After continuous renovation, the castle is still full of ancient atmosphere, but the interior has been gradually improved and become more suitable for living. Especially after the installation of independent bathrooms in the main rooms, the comfort level has been greatly increased, not to mention that Owen specializes in games. The living standards of the furniture and supplies exchanged for them are not inferior to those of any ordinary noble family in the empire, and are higher than the living standards of ordinary minor nobles, so living here is definitely not an injustice.

Every morning when she gets up from the big silk and goose down bed, Dell takes a hot bath and then takes care of her skin seriously. Usually she chooses jasmine essential oil and spends the day full of energy.

Due to her bloodline, Del is naturally beautiful, but she understands that her appearance and figure are her only bargaining chips now, and there is no room for carelessness, so she often spends a lot of time taking care of them.

Fortunately, the owner here is very generous and provides many precious skin care products. She has a good foundation to begin with, and after careful care, she becomes even more radiant. Her blond hair shines, her skin is as white as porcelain, and her whole body seems to be glowing. Wearing an off-the-shoulder white gauze skirt, she is like a goddess who has fallen into the world. Any man who sees it can't help but feel a special impulse, a kind of beauty that breaks her perfect side with his own hands. impulse.

To put it simply, it means kneeling down and singing about conquest. After all, that’s all a man’s thoughts are.

Just when Del was finishing her day's maintenance and picking up a book to kill time, there was a knock on the door.

When Dale saw Maya pushing through the door, she knew the time had come to decide her fate.

Being granted freedom was something Del never dared to think about, and she didn't dare to ask for freedom, because she knew very well that once she was freed, it would mean that she would completely lose her asylum, and the end would be crueler than death.

When she was very young, Dell's father took her to see how those female slaves were tortured. She never thought about those days, so she never thought about gaining so-called freedom.

Even because she had been married once before, she never thought about relying on her beauty to get to the top. Now she is willing to use herself as a bargaining chip, just in exchange for a peaceful life, even if it means being a canary in a cage.

For the canary, although there is sunshine and forest outside the cage, and it can fly freely, there are also eagles and hunters outside. After a short period of freedom and happiness, it will face the cruel nature.

Del, who has always been well protected, does not need to take risks, nor does she want to take risks. Living her life safely like a mother is her only hope, and all she needs to do is to catch a man, a man who can bring her shelter. , for which she only needs to sacrifice her body and loyalty.

Maya knows Del's mentality well. This is a typical education method for small nobles, cultivating qualified canaries and offering them to higher nobles for appreciation, thereby gaining appreciation and benefits.

In order to avoid accidents, the canaries trained must not be ambitious or aggressive, but must be gentle and submissive. After all, although they cannot carry weapons at certain times, human teeth are still lethal at certain times.

Dale is obviously a canary that has been carefully cultivated, so Maya did not dissuade Owen from some of his ideas because it seemed to her to be a very normal thing, even if the conditions in the North were not so poor. , she has begun to train more servants for her master.

"Mrs. Dale, the master has summoned you, please come with me." Maya did not change the name of Dale, and still called her madam. Because she was keenly aware that the master had special feelings for this title, so she always called her that way.

"Okay." Dell had always been prepared, so he just adjusted the shoulder straps to make the two hemispheres appear more rounded, and then swayed forward and back to follow Maya.

Maya is already plump enough and has an absolutely top-notch figure. Dale's figure is far beyond hers, to an unscientific level. After all, there is always something special about the blood of a witch. This is good for her. After all, it is just adding The attraction to males, as long as someone protects her, she will not end up becoming the queen of books.

"Mrs. Dale, from today on, you will learn from me how to become a qualified wizard." Owen, who only mastered a few simple magics, said in a pretentious manner, and at the same time, he performed a fluorescent flash in a showy way.

"Del has met the teacher." Before the fluorescent light came on, Del lifted up her skirt with both hands and bowed in obedience.

Owen suddenly gasped. He had seen a golden bell hanging upside down before, but this was the first time he had seen a basketball hanging upside down. It was really eye-opening.

"Relax, don't be nervous, let's sit there and start today's class." After calming down, Owen pretended to be relaxed and pointed to the side and said.

There is a sofa in the study room. It is very wide and long. It is larger than a single bed. It is covered with thick and soft cushions. It is very comfortable to sit on. It has a very good impact absorption effect. Owen has tested it personally. Now he Sitting on it, with the basketball on one side, or, no, Dale on the other side, and Maya on the other side, I started class without any distractions.

Owen did not let Maya leave. Firstly, he was afraid that something would go wrong when he and Dale were alone. Secondly, he felt that Maya should also have a special bloodline, but he didn't know whether it was too thin or hidden too deeply, and he couldn't sense it very well. It was clear, so he planned to teach together.

It is better to say that it is teaching than reading according to the textbook. Irving does not dare to bring out his own learning experience, because he is not a smart person. If he really takes himself seriously and teaches with what he takes for granted as the truth, everything will be wrong. It would be troublesome to lead two smart people into the ditch. After all, they haven't exchanged my power of thinking and can't reach the level of saying what it is, so I just read it as it is.

But the three of them sitting together were a bit crowded, a bit soft, and a bit bouncy. Owen calmly put the book down with a stand, and then in order to distract his attention, he looked at the attributes of the two of them while reading.

Name: Maya, age: 38, occupation: maid.

Command 40, force 40, intelligence 65, politics 60, charisma 70.

Specialties: Management, always able to organize messy affairs in order.

Name: Dale, age: 22, occupation: witch.

Command 5, force 5, intelligence 20, politics 5, charisma 80.

Specialties: Witch Blood 10, Potions +5, Transformation +3, Curse +1, Summoning +1.

Although this was not the first time he saw the attributes of the two, Owen still sighed. Maybe he was the only one who was normal.

Maya's intelligence, political, and charm values ​​were as high as sixty or seventy. He could understand it. After all, she had seen her abilities with his own eyes, but why were her command and force values ​​also at forty?

Doesn't this mean that when Maya is serious, beating herself is just like playing? No wonder she loses every time she fights, and ends up with back pain.

However, according to the fact that intelligence equals magic power, Del's future magic value is not optimistic. Unfortunately, Maya does not have a special bloodline as she thought, and such a high intelligence attribute was wasted.

But Owen always felt that something was wrong. Unfortunately, his lord template was a bit acclimated, and there were only so many attributes that he could see.

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