The appointment was due, the reward was due. After sending the three people away, Owen ate another steak before returning to the study.

After sitting down, Owen carefully took out a large piece of parchment from the drawer, laid it flat on the table, then unscrewed the ink cap and placed it in the upper right corner. Finally, he took the quill and started to daze.

Originally, he wanted to organize the next development plan, but after thinking about it carefully, Irving realized that he had made things into a mess, so messy that he couldn't start.

The messy sub-bases, as well as the things that need to be dealt with now and the things that need to be dealt with in the future, are all in no order, and they are intertwined with each other, making it impossible for him to figure it out for a while.

In desperation, Owen could only sort it out from scratch, and complained that the system was not powerful enough. If he was given unlimited progress points, he would probably directly promote the Kingdom of God and create a divine system.

But the fantasy was quickly broken by reality. Looking at the records on the parchment, Owen knew that he was a little messy, but he didn't expect that he was so messy.

"Am I throwing money away when I step on the horse?" It is said that the state of a sage is conducive to thinking, but apparently he used too much force and lost all his brains. It was only when he came back to his senses this time that he began to regret it.

Owen, who had already thought about it before, did not intend to waste any more time. He resigned himself to writing and drawing on the parchment paper, intending to plan out a sequence. At the same time, he vowed not to distract himself until he had achieved sufficient results after deciding what to develop. Cutting off bad things starts with him.

After careful consideration, Owen decided to develop the territory's apparent strength and increase his own strength in the next period of time. The former is his protective umbrella and the basis for all development. The latter is the core of everything and can only be achieved if he is alive. In the future, if he dies, everything will be in vain, so he decided to postpone the development of all disposal bases, including the dungeon.

This decision was made because the current strength of the territory can withstand enough risks, so that Owen does not need to consider running away and hiding for the time being. After the territory develops to a certain level and attracts more attention, he will then consider developing these areas. Invisible strength enhances the ability to resist various risks.

Of course, after making this decision, it does not mean that other places except the territory will be stopped. In fact, only the underground city and underground tunnels will be stopped, because these two projects consume too much progress value.

The scale of iron ore mining remains unchanged, because the quality of the iron ore is very high. Even without increasing manpower, the mined iron ore is enough for the territory to use, and there is still excess as a reserve.

The wooden village can also be maintained as it is, with no outside population and no need to build houses. Just build wooden walls and arrow towers, and the wood cut down for road construction is enough.

The ruins cannot be stopped anywhere, and enough stones must be stored to build the city wall after spring.

As a result, Goblin Town's tasks are a bit arduous. Destroying ruins, building roads, and managing farmland all require a lot of manpower. Due to the current shortage of manpower, even if the mechanical puppetization does not expand on a large scale, it is necessary. The increase is also inevitable.

However, these progress points that need to be consumed are still within Owen's tolerance range, and he will not be anxious about it. After all, the first two do not need to consume progress points. The latter gradually becomes more and more proficient in the alternative use of mechanical engineering of puppetry. The reliance on progress value is also gradually reduced. In addition, super farmland can cultivate special plants and iron ore produces high-quality steel, and the consumption of progress value is even smaller.

After Owen finished dealing with this and was about to focus on developing his territory, he was stunned to find that he had no use for it? !

There was no population to convert, no soldiers to train, no buildings to build, and everything he could think of had either been done or couldn't be done.

This makes people a little embarrassed. He is reflecting, blaming himself, worrying, and working hard at the same time. But in the end, you tell him, stop being busy and rest.

Owen, who felt his face was a little sore, had really resigned himself to his fate. He might as well rest.

Of course, this is just a joke, just to recharge his batteries and see if there is any way to strengthen himself. He has had enough of those two people dangling in front of him with the magic sealing needle all day long. It is time for a man to really stand up. Time to get up!

While Owen was struggling for the rise of men, the town of Mara fell into panic. Light cavalry with scimitars patrolled the town, and any outsiders were driven out without mercy, including businessmen who had cooperated for a long time.

With Viscount Marat's shrewd business acumen, he would never do this at ordinary times, but when the town of Marat was at a critical moment of life and death, he could still take care of business at this time.

"Have everything been packed?" Viscount Marat was closing his eyes to rest. When he heard the familiar footsteps of the housekeeper, he asked without raising his head.

"Sir, the property has been packed and distributed to the horses of the cronies." The old butler, who had served Viscount Marat for many years, was not panicked by the tense atmosphere outside and still handled the matters assigned by the master properly.

"Let the cavalry have an early rest tonight and set off quietly before dawn to go to the Northland pasture." Although the town of Mara was surrounded by hundreds of horse thieves, Viscount Mara did not lose his position. On the contrary, as early as the 20th He had expected this day to come years ago.

Very few people know that in addition to the town of Mara, Viscount Mara also has a nomadic tribe further north, which is headed by his daughter.

At the same time, most of the wealth that Viscount Marat has earned over the years is not in the North, but in the Chamber of Commerce on the border of the empire, which is managed by his two sons. Therefore, he is not panic. As long as he successfully escapes, whether it is to make a comeback or take the opportunity to hide. You have enough confidence to retreat.

The most important thing now is to get rid of those horse thieves, and then reunite with his daughter. As for whether to leave or stay, the initiative is in his hands.

When the sky was darkest in the early morning, Viscount Marat, who was still strong and strong, quietly left the town with his most elite cavalry team without disturbing anyone, including the residents of the town.

Although it was a pity to abandon the town, Viscount Marat knew that this was an inevitable price to pay. Only in this way could the other party not pursue them with all their strength, because the purpose of these horse thieves was not to kill him, but to seize the wealth that could be harvested continuously. Mara town.

Who would risk their lives to hunt down someone who could get it without any effort? This is why Viscount Marat did not choose to take away the townspeople and livestock, but he was unwilling to do so!

"Damn horse thieves!" Viscount Marat, who relied on his familiarity with the terrain to escape from the encirclement of horse thieves, spat hard and said with a ruthless face.

Although I had been mentally prepared for a long time, I was forced to give up the foundation I had earned for half my life. It was okay that I was not out of danger before, but once I was out of danger, I couldn't stop the resentment in my heart.

But so what, Viscount Marat knew the origins of those horse thieves well. He said they were horse thieves, but they were just wearing the skin of horse thieves. Which horse thieves can gather hundreds of people, and the food they consume every day alone is enough. It's not a small number, let alone equipped with the same style of weapons and leather armor. It's clear that there is someone behind it.

But there was no way, Viscount Marat had no one behind him, so he had no choice but to give in when facing the fierce dragon crossing the river. In order to prevent the other party from becoming angry, he took nothing away except the property he had accumulated, and even the town was not burned down. Lose.

But considering the recent replacement of old and new in the Northland, full of bloodshed and massacre, he was able to escape just by paying these prices. In some ways, he was lucky.

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