Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 477 The Kingdom of God in the Abyss

Owen, who was sitting firmly in the garden, shook his head. From an image point of view, the rancid cloud was more in line with the original image of a loving father than him. Unfortunately, it did not cheat and could only be used as fertilizer for the garden.

The angry rancid cloud slapped away the garden guard commander. Seeing that the demons under his command had suffered heavy casualties and were no longer useful, regardless of the fact that their injuries had not yet recovered, they began to release their own domain. The intestines they accumulated outside suddenly swelled. The volume has expanded a little bit, and it looks like a bunch of 100% simulated intestinal balloons. It is still the most disgusting kind. A large amount of proliferative tissue and weird glands secrete strange substances, which undergo complex reactions in the intestines. Finally, a large amount of thick rancid gas was released from the upper and lower exhaust ports.

The faces of the demons who were still alive around them changed drastically on the spot. Even the seriously injured and dying demons were vomiting blood and struggling to crawl away. However, their speed could not keep up with the speed of gas diffusion. As long as they were contaminated, whether they were demons or flowers and plants, they would become Thick yellow pus.

The most frightening thing is that this process is not very fast, so the infected person can clearly feel that their skin is like a plastic bag burned by fire, their flesh and blood is like melted butter, and their internal organs are beginning to ferment. The things inside began to rot, and emitted an astonishing stench. It was difficult to tell whether the affected objects died because their flesh and blood turned into pus, or whether they died of the indescribable stench.

Owen frowned. The opponent was not a real demon lord, so he could not mobilize 100% of the power of the abyss. However, with the strength stuck at the limit and the little original power he controlled, it was no longer something ordinary demons could deal with. Well, even the Garden Guard Commander he carefully prepared would be hard-pressed to kill him. Even if he could kill him, he probably wouldn't be able to kill him. No matter how you look at it, the stench is one that goes deep into your bones.

Thinking of this, Owen poured vitality into the garden, spawning countless roots underground.

A huge network of roots has formed underground in the entire garden. After receiving the infusion of divine power, countless thick roots broke out of the ground, wrapping around the rancid cloud without fear, and even began to take root in its exposed intestines and stomach, irritating it. It releases more of the putrid fog, at least until it's blocked.

Owen, who did not intend to turn the garden into a stinking toilet, spawned a large number of clovers around him and blew strong winds to control the spread of the putrid fog. At the same time, the frozen plants also began to show their power, using low temperatures to control the spread of the thick fog.

The rancid clouds that were frustrated one after another angrily tore at the roots wrapped around the body. These things penetrated almost everywhere, even the folds and gaps of the flesh. Even the dead skin on its body was rooted out densely by the fine roots. Small holes clung to its body, and the worst part was that its internal organs were still exposed and its abdomen was still wide open.

This kind of injury is not fatal to an ordinary demon, let alone a demon lord. Therefore, the Rotting Cloud did not repair the wound immediately, but now it is too late to repair it. Its intestines and abdominal cavity It has been filled with roots, and even the putrid thick fog that it is proud of cannot be released. The most terrifying thing is that it feels that those roots are continuing to penetrate deep, spreading from blood vessels and flesh, and spreading it. Treat your body as nutrients that can be absorbed and as a potted plant filled with nutritious soil.

Not long after, the putrid cloud's lungs were filled up, roots sprouted from its nostrils, and the blood in the heart was sucked dry, filled with soft roots. Even so, the putrid cloud did not die, but it would rather itself died.

Controlling the roots to pull the rancid cloud into the ground of the garden to act as fertilizer, Owen was very indifferent to the victory he won, because it was inevitable.

No matter in any aspect, the Rotting Cloud is far inferior to Owen, not to mention that he has pure divine power continuously supported by the main body. It is a joke that he cannot defeat a half-finished demon lord.

Not to mention that from the perspective of the Abyss, this is a healthy internal competition, and they will not interfere at all, let alone stop it. Under various circumstances, the Rotting Cloud was ruthlessly eliminated.

In fact, if it were not for the fear of spoiling the plan, Owen could split the putrid cloud and the abyss into two with a divine strike, but the consequence would be that the power of the abyss that was originally gathered together spreads and merges into the main world along the wound. In the origin, when the time comes, the wound will not fester, but the poison will penetrate into the bone marrow.

Owen, who knew that violence could not solve all problems, dealt with the post-war situation step by step.

The surviving demons were thrown into the swamp to wait for transformation. The injured garden demons also soaked comfortably in the swamp, filling their wounds with mud and moistening their thirsty throats with thick pool water. Their injuries and physical strength were rapidly recovering.

While Owen was making soup, he squinted his eyes to absorb the source of the abyss that was taken from the putrid cloud.

More than 50% of the original authority has greatly increased Owen's influence on the Land of the Abyss, but he still only has control. If he wants to truly control it, he needs to slowly transform the Land of the Abyss into his own shape.

With his silly awareness of the abyss, Owen's plan will definitely go smoothly.

Although the battle ended quickly, the battle between the two future demon lords still shook the origin of the Abyss, causing considerable collisions and turmoil, and causing some changes to the originally hidden Demon Gate.

At this time, on a certain level of the abyss, a crumbling divine kingdom was moving quickly under the influence of divine power, looking for an unknown exit.

But the abyss is boundless, and any level is wider than the main world, and has unique laws. Once you fall into it, it is so easy to escape, not to mention that the power of the abyss is everywhere, constantly eroding the Kingdom of God, and also Attracting countless demons.

Devouring is the essence of the abyss, and destruction is the nature of demons. How could they let intruders go? As a result, the divine power of the Kingdom of God is consumed very quickly. In order to be able to support it for a longer period of time, the scope of divine protection is constantly shrinking, and those who have lost their divine power are Asylum, the exposed areas of the Kingdom of God were first corroded by the power of the abyss, lost their upgrades, and then ushered in the invasion of demons.

Thousands of elves wearing gorgeous golden armor are resisting the invasion of demons within the protection of divine power. Although these elves have lingering tiredness, they rely on sophisticated equipment, superb combat skills, and tacit understanding. Cooperate and continuously strangle the invading demons.

But the effect is not great. The scope of divine protection is still shrinking. Once they leave the scope of divine protection, they will be contaminated by the power of the abyss. They will either become demons or be killed because of weakness. They have seen this scene too many times. There are so many, no one knows if they will be next.

However, the Kingdom of God is their last ark. No matter how difficult it is, they must continue to support it, for the queen and the goddess!

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