"Let's go!" After comforting himself, Viscount Marat patted his horse and headed north with his trusted cavalry.

Those horse thieves had the most manpower deployed in the south, fearing that he would run south. After all, seizing someone's territory was a taboo in the north, and they could easily be attacked in groups.

However, although these horse thieves acted carefully, they did not know that Viscount Marat was very cunning. He had settled a nomadic tribe in the north a few years ago. He rarely contacted them on weekdays. When he came to the small town, he carried out normal transactions, so he was never discovered. This is what Viscount Marat is most proud of.

As long as he reunites with the tribe, using the cover of the nomadic tribe and the strength of his cavalry, he can safely return to the border of the empire. When the time comes, he can sell all the tribe's livestock and herdsmen and make a huge profit.

If the money is invested in the chamber of commerce and put to good use by the two sons, even if they lose the title of Viscount of the North and the town of Mara, the family will not completely decline.

As for the daughter, she found an older knight to marry in the imperial frontier army. Although the knight status was not high, she could still provide some help to her two sons.

There is no need to think about marrying a noble. Although the eldest daughter's appearance is not bad, she has been grazing around with the nomadic tribe, her temper has long been wild, and she is not too young, so no noble can like her.

While Viscount Marat was banging his abacus, Bella's face looked ugly after receiving the letter from her father, but she didn't show it, just like a daughter who was worried about her father's safety. Until the messenger walked out of the tent, she There was a strong murderous look in his eyes, and one hand unconsciously clenched a dagger at his waist.

As the eldest daughter of Viscount Marat, Bella was not favored. Otherwise, any qualified father would not send his two sons back to the safe and prosperous border of the empire, while leaving his only daughter to survive in the wilderness of the North.

You must know that Bella was only twelve years old at that time. This good father drove her out with a few herdsmen and a group of sheep. If she hadn't used a hidden dagger to kill a herdsman who looked at her wrongly, she would probably have died. She has long since become the mother of more than a dozen children.

On that day, when her hands were stained with blood, Bella realized that she could not go back. She was no longer a carefree girl, but a person who needed to rely on her own efforts to survive.

All her previous life was broken, and she was destined to wander for the rest of her life after being abandoned. Bella vowed to return all of this to her good father. Apparently, the opportunity has come now.

Bella, who was traveling around with her tribe, had seen those horse thieves. To say they were horse thieves, it was better to say they were lackeys of some powerful people. Otherwise, where would a group of horse thieves get the equipment, food and fodder, so she knew very well how her father would choose.

That experience when she was young broke all of Bella's illusions about her father, so she was able to understand her father in essence. After so many years, no one knew her father better than Bella, and even what he would do next , she could guess almost exactly.

In the eyes of the other party, only his two sons are the continuation of his life and the future of the family. For this reason, he will never show any pity to her. Extracting all the value is what he does, so her fate has been doomed. .

But Bella was unwilling to give in. From the beginning, she worked hard with a few herdsmen and a group of sheep to avoid disasters, collect refugees, and work hard to herd animals. Now the tribe has more than 200 people, hundreds of sheep, and groups of cattle and horses. These are all her hard work, how could she be willing to have them all ruined by some good father!

Even so, it was still difficult for Bella to fully control the entire tribe. First of all, her identity as a woman was the biggest problem. At the same time, her good father never really trusted her. Not only did he take away the young men of the tribe as his cavalry, he also A lot of people have been deployed, so she needs strength, the strength to break restrictions.

Bella reached out from her chest and pulled out a very ugly necklace. The thread was twisted from ponytail, and it tightly tied a twisted stone egg the size of an egg.

This thing was a gift given to her by a distinguished lady passing by, saying it could change her destiny.

Of course, Bella must pay a sufficient price for this, because nothing can be gained for nothing. She agrees with this very much and accepts this gift happily, even if the cost of using this gift is her soul and body.

Even though she had been wandering in the wilderness since she was a child and had not received a decent education, Bella still knew how evil this thing was.

But which lady did not deceive her and told her clearly that this thing was actually a devil's egg, an evil object made from devil's flesh and blood. It could gain the devil's power through sacrifice, but the price was that the more it was used, With the power of the user, the demon's power will become stronger, and it will eventually devour everything of the user as nourishment and be resurrected.

Anyone with a normal mind would probably avoid this, but for some people, being able to exchange everything for a chance for revenge is simply a gift, because the most tragic thing in the world is that you die. The enemy is still alive, and he will come to your grave for fun no matter what. You think it is irritating or not.

Bella is willing to pay this heavy price just to repay her father who brought her all this misfortune.

Don't say anything about Bella's filial piety for sacrificing everything to kill her biological father. She was thrown into the wilderness of the Northland by her biological father when she was twelve years old, not to mention that she has suffered from the wind and snow of the Northland for more than ten years. Sufferings, including wolves, drought, bandits, horse thieves, and critical illness, were encountered more than once. Not to mention a young girl, even an adult male would probably be able to persevere.

For more than ten years, Bella wanted to kill herself countless times, but she was always unwilling.

In the process of raising the dagger again and again and putting it down again and again, Bella would always give herself a reason to give up suicide, but in the end, the only obsession that supported her survival was revenge on her biological father who had brought all this to her. .

So Bella would rather give up everything to be a filial daughter, bury her father in person in the wilderness of the North, and then come here every spring to herd horses.

After making up her mind, Bella held the demon egg that could change her destiny tightly in her hand and walked out of the tent.

Bella, who walked out of the tent, saw with her peripheral vision that the cavalry who came to deliver the message were whispering something to a few herdsmen. When she came out, the cavalry was fine, but the herdsmen smiled awkwardly and hid in a tent nearby.

Bella knew this very well. These were the people placed by Viscount Marat in the tribe, and they were also her monitors.

Obviously, this biological father also knew his daughter and had been wary of it for a long time. Not only did he mobilize some young men from the tribe to serve as cavalry in Mara Town, but he also bribed some herdsmen to restrict Bella's rights in the tribe. However, he never thought of it. His own daughter actually mastered extraordinary power.

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