In the dilapidated Kingdom of God, the green color representing life has been reduced a lot, and many places have even turned into deserts. This is extremely rare in the Kingdom of Elf Gods, and it also means that the Lord of the Kingdom of God has no extra energy to maintain it. It is even in a state of exhaustion.

The poor environment keeps the more than 200,000 elves living here in a constant state of hunger. Even the elves who are mainly vegetarians cannot survive on leaves and grass roots, let alone fight against demons.

Andromeda has been worried about this. It can be said that since her husband died in the war, her eldest son and second daughter lost contact, and she was pushed to the throne, she has not heard a good news, and what she faces every day is worse than yesterday. The situation made her suffer from stress.

Now her only hope is to leave the abyss and reach a place where the living residents of the Light Elf Kingdom can survive. The most important thing is to stay away from the goddess of morning light.

Thinking of this, Andromeda's face became very ugly.

The goddess Chenhui is not a deity from their world, but came to their world three thousand years ago and helped them, who were still living as a tribe, solve a huge crisis.

In order to thank the goddess of morning light, all the elves gathered together to offer their beliefs, and the Kingdom of Light Elf was established.

But who could have imagined that this was the beginning of a nightmare, because no one expected that this goddess would bring about a crisis of annihilation.

When that day came, all the races in the world united to try to fight against the crisis of annihilation. Her husband also led most of the kingdom's troops to the location of the coalition forces, but the good news did not come until an endless trail appeared in the sky. There were cracks and countless green flames fell from the sky, and Andromeda knew that the coalition had failed.

At this time, no one knew that all this was brought about by the goddess of morning light. Instead, under the guidance of the high priest of light, Andromeda brought millions of still living subjects to the kingdom of the goddess of morning light. fuel for the Kingdom of God’s voyage.

Over the past twenty years, hundreds of thousands of subjects of the Kingdom of Light Elf have disappeared here, and those who are still alive cannot avoid becoming firewood. This is the desperate future that Andromeda faces.

In the simple palace, a member of the king's guard wearing a gorgeous enchanted gold armor but covered with injuries hurriedly came over.

The King's Guard is the most elite force in the Kingdom of Light Elf, with only three hundred members. Each member is an elite among the elite who has passed hundreds of years of trials, and is proficient in martial arts, magic, art, poetry, painting, etc. The perfect combination of force and art.

At the same time, they are also the last and strongest wall in front of the king. Before the king's guards fall, they will not allow the king to fall in front of them. This is their oath and duty.

Unfortunately, most of the King's Guards had followed the King and died in the Doomsday War, leaving only the thirty people who protected the palace. They were also Andromeda's most trusted henchmen.

"Her Majesty the Queen, the High Priest of Light Asali has come to ask for an audience." In order not to be rude in front of Her Majesty the Queen, this member of the King's Guard suppressed his anger and reported with the elegance of an elf.

"Let her in." Andromeda knew why the king's guard was angry. In fact, if she hadn't been a queen and had to keep calm at all times, she would even chop the woman into pieces with a sword.

For the elves, this kind of behavior is too violent and disrespectful, but for the hatred in their hearts, such behavior is not enough to express one ten thousandth of it.

Because the High Priest of Light Asali is not only the chief high priest of the Temple of the Goddess of Dawn in the Kingdom of Light Elf, but also the culprit who led them into this abyss of despair.

As a high elf, as the high priest of the goddess of morning light, Asali has amazing beauty, a graceful figure, and brilliant blond hair like the sun, but now her eyes are dim and her face looks tired, and even her originally supple long hair My hair also looks a little dry.

"Good day, Your Majesty the Queen." Asali bowed slightly and saluted.

"No need to be polite, I wonder why the high priest is here?" Andromeda was both curious and uneasy in her heart, because the two sides were like fire and water, that is, they were in the abyss and in the same boat. Otherwise, they would definitely fight to the death, so she came to the door. There was no such thing as a visit, there must be some reason for the other party to come, and the possibility of good news was too low, so she felt uneasy.

"The prophesied moment is coming, and it's time to decide the fate of the Elf Kingdom." Asali took a deep breath, with uncontrollable excitement still in her voice, and raised her head to face Andromeda.

"Oh, I thought the fate of the Elf Kingdom had been decided a long time ago." Andromeda said mockingly. Now she, the queen, lives in a simple palace with greater symbolic significance, with only thirty king's guards around her. Does the Elf Kingdom still exist?

"Your Majesty the Queen, this is the fate of the Elf Kingdom and the fate of the Goddess of Dawn." Asali was silent for a moment, and then said firmly, as if she firmly believed that the sacrifices made by the Elf Kingdom were inevitable and necessary.

Andromeda sneered and did not speak, because she did not want to waste time on this topic anymore, because it was meaningless. They were in the Kingdom of God, deep in the abyss, and could neither leave nor leave, just like she said Likewise, the fate of the Elf Kingdom is destined to have no future.

"Your Majesty the Queen, do you still remember the third princess?" Asali knew that there was not much time left for her, so she said in a somewhat urgent tone.

"Asali! What are you going to do?!" Like an enraged lioness, Andromeda roared angrily, while the king's guards who were already waiting for the position raised their shields in one hand and flattened their spears in the other. The magic radiance around them flashed, and they were ready. Prepare to kill the enemy.

"Thirty years ago, on the day when the end of the world came, I saw the demise of the Elf Kingdom and the fall of the goddess of morning light. The only turning point was in the abyss, and the facts proved that my prediction was correct. We did not follow the world. Die at the end of the world." Asali told the past, trying to emphasize something.

"Yes, hundreds of thousands of subjects were burned as firewood, and not even their souls were left. The elves who are still alive are still on the front line resisting the invasion of demons." Andromeda said angrily, from the Elf Kingdom Sacrifice is what maintains the existence of the Kingdom of God, and the so-called goddess of morning light did not show up at all.

"The world where the third princess lives is our only way out." Asali suddenly interrupted her, making Andromeda's expression gloomy.

In fact, Andromeda knew about this. She had planned to send the two children to Cortana's world from the beginning. However, due to the chaos in the void caused by the end of the world, and the coordinates on the opposite side seemed to be caught in space turbulence, In the end it was settled.

Later, she never mentioned this matter, because she planned to use Cortana as the final fire. That's why Andromeda became so angry when Asali mentioned this name.

"Who else knows about this?" Andromeda said in a cold tone.

Seeing Asali's silence, Andromeda knew the answer. No wonder he took her with him when he boarded the Kingdom of God. As the queen of the Elf Kingdom, she was the biggest factor of instability in times of crisis. For the purpose of using bloodline magic to locate.

In fact, Asali's visit this time was more like making a final announcement, because she was in the kingdom of God and could not escape or die. She had no choice but to passively accept it.

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