Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 328 I didn’t know I was a guest in the dream


In the secret realm of the ninth test.

Iris Clark, who had made no progress for a long time and was struggling, suddenly felt something in her heart.

She raised her head and looked at the dozens of light beams that shot into the secret realm from the sky. She learned from the test mechanism that these light beams were the support provided to her by the wizarding world, but she was not happy at all. Instead, she let out a sigh.

After so much time, Iris has completed eight tests.

Every time she completes a test, her level and strength will be greatly improved.

So when she entered the ninth test, she already had the level and strength equivalent to a fifth-level sage.

The skyrocketing level and strength, and the lack of knowledge and accumulation to control strength, made Iris feel something was wrong.

How can a child be able to wield a large knife weighing dozens of kilograms and still do it well?


Therefore, after entering the ninth test, Iris was not in a hurry to pass the test. Instead, she took advantage of the nine opportunities to come back and focus on honing herself and exercising refined control of her abilities.

So far, Iris has used five opportunities to come back and is about to start the sixth test of the ninth test.

In the previous five passes, not only had Iris fully mastered the strength equivalent to a fifth-level sage, she was at least able to use various abilities confidently and boldly without worrying about losing control or injuring herself.

This can be considered a very significant progress.

And every time the refined control of a team's strength is improved, the difficulty of the test will decrease a little.

Based on this, Iris is confident that she can pass the ninth test before all nine opportunities are exhausted.

According to the test mechanism, as long as Iris can pass the test, her level and strength will be raised to the level of a sixth-level sage.

At that time, the special ruined world will be smelted and evolved into a "native world" completely controlled by Iris.

As long as Iris's knowledge base and understanding of the rules keep up, she can reach the rank of Great Sage at any time.

In this way, Iris doesn't have to worry at all. After opening the passage through the parallel universe behind the special ruined world, she will become a mere tool or an insignificant abandoned child!


Watching 64 shining beams of light coming from the sky, running through the entire secret trial realm, lingering for a long time, and even tending to get brighter.

Iris' mood became extremely complicated.

At this moment, even in the ninth test, Iris' control over the special ruined world is enough for her to know the origin of these light pillars.

"Do you really want to help me? Or..."

Iris whispered to herself quietly.

"They don't really want to help you!"

The figure of Iris Mecia, dressed as a beast-controlling wizard from the North, quietly appeared, with a sarcastic smile on her lips, "Back then, my identity was exposed, and what I got instead of being taken seriously was that I was forcibly beaten to death. .What do you think the reason is?”

Iris turned her head and looked over, waiting for the other party's explanation.

After struggling to pass the eighth test, Iris accidentally failed to suppress the surge in strength, causing the two previous lives that she should have completely wiped out to resurrect and reappear.

Although those two people can no longer interfere with reality, they can appear in Iris' vision at any time in the form of illusions.

The most disgusting thing is that this process is not controlled by Iris.

The other party appears when they want to appear and disappears when they want to disappear.

The scene that emerged was that Iris often looked left and right, and then said some inexplicable words, as if she was talking to people.

If outsiders were present, they would most likely think that Iris was insane, talking to herself, and talking crazy words.

Iris Mecia did not lie, and said faintly: "The reason is just that my active time has not reached the point predicted by the saint of Nostrodam, so I should not appear! Haha...haha..."

Iris Mexia looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, her expression and posture seemed quite crazy: "Just because the time has not reached the prophecy point, I should be willing to be beaten to death. Hahaha... ho ho ho... this is the wizarding world !This is the Supreme Council!”

"There's nothing new under the sun."

Wearing a light blue floral skirt, the quiet and mature version of Iris also came out to join in the fun and said "nonsense".

After listening to the words of the two previous lives, Iris Clark remained unmoved and regained her composure.

Everything is still unclear, and Iris doesn't know what the Supreme Council plans to do.

Therefore, she would not become resentful towards the wizarding world and the Supreme Council under the provocation of a few simple words.

Iris calmed down and waited quietly for the reaction of the test mechanism.

This is what happened, and there is no other option but to accept it.

There is no difference between accepting in suspicion and accepting calmly.

Not long after, when 64 beams of light forced something into the secret realm of the ninth test, the test mechanism experienced a stress reaction.

The scheduled ninth test was reset, all Iris' previous failures were reset, and her figure suddenly disappeared.

The entire secret trial realm was shattered in an instant, and was quickly reorganized.

Two from one life, three from two, eventually spawned a total of 65 different test realms, completely separating Iris from the 64 wizards who were forced in by the Supreme Council using special means.

In this way, it is useless for Iris Clark to pass the test on her own. The other 64 wizards must also pass the test alone or with her help.

Iris Clark has just completed the new ninth test.

Moreover, the possibility of re-smelting the special ruined world has become much slimmer.

Is this really... a disservice?

Starry sky.

Link felt the light beam falling on him begin to produce a strong suction force.

For a wizard, this is a less than wonderful experience.

On the one hand, the figure was quietly stabilized, and on the other hand, it was carried to an unknown place by strong suction.

However, Link did not resist and was even very cooperative.

"Remember to come to me, Grand Wizard."

Jessamine Michelle yelled nervously, and disappeared in an instant.

Link's figure was also moved away by the light beam at that moment.

I just saw Jessamine opening her mouth, but didn't hear what was said.

The whole person seemed to be thrown into a drum washing machine.

Gululu, Gululu, spinning non-stop.

It didn't take long for Link to become confused, confused and confused.

I don’t know how many times I turned around.

There was a pop.

It's like squeezing a meatball and rolling it into the water.

Link was freed from his spinning state and fell into a warm and humid environment.

I don't know why, but my eyelids are extremely heavy and I can't open them.

Even if I want to open my mouth to speak, I can't do it.

Even turning my body was very difficult.

And increasingly lethargic.

The time I can stay awake every day is extremely rare, less than one minute.


What is the concept of every day?

Why do I know this?

Confused, Link fell asleep again without any further thought.

This state lasted for a long time, about several months, and finally a major change occurred.

Link felt the warm, moist environment that had contained him for so long begin to push him away, forcing him to leave.

Leave just leave.

Who cares?

For some reason, Link became extremely emotional and even got angry.

Following the force of repulsion, Link struggled to escape from the warm and humid environment, leaving this place that no longer welcomed him.

The escape went very smoothly.

In just a moment, Link left the warm and humid environment through a relatively narrow passage.

What does this smell like?

As soon as they left, Link noticed something strange.

He sniffed subconsciously.

Wait, what is a nose?

Sniff, sniff...

After twitching his nose a few times again, Link breathed in air with an indescribable smell and felt uncomfortable.

It's still the same warm and humid environment, which is more comfortable.

After only being away for a while, Link actually missed him a little.

However, whoever abandons me will not be able to stay as I was yesterday.

Now that I'm gone, don't miss me too much...

It's better to look at the new environment.

Thinking confusedly, Link blinked his eyes and forcefully opened his eyes that had not been opened for a long time.

What caught the eye was a man wearing a hat and a mask. His face could not be seen clearly, only a pair of bright eyes were exposed, as if he could talk.

Link clearly saw something like "Hey, this guy is so interesting" in the other person's eyes.

I am preparing to use my little brain power to think about the current situation.

There was a crisp sound,

Feeling the hot pain in his buttocks, Link was in disbelief.

I...was spanked?

Anger flared up instantly.

Link followed his instinctive emotions and shouted angrily: "Who is it? Stand up!"

Something unexpected happened.

Link thought he was yelling, but what he heard was a clear and loud cry.

Only then did Link's remaining IQ realize that he had become a newborn baby!


Not knowing how to express his mood at this moment, Link opened his mouth, yawned, and fell asleep.

Before falling asleep completely, I seemed to hear a murmur.

The nurse or doctor holding him whispered to himself in a Chinese language that he had not heard for a long time: "The little guy is finally born. You must be a good and considerate child. Your mother suffered a lot when she was pregnant with you. .”

On the bed, a young woman who had just finished postpartum cleaning and was a new mother had a maternal glow on her face and slowly raised her hands.

Upon seeing this, the nurse quickly sent the sleeping baby over.

The young mother hugged her chest, looked at it carefully several times, her mouth tightened, and she almost cried: "Why is he so ugly!"

For a moment, the doctors and nurses in the delivery room were all amused.

"Babies are always like this when they are born. Their skin is wrinkled. After a few days, it will grow out and look better."

The doctor gave a sigh of relief and signaled the nurse to push the bed out of the delivery room.

time flies.

More than six years have passed in the blink of an eye.

After six years of training, the young mother has made great progress in being a mother.

She even went from being pampered and never touched the sun to becoming proficient in various dishes, just to make nutritious and delicious meals for her son.

What makes the young mother happy is that her son is naturally sensible and never messes around.

Apart from the fact that he loves to be alone since childhood and doesn't play with his peers, he is simply the most perfect son in the world.

"Link, come here."

The young mother had stewed a pot of carrot and pork ribs soup, scooped out a bowl, stood in the kitchen and shouted.


A handsome, overly cute young lady responded and walked into the kitchen with steady steps.

Seeing her son acting like a little adult, the young mother couldn't help but want to tease him, so she deliberately made a serious face and reprimanded: "Parents, please don't wait. You came too late, and my mother is very unhappy!"

The young version of Link stared with big eyes, showing a deep feeling of helplessness, and then he was defeated by the eyes of the young mother who wanted to play as soon as she said she wanted to play. He sighed, bowed and said: "I'm sorry, I was wrong. , I will definitely change it next time.”

"This is my good son!"

The young mother snorted proudly, gave the little Shota a sweet kiss on the side of her face, then picked up the bowl of pork rib soup and said in a commanding tone, "After drinking, don't leave a drop, you know?"

"Got it~"

Xiao Zhengtai responded in a long tone, walked slowly to the dining room with the soup bowl, put the soup bowl on the dining table, cooked it properly, scooped the soup with a spoon, and sipped it slowly.

"It's only a few days until she turns seven."

While drinking the sweet carrot and pork ribs soup, Link was planning in his mind.

After more than six years of development, Link's wisdom has almost recovered, and it is no different from before he supported Iris Clark.

What makes Link more uncomfortable is that the sea of ​​consciousness is locked by a powerful force and cannot be opened.

All contact with Flandre was completely blocked.

His mental strength at the moment was only slightly stronger than that of his peers, but not even close to the average level of a twelve-year-old boy in the wizarding world.

The krypton gold system cannot call it out.

No cheats, no extra boost.

Even all kinds of knowledge learned in the wizarding world are blocked. They can only be sensed but cannot be accessed.

Under all circumstances, he has really become a genuine six-year-old child.

Of course, it doesn't mean that you have to behave childishly if you become a six-year-old child.

Link has never concealed his abnormality. He loves to be alone, think and read.

The single mother, who was still busy in the kitchen, was only a little surprised at first, but she did not reject it. Instead, she smoothly accepted her son's strangeness.

Very accommodating, very great.

There is a reason why Link is always reluctant to go against the other person's wishes and often does things he doesn't want to do.

The single mother was originally a powerful practitioner.

During her pregnancy, because Link subconsciously meditated every day, he absorbed too much nutrients and energy, which completely ruined the single mother's practice, and even her body became weaker than ordinary people.

It would not be difficult to change this situation, if Link could regain a certain amount of strength or succeed in his practice.

And Link's long-awaited seventh birthday is the starting point for practice in "this world".

Link understands that no matter whether this world is real or fake, if he wants to pass the test and achieve his goal of supporting Iris Clark, everything depends on practice.

Since you have to practice according to the methods of this world, then when you are successful in practice, it is convenient for single mothers to recuperate their bodies and restore their cultivation. Why not do it?

Link has always had great respect for his mother.

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