The seventh birthday comes quietly.

The single mother prepared an elaborate dinner just like every year.

Link patiently had a good time with the single mother and was very cooperative throughout the process.

The next day, a sudden change occurred.

The single mother's family came over.

Two young men in colorful clothes who looked somewhat similar to the single mother, along with a group of slaves, burned down the house where Link had lived for seven years.

The single mother tried desperately to stop her, but to no avail.

She had long lost her cultivation and her body was even more frail. She could not even break free from the hands of the two maids.


A young man with an even more venomous look on his face glared hard at Link, who was untouched by the sudden change, and gritted his teeth and uttered an unpleasant word.

"Third brother, pay attention to your identity!"

The young man with a more mature temperament promptly stopped him, "Don't tarnish the lintel of my Jiang family."


The angry young man was intimidated by his elder brother's majesty and kept silent.

"Please be quiet, Miss, and we will take her home."

The mature young man did not even look at Link, and directly gave these instructions to the two maids holding the single mother.

"Yes, young master."

The two maids responded in unison.

"Jiang Dehao, what do you want to do?"

Sensing something was wrong, the single mother tried to break free and ran towards Link.

The result was that a maid gently pressed the back of her neck, her legs and feet went weak, and she fainted.


The mature young man Jiang Dehao waved his hand and left with the angry young man and a group of slaves.

Link turned around and looked at the single mother who was being put into a luxurious carriage. Her face was calm, her eyes were faint, but there was anger in her heart.

When the convoy of several carriages drove away and no trace was left, Link immediately left without taking anything with him.

In the convoy.

The mature young man Jiang Dehao and the angry young man Jiang Demiao sit opposite each other.

The single mother was covered with brocade quilt and lying between the two brothers.

"Brother, are you just going to let that bastard go?"

Born from the heart, Jiang Demiao has a violent temperament and is very murderous.

What he meant behind the scenes was that he wanted to kill the bastard who had brought shame on the Jiang family.

"Let it go or not let it go, what's the difference?"

Jiang Dehao looked at his pale and frail sister with anger and pity, and said in an indifferent tone, "Killing that bastard will not replace Jiang's losses in recent years, but it will easily make your sister sad. Have you forgotten, Did anyone resolve all the troubles you caused in the past?"

"I didn't forget!"

Jiang Demiao tilted her neck, cocked her head and shouted, "Second sister's kindness, I will always remember it. But one code is one code, this matter is different. Brother, you have also read the information, the reason why the second sister fell It's all because of that bastard that we are in such a situation and our cultivation has been ruined. She is a female swordsman in the Guiyi Realm, but now she can't even deal with a maid in the Qi Strength Realm. It really makes me feel very angry!"

Jiang Dehao finally raised his head and looked at Jiang Demiao. After staring deeply for a long time, he said indifferently: "There are some things that you don't understand and I have never told you. The reason why the family ignored your second sister's wishes and forcibly Zhong made the engagement to solve the trouble you caused. At the beginning, your second sister was already in love with Lin Nantian, and she didn’t just run away after the engagement."


Jiang Demiao's expression suddenly changed.

Embarrassed, angry, and really shocked.

"Let the past go by and don't mention it again."

Jiang Dehao waved his hand, as if he was waving away the dirt that he had not been able to clean up, "As for Lin Nantian's son, Lin Nantian was a turtle back then, and I, Jiang Dehao, can naturally turn a blind eye!"


Jiang Demiao sighed heavily when he heard the words.

He once thought about causing trouble for Lin Nantian and searched all over the southern rivers and lakes, but he could never find him.

Nowadays, the anger that is getting stronger and stronger has no place to release, which is really annoying.

the other side.

Link ran to a remote corner, dug a pit, took off all the clothes he was wearing, and buried it in the pit.

Even the longevity lock that his single mother bought for him, which he had been wearing around his neck, was also wrapped in his clothes.

The naked little Shota went into the mountains alone, rushed to a creek at an extremely fast speed, and took a careful bath for himself.

After making sure that there was no peculiar smell all over his body, Link got out of the creek, walked around in the mountains, found a very inconspicuous cave, and got into it.

There is a waterfall curtain outside this cave, and the space inside is large and dry, which is very suitable for hiding.

At the birthday party when he was four years old, after accidentally learning some things from a single mother who had a heavy drinking session, Link began to leave a way out for himself.

After several years of continuous preparation, Link established several refuge spots similar to this Water Curtain Cave in the mountains.

Each refuge point is far apart. Link has found various opportunities in the past few years to arrange it properly, which is not easy.

It just comes in handy now.

After changing into a set of dry clothes, Link sat on the natural stone bench, closed his eyes, and thought about what had happened before.

From a few words, some useful information was deduced.

First of all, the single mother is the second daughter of the Jiang family in Tianshui County, and she was once engaged to a child of the Zhong family, another large family in the county.

As a result, Miss Jiang Er didn't even talk about running away from the marriage, but she also made a private marriage with someone for life and gave birth to a child out of wedlock.

This incident brought shame to the Jiang family of Tianshui County.

In order to appease Zhong's anger, he had to give up a large amount of interests.

After Miss Jiang became pregnant, she became poor at work. In order not to hinder her lover, she fled alone and hid for eight years.

Originally, I had kept my name anonymous and well hidden, so I would not be discovered by Jiang.

The reason why today's scene happened is that Miss Jiang noticed Link's strong desire for practice, so she took the initiative to contact the Jiang family, hoping to get a practice method suitable for Link's physique.

Secondly, the Jiang family of Tianshui County, at least the two brothers who came to "retrieve" Miss Jiang, did not like to see Link, a "bastard".

Not only was he not given a way to practice, but the mother and son were separated, and even a house was not given to Link.

Link was penniless when they left him behind.

A seven-year-old child in this state will either starve to death or live on the streets and become a beggar.

It can be seen from this that Jiang's anger was very intense and continues to this day.

Unable to vent his anger on Miss Jiang Er and her lover, it falls on Link.

Finally, there is a strong sense of fragmentation in the social process.

Seven years ago, Link was born in a modern hospital.

In the past few years, although she has lived in seclusion in remote mountains with her single mother, she has occasionally gone out for walks.

According to Link's preliminary observation, a small county town has the development level of Shanghai in the early years of the Republic of China.

Wired telephones, wireless telegraphs, electric lights, trams, and movies are all ready.

However, the Tianshui County Jiang family actually used a horse-drawn carriage to travel.

This made Link quite curious.

Is it because the automobile industry is not booming, or is it simply to show the historical heritage of the old family?

After thinking for a while, Link recovered his somewhat divergent thoughts and began to think about his next path.

"Fortunately, I was prepared."

Soon, Link thought carefully and let out a sigh.

In the past few years, Link has actually hidden a lot of private money by taking advantage of the single mother's personality that she doesn't care much about money.

In the Water Curtain Cave where he was now, there was enough money for Link to spend on food and drink for two or three years.


"The plan has changed, and the money is not enough."

With a sigh, Link stood up, spread out his bedding on the dry natural stone bed, and slept with his clothes on.

Children must act like children.

Go to bed early and get up early to ensure development.

The next day.

Link got up early, washed himself with waterfall water, ate dry food to satisfy his hunger, and then faced the rising sun and practiced a set of radio gymnastics to strengthen his body.

After stretching his body, Link chose a direction, carried enough money, and headed towards the mountains.

It wasn't until the sun was high in the sky that we left the mountain.

After finding a clean water source, taking care of himself a little, and eating some dry food, Link came to the official road and planned to stop the car and enter the city.

Not long after, Link saw the opportunity and stopped an ox cart going to the county town to sell firewood.

The old man who drives the cart has a simple appearance and simple temperament. He is dressed as a farmer.

"Old man, could you please give me a ride?"

After stopping the car, Link took out a copper dollar and waved it, "Our school went on a field trip, but I forgot to play and missed the bus."

"The young man is a little scholar."

The old man looked Link up and down and grinned, "Young scholar, if you don't mind my car being messy, just come up and you won't have to pay me."

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it."

Lin Kelilao climbed into the car, sat side by side with the old man, put the copper coins in his hand directly into the old man's palm, and said seriously, "Master has taught us that when asking for help, we must prepare a thank you gift, so that it is in line with etiquette. Old man, you are here. Well, otherwise Master will criticize me if he finds out."

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll accept it. What a good husband!"

When the old man heard this, he stopped refusing, accepted the copper coins, and drove on again.

"Which school do you study in, young man? It seems to me that you are not wearing a school uniform."

The oxcart creaked slowly forward.

The old man asked questions casually.

Since Link chose to play the role of a county student, he was naturally well prepared.

On the way to the county seat, which lasted more than an hour, I chatted with the old man all the time without any mistakes.

After entering the city, Link declined the old man's kindness in sending him to the school, solemnly thanked him, and then parted ways.

After just a few steps, the figure disappeared from the old man's sight.

"What a smart and good husband!"

When the old man saw this, he sighed with emotion, turned around and led the ox cart to the street in front of a wealthy family, and shouted loudly.

If he hadn't given up the job long ago, he would have tried anything to see if he could abduct such a handsome young man.

such a pity……

It's a pity that he has withdrawn from the world, and it's also a pity that a young kid can actually pose a fatal threat to him, so that he has to give up his mind to do anything again.

“Damn it, people’s hearts are not as old as they used to be, and their morals are corrupt!”

Link complained in his mind as he quickly walked towards his destination.

The old man was carefully chosen by Link to stop the car. What he valued most was that he didn't look like a bad guy.

Who would have thought that after getting in the car and chatting for a few words, I realized that the other person was suspected of being a human trafficker, and that I always knew his background intentionally or unintentionally.

"Strength! Strength!"

In the past, I didn't think there was anything wrong with living with a single mother.

Now, the first thing he did when he came out of the mountain was that he almost fell down, which made Link more determined to quickly regain his strength.

Even if the strength cannot be restored quickly, at least a way must be found to unlock part of the mental power, or inspiration.

With his mind wandering, Link came to the most famous Baji Martial Arts School in Fuli County.

Two majestic stone lions, one on the left and one on the right, guard the deep red copper-clad gate.

Two doors with many rivets.

"What's the matter?"

Link took a detour and came to the side door, where he was immediately questioned.

"Sign up and learn martial arts."

"Where are your adults?"

"Since learning martial arts is for independence, there is no need for adults to accompany you."

"So ambitious! Have you brought enough money?"


"Then go in, go straight to the martial arts arena, and just call me to find Senior Brother Shi."

"Thank you."

After the routine interrogation, the gatekeeper allowed Link to enter the martial arts gym.

Following the instructions of the gatekeeper disciple, Link quickly found the martial arts arena.

It was almost evening, and the martial arts arena was still bustling with activity.

Dozens of martial arts disciples, some young, some shirtless, some neatly dressed, were each practicing their moves or exercising their bodies.

When Link arrived, he received many stares.

But how could he show his timidity and shout loudly: "I'm looking for Senior Brother Shi."

Having said that, he calmly faced the numerous scrutiny and waited quietly.

Not long after, a shirtless strong man emerged from the crowd and laughed loudly: "Okay, it looks like our Baji Martial Arts School is about to add a junior disciple."

At Baji Martial Arts School, you can get started and learn martial arts by paying a fee.

However, the disciples in the sect are divided into several categories, and their treatment is completely different.

Ordinary disciples wear gray clothes and have a transactional relationship with the martial arts school. One party pays money and the other party teaches self-defense techniques.

The entry-level disciples wear blue clothes and have a learning relationship with the martial arts school. Not only do they pay money, but they also have to do things for the martial arts school, but they can get the true inheritance.

The elite disciples are dressed in black and have an apprenticeship relationship with the martial arts gym. Although they have to do things for the martial arts gym, they don't have to pay and they can receive benefits.

The last type is the secret disciple.

Senior Brother Shi is the eldest brother among the secret disciples, and also the eldest brother of the entire martial arts school.

What he said about adding another junior disciple meant that in his opinion, Link had hope of becoming a secret disciple.

As soon as these words came out, it caused a commotion in the martial arts arena.

The many glances towards Link added many complex emotions.

There is envy, jealousy, and some things that are unclear.

Link was keenly aware of these changes and couldn't help but wonder in his heart why Brother Shi, who had never been masked before, made such a judgment and why he publicized it in public.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see Master."

Senior Brother Shi didn't give Link time to think carefully. He waved his hand and walked straight towards the inner courtyard.

This move made the commotion in the martial arts field even more lively.

In the past ten years, there has been only one new disciple who was able to receive an audience from his master before he had even paid to learn martial arts.

That is Senior Sister Su Yansu who has already made a huge name in the world of Langya County.

How could this boy be so worthy of being so valued by Senior Brother Shi?

Wouldn’t it be better to look better and have a calmer mind?

There is nothing else special about it.


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