After calming down, Owen carefully observed the two types of soldiers.

Swordsmen are the basic arms in the Age of Empires. Although they are not very tall, they have good physiques. They wear iron helmets and leather armor. They are equipped with one-handed swords and log shields. They can fight, resist, and run. They can adapt to various situations. This kind of complex combat environment is the kind of snake oil.

In comparison, the foot archer is taller, wearing a vest-like leather armor, showing a pair of strong arms, holding a wooden bow, carrying a quiver on his back, with bright eyes and good spirits.

Owen compared the troops in the Empire era with his original soldiers, and found that the former were much stronger than the latter. I dare not say that they were a level higher. Ten vs. ten, he would definitely win. Ten vs. twenty, even if he did not occupy the advantageous location. , can still win a miserable victory.

Such a judgment is not unfounded.

Although Owen has never been a soldier or fought in a fight, he knows that people are actually very fragile. No matter whether you are a martial arts champion or a heavyweight boxing champion, you will have to kneel down even if you are stabbed in the waist.

Especially in ancient times, there was still hope of survival if the muscles and bones were injured, but if the internal organs were damaged, it was almost the same as getting a ticket to hell.

Otherwise, why people were allowed to possess weapons in ancient times, but hiding armor privately was a serious crime of treason? It was because no matter how powerful a person was, he could not withstand several rounds of arrows. On the contrary, if he put on a good set of armor and killed three people with his brute force, It's not impossible to get in and out three times.

Although the soldiers in the territory are not as elite as the system soldiers, their equipment is not too bad, and as long as he, the lord, dares to fight with all his strength, raises his spear and charges, he will basically be dead if he is hit. Therefore, although the soldiers in the empire era Even more elite, Irving still makes this judgment.

This also reminds him not to rely on the system soldiers to be arrogant. The system soldiers are not invincible. Once he makes such a mistake in the war, he may not have a chance to do it again.

Owen placed these system soldiers in long wooden houses, because this place was originally used as a barracks. Each wooden house can accommodate ten soldiers, and this place was full at the time.

Regarding the arrival of system soldiers, the original soldiers had no doubts, no inquiry, and no hostility. Instead, they were very happy, because this meant that they were stronger, safer, and more relaxed.

After ten more soldiers were added to the castle, although the daily food consumption was much higher, at least it was much safer. The days of four people patrolling the castle were gone, and now it had doubled.

As for food consumption, because not only food, but also many materials can be redeemed from the game with progress values, Owen really doesn't panic.

Of course, all of this is in exchange for progress value, and progress value takes time to recover, so it seems that the resources are unlimited, but in fact Irving still needs to be careful and plan in advance, otherwise if something goes wrong, the problem will Not too small.

Therefore, he first needs to calculate the consumption of soldiers and serfs in order to reserve enough supplies in advance as an emergency. At least it can last for a month without systematic supply of supplies. This is the minimum.

But it’s not that I didn’t know. After doing some calculations, I discovered that the problem was really big.

Due to the lack of animal protein and fat, both soldiers and serfs had large appetites.

Soldiers are better off, and are guaranteed at least one kilogram of food a day, but this is still a limit. If there is no limit, it will be three to five kilograms a day.

The problem is that when one kilogram of food a day is still coarse food, let alone training, it is difficult to maintain normal physical strength. Therefore, the soldiers' food can only be increased but not reduced.

In comparison, the serfs were even worse. Half a kilogram of grain boiled into porridge was enough for a day. No wonder the territory purchased serfs every year in my memory, but the population never increased. It was strange that people could not die because of this way of eating.

In addition, food supplements such as salt, vegetables, fish, etc. must be considered. This is not only related to health issues, but also to morale.

At the same time, clothes, shoes, equipment and other consumables must also be prepared in advance. Irving's head is getting big after all.

Not counting combat and high-intensity training, a soldier consumes at least a thousand kilograms of food, four sets of thick and thin clothes, and eight pairs of shoes a year. He must have at least one spare set of equipment.

There are far fewer serfs, but no matter how small they are, one and a half kilograms of grain a day must not be saved, and they must have at least one set of thick clothes, otherwise half of them will die in one winter.

The total cost added up made Owen frown. No wonder the Hydera family only had thirty semi-off-duty soldiers before. It wasn't that they didn't want more, but mainly because they couldn't afford them.

Now that we know the approximate consumption, let’s calculate the issue of resource replenishment.

Although the system can exchange materials, it is not free. One progress value can only be exchanged for ten units of grain, which is one thousand kilograms of wheat, which is equivalent to the consumption of a soldier for one year.

This is just the infantry. If the cavalry consumes more, after all, the war horses don't just need to be fed with grass. They eat grains, beans, eggs, and salt. Not only do they eat more than people, they also eat better than people.

In addition, it seems that the ratio of progress value to food is very high, which is very cost-effective, but one thousand kilograms of food represents a loyal soldier who is willing to die for him.

No matter how much he thought about it, he felt that he was at a loss. Irving immediately crossed out some of his previous plans. He could not relax on the civil aspect either. Farming must be done in advance.

Not only must we focus on food cultivation and get rid of dependence on systematic food as soon as possible, but we must also reserve more craftsmen, such as carpenters, stonemasons, and blacksmiths. These are not only closely related to life, but also very important for the military.

With enough farmers and craftsmen, Owen will greatly reduce his dependence on system resources, so as to save more progress value to exchange for soldiers, because the loyalty of system soldiers is difficult to replace.

Interestingly, in the system exchange, the price-performance ratio of sundries exchange is higher than that of food.

Cloth, candles, and pottery, as long as they are not metal, are not much higher than food in exchange, but if you sell them, you can definitely make a lot of money, and you can buy more food and other supplies.

But considering his own lack of strength and the lack of suitable talents, Irving gave up the idea after thinking about it for a long time, because what he needs now is more accumulation, rather than being in the limelight and attracting too much attention.

The emergence of the system can be said to have freed Owen from the growing panic in his heart, so he deliberately spent some progress points to buy items and decorate the castle, so that he would not have to live in a historical ruins all day long. After decorating it, he would feel more alive and sleep. Also more practical.

In fact, Irving didn't buy many things. Except for candles and lanterns, which were bought in boxes, more of them were spices and food, because delicious food always makes people feel better.

In addition, Irving also bought a pig-bristle toothbrush, green salt for cleaning teeth, and bath beans for bathing. After putting on new clothes, he looked completely new.

Other than that, Owen didn't waste any more progress points.

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