to be old.

There are many traces of rust on the surface of the car, but it is not really rusty, just bluffing.

The purpose is just to better integrate into the world view of the wasteland.

With the universal workshop, the Warhorse armored vehicle is actually very simple to manufacture.

After all, the streets are full of abandoned atomic cars.

They are all raw materials for car manufacturing.

The nuclear power in the atomic car can also make micro-nuclear batteries for the Gun of Kindness.

It can be said that most wastelanders look down on atomic cars.

For Xu Wang, it is simply an inexhaustible treasure.

It's just a pity that although the Warhorse armored vehicle is not bad, it is far from the level of a black technology war vehicle.

At present, it can only be used as a means of transportation.

"Get in the car, get in the car."

Xu Wang opened the car door and called Tiezhu and Wall-E to get in the car.

Tiezhu was very agile and jumped into the car in one go.

Although Wall-E had no legs, he used his mechanical arms to support himself and climbed into the car.

Seeing that the two little ones had gotten into the car, Xu Wang closed the door, went around to the other side, opened the door and got in.

He picked up a remote control in the car and pressed it.

The flap door of the garage opened with a "boom"!

There was still a strong wind outside, and the sky was full of yellow sand.

But inside the thick Warhorse armored vehicle, it felt very safe.

Only a slight sound of wind could be heard.

Wall-E and Tiezhu both lay by the car window and looked outside.

Xu Wang had already started the vehicle.

The high-powered engine roared, and the armored vehicle drove out of the garage and headed towards Bing Town!

As the armored vehicle left.

The door of the garage also slowly flipped down and finally locked tightly.

I usually walk when I go out to pick up garbage.

I feel that Bing Town is still a little far away.

Now I switch to driving, the speed will be much faster.

The headlights of the vehicle and the headlights on the roof were all turned on.

Xu Wang drove the car while observing the surrounding environment.

He wanted to find out where the so-called cockroach people were.

After all, according to what Niu Hu said.

That nest of cockroach people had already set their sights on Bing Town and could launch an attack at any time.

In other words, Xu Wang should be able to see them at any time.

Sure enough.

As Xu Wang got closer and closer to Bing Town.

He finally saw a series of fast-moving black figures in the wind and sand!

The figure was as tall as a human.

The appearance was also like a human.

But the way they moved, and the movements of running and stopping, made Xu Wang quickly think of creatures like cockroaches!

"Is that the cockroach people? Come over and take a look!"

Xu Wang was fearless.

He was almost at the entrance of Bing Town, but suddenly turned the steering wheel and moved towards the cockroach people!

The distance was closer.

Xu Wang finally saw the appearance of these cockroach people clearly.

They are like human-shaped cockroaches.

Each one is about 1.5 to 1.6 meters tall.

There are two long, trembling tentacles on their heads.

Their bodies are all covered with a thick layer of biological armor.

Especially the part of their head and neck, the armor is the thickest!

The cockroach man has three claws on both hands.

They are called claws, but they are too thin and long, and there are fine barbs on them.

If people who are afraid of insects see this thing with their own eyes, they will probably faint on the spot.

These cockroach people obviously also found Xu Wang.

They stared at Xu Wang who was sitting in the car for a while, and the tentacles on their heads swayed.

Suddenly, these cockroach people ran very fast and scattered!

Then many cockroach people ran out from Xu Wang's blind spot!

Just these cockroach people, Xu Wang roughly counted them, at least thirty or forty!

I don't know if the nest mentioned by Niu Hu is this number.

Or are there more?

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