Become a Fairy

Chapter 5365 Chaos Stone Fragments

"I just feel that the fight is not satisfying enough. With the magical power of the Dragon Lord, this fight has not yet displayed one of the hundred. It is a pity to miss an opportunity to broaden one's horizons."

Jin Tong laughed. The dragon magical power that Lu Xiaotian cultivated was not concealed at their level. It was engraved on the dragon totem. As long as the power of the totem was offered, the divine consciousness could sense the dragon skills on the totem.

They could even go to other Buddhist sects and the skills of the three major immortal palaces.

Even if they did not practice what Lu Xiaotian knew, they had seen it more or less.

It was just experience. Cultivation is one thing. There are thousands of people with different faces. Everyone who practices the same skills will have unique insights.

Lu Xiaotian is the person who practices the most comprehensive skills in the entire Qingguo barrier. He can be said to be open to all.

After integrating some skills, using them often makes Jin Tong and his group feel open-minded. Occasionally, some things that were not well understood in the past will be touched.

If there is a chance, Jin Tong and others would naturally want to see as much of Lu Xiaotian's methods as possible. In the past few years, they have also sparred with Lu Xiaotian's clones in the Qingguo barrier.

They have seen some methods, but with their strength, even if they join forces, the threat to Lu Xiaotian is relatively limited.

Yongze Demon Lord is naturally not the same as them, and is the one who can really threaten Lu Xiaotian.

It's just that it was originally thought to be a big battle, but it ended so abruptly.

"Give me a quick death." Yongze Demon Lord had nothing to say after failing at the last hurdle. He couldn't do this thing of groveling and begging for mercy.

"I didn't intend to spare your life, but your Gengshen Demon Needle is quite ingenious. If I can comprehend it, it may increase my magical power.

You still have some value in existence. When I comprehend the mystery, it will be your death."

Lu Xiaotian raised his palm slightly, and the three Gengshen Demon Needles were captured in his palm. The magic needles were owned by their owners, so how could they be willing to be controlled? They desperately tried to break out of the obstruction.

Even if Lu Xiaotian was in the outside world, he would never dare to take the three magic needles lightly. Even in his prime, he might not be able to completely block them.

At this time, he was restrained in his palm with one hand in the Qingguo barrier, and the needle body trembled like a beast tied with a rope.

"All is up to you!" Yongze Demon Lord snorted coldly, his tone was very tough, and he didn't mean to give in at all.

Lu Xiaotian glanced at Yongze Demon Lord. This guy was connected with Ying Langtian. He let Ying Langtian's residual soul leave the Qingguo barrier at the beginning, and now he probably has some thoughts about Ying Langtian. Being sure that he would not kill the other party for the time being is a tough nut to crack.

"Although you call yourself the Demon Lord, your realm is actually beyond the level of the Demon Lord, and you can barely be called half a Demon Emperor.

You are trying to break out of the Qingguo barrier with great fanfare this time, and you do want to escape, but an old demon like you may not bet everything on it and leave no way out for yourself. Let me guess where your way out is?"

Hearing Lu Xiaotian say this, the face of the Demon Lord Yongze changed drastically.

"Ying Langtian? Let's just count it as half. Even if Ying Langtian came here in person, he can't do anything to me.

At our level, we are not so naive as to put all our hopes on others.

You and Ying Langtian are both plotting against my Qingguo barrier. With me as the chessboard, you must have made a move on me."

The three Gengshenmo needles in Lu Xiaotian's hand disappeared. With his left hand, a crystal fragment with seven rainbow lights and halo flew from the sky and floated on Lu Xiaotian's palm.

"With the fragment of Chaos Stone as the chess piece, the weight of this chess piece is not light."

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Yongze Demon Lord's eyes changed, but he was still stubborn.

"Forget it if you don't understand. It's good to be a confused ghost in the future." Lu Xiaotian's eyes were a little colder.

The old dragon monster who controlled the Three Saints of Fulong concealed a lot from him, but he did reveal the theory about the Five Finger Realm. He was temporarily used by him and made some efforts in the war against the immortal army. Lu Xiaotian naturally tolerated this old monster.

Originally, he wanted to borrow some strength from Yongze Demon Lord. Even if the other party would not help in the battle, just communicating with him about the way of cultivation and even explaining some insights about the battlefield of immortals and demons would be of great use to Lu Xiaotian.

If Yongze Demon Lord was willing to exchange cultivation experience with him and tell him some secrets of the past, Lu Xiaotian would naturally not treat him unfairly.

The other party could live very comfortably in the Qingguo barrier, and even one day he would release this demon and let it go.

Unfortunately, Yongze Demon Lord chose to resist to the end. The opportunity had been given to the other party, but the old demon did not cherish it. When he saw through the intention of the Chaos Stone Fragment, or knew the conspiracy between the other party and Ying Langtian, and comprehended the Gengshen Demon Needle, there was no need for this old demon to exist.

Demon Lord Yongze felt that the situation was getting worse. The insight of this boy was really extraordinary. He was able to resolve the danger from the repeated pursuit of the fairy world. He was indeed unique.

Ying Langtian deliberately placed the fragments of the Chaos Stone in the Qingguo barrier. The original intention was to use the active law mystery in the Qingguo barrier to nourish the Chaos Stone fragments.

After discovering the existence of Demon Lord Yongze, Lu Xiaotian realized that the other party had impure intentions, but at that time Lu Xiaotian was too busy to deal with the Chaos Stone fragments.

Now that the war is over, Yan Ji and Kong Tianji have been sent away. After freeing up his hands, he naturally wants to find out the truth about this stone fragment and see what is strange inside.

A wisp of spiritual sense probed into the colorful crystal fragments, and soon Lu Xiaotian showed a bit of strangeness on his face.

This fragment, which was only the size of a fingernail, was actually vast and boundless. His spiritual sense entered it like a drop in the ocean, and those little spiritual senses were trapped in it for a while and couldn't get out.

Lu Xiaotian was not in a hurry. The aura in the chaos stone fragment was quite magical. Although he couldn't pull his spiritual sense out of it for a while, he could sense that his spiritual sense was still in it.

The situation was a bit like getting lost in it, not disappearing directly, and not being attacked for the time being.

As long as the spiritual sense can still be sensed, it is only a matter of time to solve the mystery inside.

It was related to the plot of the two old monsters Ying Langtian and Yongze Demon Lord. Lu Xiaotian didn't dare to despise it, and didn't distract himself from it.

The master sat cross-legged on the broken ninth floor of the Nine Palaces Lianshan Formation. The aura of death and decay around him was swept in under his control, which was more intense than other places.

Even creatures that have lived in the Devil Pond since childhood could not adapt to it for a while. Lu Xiaotian can solve the mystery of the Chaos Stone Fragment with confidence.

A trace of divine consciousness continued to explore the Chaos Stone Fragment. As before, these divine consciousnesses gradually lost control after entering it for a period of time.

It seems that after wandering a certain distance, the aura inside the Chaos Stone becomes the best barrier. Even with Lu Xiaotian's strong divine consciousness, he cannot break through this limit for the time being.

However, Lu Xiaotian also discovered an interesting thing. The inside of the Chaos Stone Fragment is like a huge maze.

When there are enough divine consciousnesses lost in it, the maze will become crowded, and the lost divine consciousnesses inside will begin to bump into each other.

When two different divine consciousnesses merge together, although they are still in a lost state, Lu Xiaotian's perception of them has also increased a lot.

After this discovery, Lu Xiaotian increased the intensity of the test, and more divine consciousness entered it.

Some of the consciousnesses merged together, while others were still in a free state. Through such continuous attempts, Lu Xiaotian roughly discovered that these consciousnesses were in a state of being lost, and were generally blocked outside an area.

"It seems that this is the secret place in the fragments of the Chaos Stone, Demon Lord Yongze, I sensed the breath of you and Ying Langtian in it."

Lu Xiaotian looked at Demon Lord Yongze, and from the other party's changing eyes, he became more and more certain of his judgment.

Demon Lord Yongze began to get nervous at this time. After fighting with Lu Xiaotian, he knew very well how powerful this guy's soul was.

In this Qingguo barrier, he had the best time and place. His joint plan with Ying Langtian was indeed hidden very deeply, but the bad thing was that he was discovered by Lu Xiaotian.

Just now, he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to enter, but was countered by him. Ying Langtian himself was far away in the battlefield of immortals and demons fighting with other forces.

Not to mention that distant water cannot quench nearby fire, even if he led the army to come, he would not be able to do anything to Lu Xiaotian now.

Even if the plan failed in the end, Ying Langtian would at most suffer some trauma from the failure of his calculations over the years, but his situation would be extremely dangerous.

However, it is not that there is no chance at all. Ying Langtian has been laying out in the Chaos Stone for many years, and he should have some means. I hope it is not so easy to crack.

Yongze Demon Lord is also an old monster who has practiced for countless years. Although he calls himself Demon Lord, he actually doesn't look down on most Demon Lord-level strongmen.

His state of mind has already been tempered enough, but it is difficult for him to be as calm as before when his life is at stake.

After a lot of ineffective exploration, Lu Xiaotian's consciousness has gradually adapted to the space inside the Chaos Stone fragment, and a little bit of consciousness has begun to gather together in an organized manner.

It has not completely gathered into a ball. Lu Xiaotian has only initially adapted to such a space. Some consciousness needs to be left in different positions as reference objects, so that the main consciousness will not lose its direction.

And Lu Xiaotian's consciousness in the outside world can be continuously input along these reference objects and merge with the main consciousness inside.

Lu Xiaotian's main spiritual consciousness rolled in the space of the Chaos Stone. After a period of preparation, it rolled towards the unknown area in front of him like a layer of gauze.

At first, it was like looking at flowers in the fog. The mist inside was not clear at all. If it weren't for the faint spiritual fluctuations of Yongze Demon Lord from time to time, Lu Xiaotian would have had a hard time locking the position.

The space inside this Chaos Stone fragment was really mysterious. If Yongze Demon Lord hadn't prepared a way out for himself, Lu Xiaotian would have taken the opponent's Gengshen Mo Needle and used it to have a considerable sense of Yongze Demon Lord.

Lu Xiaotian alone, without any external force to help, really couldn't find the strangeness in the Chaos Stone fragment. Now he just needs to follow this trace of induction and follow the map.

In a concentrated seven-color halo, two phantoms looked at the outside world with a serious expression. But they didn't have a good way to deal with the situation in front of them.

Buzz! With continuous infiltration, Lu Xiaotian's spiritual consciousness entered the halo. The mysteries of the laws inside were unprecedentedly pure, far more so than any place Lu Xiaotian had been to.

Lu Xiaotian was also extremely surprised for a moment. What a blessed place. Is this the magical effect of the Chaos Stone as rumored?

Even though Lu Xiaotian's soul was extremely powerful and had already been baptized by the mysteries of the laws countless times, he couldn't help but feel an inexplicable sense of sublimation when bathed in this halo.

Except for the two sights that made him feel like a thorn in his back, everything else was good, unexpectedly good.

"Ying Langtian, long time no see, it seems that you are in good condition these years." Lu Xiaotian looked at the two phantoms in front of him.

In comparison, Demon Lord Yongze's was more solid, and only part of it was suppressed within the Qingguo barrier. But Ying Langtian's true self is not here, it is still just a distraction.

"At first, your remnant soul was accidentally trapped in the Qingguo Barrier. Later, you racked your brains to get out of the trap. With the cooperation of Demon Lord Yongze, you finally left.

He left and came back with a sharp head, secretly plotting something evil, and I found out, he was really not careful enough. "

Lu Xiaotian looked at Ying Langtian. The other person's presence was a bit strange. The shadow seemed to be right in front of him, but it seemed to be far away in the horizon.

"Dongfang Dansheng, let me leave with the fragments of the Chaos Stone, and the grudges between us will be cleared. How about that?"

Ying Langtian Xuying said in a deep voice, he did not explain, the other party had already seen through his and Demon Lord Yongze's intentions.

Any more explanations would be a waste of words. At this moment, he just wanted to leave with the fragments of the Chaos Stone.

"Come when you want, leave when you want. Where do you think I am here?" Lu Xiaotian smiled lightly, and a big hand poked out from the cloud formed by his consciousness and slapped the opponent.

"Dongfang Dansheng, you have made many enemies. If you offend me and Demon Lord Yongze again, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult to move forward in the future!" Ying Langtian looked ugly and avoided Lu Xiaotian's methods.

"I don't have too many debts, and I don't care if there are one or two more of you. Even if Demon Lord Yongze manages to escape, he will only have this fragmentary distraction in front of him, which is not enough to cause trouble. As for you, even if you are offended, what can you do to me? "

Lu Xiaotian presses his palm tightly against the opponent. This guy has a deep calculation. Now that he has seen through it, if he keeps the opponent anymore, he is appeasing him.

"Arrogant, you really think that I have no power to resist now. Now let me show you the power of Yingtian's Dharma Realm!" Ying Langtian scolded coldly.

"Yingtian Dharma Realm?" Lu Xiaotian looked surprised when he heard this. This was the first time he heard of such magical powers.

As Langtian finished speaking, the colorful aura around him changed, and the originally pure fluctuations of the law and mysteries under the induction of divine consciousness suddenly solidified.

This kind of solidification is extremely difficult for Lu Xiaotian to mobilize, but it is easy to use in Ying Langtian's hands, like a finger.

The phantom of Demon Lord Yongze on one side also took the opportunity to kill him again, and his shot was the Geng Shen Demonic Needle. The other party is actually capable of launching such a fierce attack.

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