Thanks to the extraordinary popularity of the previous Harry Potter series, in addition to movies, various games are also emerging one after another.

In Owen's view, the wizards in the Harry Potter world fit the world's definition of wizards very well. Although the upper limit is not high, the breadth is good, and they are very suitable for farming. For example, if he transforms the castle into something similar to Hogwarts Academy Such a magic castle would be very interesting to think about.

And because of mysticism, Owen has magic power and also has the foundation to learn magic. However, the twelve points of intelligence attribute give him 120 points of magic value. He can't figure out whether this value is high or low. But this did not prevent him from immediately redeeming Hogwarts textbooks for grades one to seven, as well as work robes, pointed hats, protective gloves, cloaks, a crucible, a set of crystal vials, a telescope, and a brass Scales and most importantly a magic wand.

Owen did not choose the wand used by the protagonist, nor the most powerful Elder Wand, but a standard wand used by students.

The standard wand has no special properties, its only property is stable output.

However, for beginners, stability is the most important thing, not to mention that a standard wand without special attributes can allow Owen to better observe and learn various magics without deviations due to the attributes of the wand.

In addition, there is a reason why Owen chose the magic system of Hogwarts as the introduction to the legal profession, that is, it is simple enough to get started.

A group of primary school students were able to release magic and refine potions in the first semester after being taught by a professor. You can imagine how easy it is to get started, as long as they have magic power.

Owen can't be said to be smart, but at least his intelligence is normal, and the puppet master brings him strong mental power, and the mystery brings him stable magic power. The only thing he lacks is the way and method to release magic power, which happens to be Hogwarts. The magic-casting conditions are notoriously simple.

"Clear water like a spring!" Owen held the wand and raised it slightly, and a thin stream of water was released from the head of the wand. The process was very smooth, without any bifurcation, and the round and powerful water flow drew a beautiful arc. Landing smoothly, a small hole was made on the ground within a short time.


After stopping the magic output, the last few drops of water dripped from the head of the wand. Owen took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled, feeling proud that he had successfully cast magic for the first time, at least his feet were not wet.

Regardless of the effect, at least he successfully and stably released magic once without any mistakes in the whole process, which is good. After all, he did not have a professor to teach him.

Of course, to be able to do this, in addition to his own efforts, the role played by this standard wand is also indispensable.

Standard wands are specially prepared for students, and stability is the only requirement. After all, students' magic is not stable due to their growth period. It often breaks out due to emotional loss. If it is not restricted, I am afraid that Hogwarts will die every year. A few unlucky students.

And because they have been using standard wands, many students still do not choose to change their wands when they become adults. After all, the stable and long-lasting standard wands are very convenient to use in daily life, and there is no need to worry about breaking anything.

Of course, in addition to standard wands, there are also enhanced wands and black wands. The former is a powerful wand dedicated to Aurors, and the latter is a wand used by dark wizards that can enhance dark magic.

Further up are the special wands used by several protagonists. The prices are high and not affordable. After all, the magic in the Harry Potter series is not known for its power, so high quality does not mean high power.

After finding the trick to perform magic, Owen successfully mastered many simple magics in the next period of time.

To be honest, magic is really interesting. If he hadn't been reluctant to give up the wonderful prospect of being a puppet master, Owen would have really wanted to give up this profession completely and focus all his energy on magic.

However, the profession of Puppet Master is not weak either. It brought a lot of advantages to Owen in the early stage, especially the existence of mental power, which was simply cheating.

The wizards in Harry Potter often need to rely on emotions to drive magic, and spells and wands are all used to guide magic. The reason is because their mental power is not strong enough.

Only a few wizards master wandless and silent spellcasting, because they have stronger mental powers and are more familiar with magic.

Owen doesn't have these worries, because the puppet master's powerful mental power can even perform nano-level operations. Even if he doesn't have such strong mental power now, he still gets half the result with twice the result when using it in magic learning, so learning puppetry is really not a big deal for him. A waste of time and energy.

During this period, Owen has been studying magic attentively, but exchanging teaching materials and practicing magic will not consume much progress points. After all, he can't think of refining potions, so he used the accumulated progress points to exchange for some things. The biggest one is located in the castle The herbal greenhouse at the back is also used to prepare for future magic potion refining.

The magic potions at Hogwarts are really weird. Needless to say, there is no need to mention colds and fevers. A bloody gourd that falls can generally only be considered a minor injury. It is a bit unreasonable to be able to recover even if a bone is removed. Owen will definitely not do it anyway. Give up Hogwarts potions.

As a place for cultivating herbs in Hogwarts, this greenhouse is not that simple, or any building in Hogwarts is not that simple. It is just that the herb greenhouse is more dangerous. As for how dangerous it is, it is probably not inferior to the Forbidden Forest. How much, after all, some magical herbs can kill people just by their smell, not to mention terrifying herbs like mandrake that can kill a piece of them just by screaming. So Owen did not redeem the complete herbal greenhouse, he also Can't afford to exchange.

With the framework in place, Irving borrowed the capabilities of the super farm to add soil and spring water that can speed up plant growth, and prepared a lot of seeds. The only thing missing now is a qualified worker.

Feeling that it was almost done, Owen prepared an introduction to spells, a life encyclopedia of spells, a book of herbalism, and a standard wand, and then asked Maya to bring Dale.

Compared to Corrence, who lives in the town and works hard every day, Del has been living in the castle since the day he arrived. However, neither Corrence nor Maya felt there was anything wrong with this. Obviously, in their understanding, Dale is not an independent person, but Owen's trophy. As for how to place and use this trophy, it all depends on the Lord's preference.

Unfortunately, after learning from Maya that Del has the blood of a witch, Owen has to be a gentleman, and it seems that he will continue to do so in a short period of time. After all, the blood of the witch itself is unstable, and he does not want to be a person who attracts hatred. That, so although Dale is not allowed to leave the castle, the treatment is not bad.

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