After thinking about it for several days, Owen finally decided to limit the number of soldiers to about fifty.

This number of soldiers is really nothing, because just guarding the castle requires at least one or two hundred people, let alone the entire territory.

It can be said that one hundred and two hundred is never too little, and three hundred and five hundred is never too much.

The problem is that the foundation of the Hydera family is too shallow, and Irving cannot go too far. Besides, fifty off-duty soldiers are not a small number, and the total consumption is not a small sum. If there is no external supplement, it will cost almost a hundred less in a year. To point out progress points, he has to set aside some extra progress points to develop the territory, so he can't use them all here.

Because the recovery speed of the progress value is limited, in order to make reasonable use of it, Irving divided the subsequent development of the territory into four stages, and the second stage has been conceived at present.

In the first stage, the total number of swordsmen and archers was expanded to twenty, plus the original eight soldiers, for a total of twenty-eight people. The two previous servants were then added in, and they were responsible for food and carriages. This way As soon as there is a need, thirty people can immediately go to war.

But when perfecting the first stage, Owen discovered that soldiers were not enough, he also needed scouts and doctors.

As for scouts, Owen chose the imperial-era scout cavalry. Although the price of cavalry is relatively high, even a light cavalry scout requires three points of progress. However, because the northern land is relatively flat, mounted scouts are obviously more suitable for the environment here.

As for the doctor, originally the monks from the Empire era were a good choice, they were kind of a beggar version of the priest. Unfortunately, now they can only store up to ten progress points and cannot recruit monks worth fifteen progress points, so Owen can only choose to ride and slash. Although a companion who is good at treatment needs to be paid, it is better than nothing.

The first phase of planning has been completed. In the second phase, the number of system soldiers will be increased by ten, and then they will be mainly exchanged for farmers and craftsmen to develop agriculture and economy.

Although farmers in the Age of Empire are cheap, they are all talented. They can not only farm, but also log, quarry, fish, hunt, slaughter, and build. Apart from their poor combat effectiveness, they can be called a decathlon.

However, after testing, Owen found that the role of system farmers is not as exaggerated as in the game. They can knock out city walls and buildings with just hammers. In fact, they can only be called craftsmen. They know some crafts, but they are not very proficient. , in front of the real craftsmen can only make a start.

However, after Owen's research, he found that as long as other abilities are deleted before exchanging farmers, more professional craftsmen will be summoned, such as lumberjacks, miners, fishermen, hunters, butchers, and craftsmen, who can perfectly fill the vacancies in the territory.

At the same time, the various items in horse riding and slashing also provided the territory with sufficient supplies. As long as a blacksmith shop was built, serfs no longer needed to use wooden sticks as farm tools, which greatly improved production efficiency.

It can be said that these two games alone have put Irving's territory on the fast track. If he waits until the system is officially launched, wouldn't he be flying? !

Time flew by very quickly while he was busy. Owen, who had no experience at all, kept adding bricks and tiles to the territory with a hammer and a stick. Fortunately, the slow recovery speed of the progress value gave him more time to think, so he would not make mistakes while busy.

On this day, the scout came to warn him. After hearing the description, Owen suddenly understood.

"I came quite early this year. It seems I can't wait." Owen said with a sneer, because he knew who was coming.

"Assemble the soldiers and all enter the castle." Owen had already prepared for the arrival of this day, so he ordered calmly.

Owen climbed onto half of the city wall and raised his brass telescope. A thick black line that was originally blurry in the distance turned into a caravan.

"Five carriages need so many people to protect them? Haha, this is a bad sign." Owen counted the number of caravan guards and said with a sneer.

Although caravans make money and the profits they get in the Northland are unimaginably high, the costs in all aspects are not low, which makes it impossible for caravans to hire unlimited guards. Generally, they are limited, even at the border of Northland. In such a dangerous place, an ordinary caravan will not have more than two guards per carriage, because the boys and the grooms can take up arms and fight when necessary, which is not a small number. Hiring more people will definitely reduce the number of guards. In terms of profit, although there is no money to be made, for businessmen, making less means losing money, so they must plan carefully.

So five carriages with about twenty guards, plus an equal number of boys and grooms, said they were coming for peace, and Owen had to be stupid enough to believe it.

Owen knew very well what kind of goods the Hai Rui Chamber of Commerce shipped every year. It was completely unworthy of hiring twenty guards. With so many guards now hired, in order not to lose money, he must make some extra money, such as seizing a noble along the way. territory.

No matter who it is, as long as it is not a noble, it is very taboo to seize the territory of a noble. The surrounding nobles will come to attack the rebel unconditionally, and then divide the poor guy's territory.

Even if the unlucky noble was still alive, in order to thank the good neighbors around him for lending a helping hand and asking them to put down the bleeding knife, he would still have to bleed so much that he might not be able to recover even after a hundred years.

The problem is that the situation of the Hydera family is a bit complicated. The so-called family is only Owen, so according to the tradition of the nobility, once he dies, his mother also has the right to inherit.

If the Hairui Chamber of Commerce is willing to spend money to operate, it may not be possible for the Hydera family to inherit the title. This is enough for the Hairui Chamber of Commerce to take a risk.

As for why he didn't just deal with him before, but left instead, it was of course because this kind of thing couldn't be done carelessly, otherwise once the nobles around him got caught, he would definitely be beaten.

To put it simply, the Hairui Chamber of Commerce wants to put on a show, take itself out, and then legitimately occupy the Hydera family. This requires timing and time to arrange, so it has been delayed until now.

Although he knew that the Hairui Chamber of Commerce had bad intentions, Owen had no intention of violently solving the problem because businessmen in any world had one thing in common, that is, they did not do business at a loss, so he did not hide it when he saw the caravan coming. When you get there, open the city gate directly.

Putting on a clean and neat aristocratic costume, and riding a docile training horse, Owen showed an elegant smile belonging to the aristocracy, and led all the soldiers to surround the caravan.

Faced with the siege of soldiers, the guards of the caravan were very nervous. Although they gripped their weapons tightly, their eyes were a little panicked, because they knew very well what would happen if they faced a large number of soldiers. Otherwise, why would they be so well-behaved when facing nobles? It’s not because you can’t beat it.

Caravan guards are all like this, let alone boys and grooms. Even if they are not professionals, they can still see that their hope of victory is lower than the salary increase, so they are still willing to sacrifice their lives. If the worst happens, they will surrender when the situation is not good. Whoever works does not eat.

The guards and clerks could tell that the situation was not good, and so could the caravan manager.

The sword and shield soldiers are in front, the spearmen are following closely, and the archers are holding down the formation. Once they fight, they will definitely die in large numbers, so the caravan manager cannot just watch the conflict between the two sides, even if they came with bad intentions before, they can Now they just want to be reasonable, really, not lie to you.

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