Become a Fairy

Chapter 5364: Safe passage

As soon as Jin Tong finished speaking, the two hammers in his hands had already slammed down.

The huge hammer shadows hit from a distance. If it were normal times, they could still allow Chen Fufeng to live for a while longer.

Now is the time when the Qingguo barrier is in danger, and there is no room for carelessness. They are still thinking about solving the scourge of Chen Fufeng and trying their best to reinforce Lu Xiaotian.

At this time, naturally, there is no intention to fight with Chen Fufeng anymore. The two hammer shadows came later and arrived first, and their momentum was not much weaker than that of Lanyun Bamboo Monk.

The few people present were all experienced people. They had fought together in the secret realm of the Kongying clan for so many years, and they had a certain tacit understanding with each other.

Without any greeting, Lanyun Bamboo Monk, Wen Yan, and Kongyan had already attacked each other. Four extremely powerful attacks covered Chen Fufeng one after another.

Even Kongtong, Kongyang, Wen Tingdao and others who came later did not get a chance to attack. The attacks of these four strong men alone were enough to suppress the opponent.

If Chen Fufeng was in his prime, it would be no problem to suppress these guys in front of him. But now his strength is no longer what it used to be, and he really can't deal with these guys.

Clang clang clang, Chen Fufeng is naturally not a person who sits and waits for death. Under his control, the Swallowing Dragon Wind Thunder Blade moves at an astonishing speed. He fights against many people alone and barely resists the opponent's sharp blade in a short period of time.

But Chen Fufeng doesn't look relaxed at this time, and Jin Tong and others are not affected at all by the temporary blockage of their attacks. The huge hammer shadows hit one after another.

The flying swords and spear shadows also attack the vital points directly without any gaps.

At this time, Jin Tong's group of four did not pay much attention to joint attacks, but just fully exerted the most powerful magical powers, one after another, all attacking the places where Chen Fufeng must save.

Since the end of the last war, Lu Xiaotian sent Yan Ji and Kong Tianji away from the Devil Pond of Destruction, and then returned here. In a flash, nearly seven years have passed.

In the past few years, both sides have known each other very well through fighting, and there is no need for any test. Waves of attacks followed one after another.

With Chen Fufeng's vision, there are many ways to resolve the attacks of these four strong men. After all, the opponents did not form a battle formation, and there was a certain gap between their attacks.

It is one thing to be able to see the problem, and it is another thing to be able to break the opponent's joint efforts.

Many people have the problem of high expectations and low skills. Chen Fufeng is not high expectations and low skills, but with only this head left, his strength has greatly decreased, and he is already powerless.

On the other hand, the four golden pupils are getting more and more handy, and the space allowed for Chen Fufeng to move between attacks is getting smaller and smaller.

"I didn't expect that I have been in charge of the Dragon Seeking Division for countless years, traversing several realms, and experiencing countless large and small wars, but I didn't expect to die at the hands of Xiao Xiao today."

Chen Fufeng sighed to the sky, his eyes full of unwillingness. But no matter how unwilling he was, he could not change the current dilemma.

Clang, Wen Yan and Lanyun Bamboo Monk's flying swords slashed down one after another. Then the gun shadow and double hammers whistled in.

No longer able to dodge, Chen Fufeng's head exploded under the continuous heavy blows, and his soul flew away in the void.

But before he flew for long, he touched a jade talisman. With a buzzing sound, the jade talisman shattered, and then another layer of space barrier appeared. It was Xiang Qingcheng and Kong Qihuang, two top formation masters, who took action.

Chen Fufeng was also amazing. Even though he was so embarrassed, he still broke through Xiang Qingcheng's obstruction in an instant. He only broke through the first layer, but still stopped at the second layer of space restriction.

"In your current state, you can let the four of us and two top formation masters take action. Even if you die, you will be able to rest in peace."

Jin Tong chuckled, but did not rush to take action. His strength is now not much inferior to Lanyun Zhuseng, but he encountered some troubles in cultivation.

Without solving the adverse effects brought by frenzy, it is not very useful for him to share more luck for the time being.

Wen Yan didn't have the problem of golden pupils, but she had not been promoted for a long time, and she still needed considerable accumulation, and her foundation was not as solid as the few present.

She did not need Chen Fufeng's luck so urgently, but Lanyun Bamboo Monk and Kongyan were just in time.

Sword shadows and gun shadows descended one after another, Chen Fufeng looked desperate, his soul felt a tearing pain, his consciousness was blurred, and Chen Fufeng's soul dissipated in the green fruit barrier.

This time, the two heavenly courts joined forces to conquer the secret realm of the Kongying clan, and sent out four immortal king-level strongmen together, but so far only Chen Fufeng has really fallen.

The other three escaped in various ways, and it was really difficult for people at this level to kill them completely.

The magnificent luck descended, and Wen Yan, Golden Tong and others who took action also got a little bit, but this amazing luck was mainly divided by Lanyun Bamboo Monk and Kongyan.

Kong Tong looked at him with envy. If he had not been injured by Kong Tianji in his early years, his strength would have been stronger than Kong Yan. Now he should have a share of Chen Fufeng's amazing luck.

Unfortunately, he was unlucky and lacked a few opportunities. Now Kong Yan has gotten ahead of him.

If the situation allowed, he would not easily give up the opportunity to advance to the level of Immortal Lord. However, he did not have the conditions now. Apart from a little envy, he did not have any bad emotions.

If I get it, I am lucky. If I lose it, I am dead. Compared with many tribesmen, his current situation is already good.

There are only more than 100,000 people left in the entire Kongying tribe. In the Qingguo barrier, his soul has been completely stabilized. It is expected that he will be able to repair his body again, but it will take a longer time.

Chen Fufeng was killed, and the battle between Lu Xiaotian and Yongze Demon Lord continued. Wen Yan and others had a good idea, they would help him deal with Yongze Demon Lord after they solved Chen Fufeng,

but the battle between the two was not something they could easily intervene in, Yongze Demon Lord was indeed a strong man beyond the level of ordinary immortals.

The opponent had been hiding his weakness in front of him before, and his Yuanshen was the strongest he had ever seen in his life. Even Yan Ji, who had greatly improved her strength, still had a certain gap compared to him. It was somewhat similar to the old monster Kongrong who had fallen before.

And this demon was particularly good at Yuanshen attacks, condensing his consciousness into thorns, which was more invisible than ordinary laws and mysteries.

Lu Xiaotian relied on his Yuanshen to be strong, and was able to detect the danger first and defend in time. Although he was not in danger of his life after being attacked by the opponent several times, he was also stabbed and hurt.

Lu Xiaotian could use a stupid method to block this fierce and dangerous Yuanshen attack, but Wen Yan and Jin Tong could not do it.

It's not that they really can't play a role, after all, they are already top-notch masters in the realm of Yuanshen Body.

With Lu Xiaotian's direct restraint, Wen Yan and the others will not pose a small threat to Yongze Demon Lord.

It's just that Yongze Demon Lord's spiritual attack is too sharp. With the Yuanshen strength of Jintong and the others, they will be severely injured or even killed if they are not careful.

The Yuanshen gap between the two sides is too big. Once they are severely injured, even elixirs will be difficult to heal.

Lu Xiaotian has high hopes for Jintong and the others. They are all candidates for the level of Immortal Lord, and he will never let them take such a risk easily.

Buzz, Lu Xiaotian pointed his finger at the void, a ripple rippled, and an invisible thorn appeared on the opposite side.

"If it weren't for this barrier, in your current state, you can't escape my Gengshen Needle Technique at all!"

Yongze Demon Lord looked annoyed. Even if Lu Xiaotian had some problems with his state of mind, his perception in this Qingguo barrier was unmatched. It was even stronger than this old monster.

If not, the needle would have pierced through Lu Xiaotian's forehead and killed him.

If Lu Xiaotian could be killed, he would get this small world, and the amazing luck that he would get would be unimaginable for the Demon Lord Yongze.

It is feared that his old injuries could be completely healed, and he might even go one step further and aspire to the throne.

Lu Xiaotian blocked the gap by a hair's breadth. The greater the benefits that can be seen, the greater the disappointment when success passes by.

Although the Demon Lord Yongze seemed to want to escape from the Qingguo barrier and regain his freedom, he actually wanted to lure the snake out of the hole and find out the truth about Lu Xiaotian.

If Lu Xiaotian could be killed and replaced, it would naturally be the best way out for the Demon Lord Yongze.

"It's hard to resolve this calamity of my state of mind, but it's also easy to resolve it. If I rely on myself, it will take a long time to get out of it.

The Demon Lord suddenly attacked and forced me into a dead end, but I was able to survive after being in a desperate situation. I was able to resolve this calamity by accident."

Lu Xiaotian looked at the Demon Lord Yongze with indifferent eyes. He was not deliberately angry with the Demon Lord Yongze. The opponent's Gengshen needle method was indeed extremely sharp, and he attacked when his state of mind was fluctuating, almost putting him in a dead end.

At that moment, Lu Xiaotian had never felt that death was so close, and the situation was even more dangerous than the last time the immortal army attacked the secret realm of the Kongying clan.

After all, the last time was mainly because the immortal army was about to conquer the ninth level of the Nine Palaces Lianshan Formation. It didn't threaten Lu Xiaotian himself.

Even if the Nine Palaces Lianshan Formation was completely broken, it would not be fatal to Lu Xiaotian in a short time.

However, once the seal of the attack barrier is completely interrupted, it will take a long time to start over again. Chen Fufeng, Nielong Motuo and others who have won a great victory on the battlefield will naturally be in a different situation.

Yan Ji is unable to resolve the crisis even after chasing all the way up, and she will still be defeated.

With the tug of war between the two sides, this will inevitably be an extremely long process.

Just now, when the Demon Lord Yongze attacked, the Gengshen Demon Needle condensed by the divine consciousness pointed directly at the soul, and even Lu Xiaotian felt a piercing pain like a needle piercing his soul.

His Yuanshen was not inferior to the opponent, but he lacked the strange and fierce attack method of the Demon Lord Yongze.

Even Lu Xiaotian almost fell into the trap of this old demon, let alone Wen Yan, Lanyun Bamboo Monk and others. They were killed on the spot. Lu Xiaotian was unable to save him in the Qingguo barrier.

Even at the moment when the opponent's Gengshen Needle pointed directly at the center of his eyebrows, his head seemed to be pierced by the opponent.

The spiritual consciousness of the Demon Lord Yongze followed the Geng Divine Needle and tried to drill into his brain. Lu Xiaotian suddenly felt that he could not resist such a sharp attack.

At this moment, Lu Xiaotian's spiritual consciousness overlooked the entire Qingguo barrier and saw the undisguised worries in the eyes of Xiang Qingcheng, Luo Qing, Luo Ping'er, Yu Xiaoqiao, Xiang Hua, Xiang Kuang, Lu Wushuang, and Jin Yu.

There were also the Dragon Clan, Kongying Clan, Dragon Wolf Clan, Leaf Stone Clan, Birch Flame Clan, and the helplessness and hesitation in the eyes of the Dragon Clan.

At this moment, Lu Xiaotian's heart, which was originally a little lost, became firm again, and the dark clouds shrouding his heart disappeared into thin air.

The attack of the Demon Lord Yongze was extremely fierce, and it was too close to Lu Xiaotian. With Lu Xiaotian's cultivation, it was not enough to resolve such a sharp attack from the other party.

However, this is the Qingguo barrier. Once Lu Xiaotian solves his own troubles, he will completely regain control of the Qingguo barrier.

As long as he is not affected by his state of mind, once he regains control, Lu Xiaotian will be the god of this space and the supreme master.

Things that cannot be accomplished in the outside world can be accomplished with just a thought within the Qingguo barrier.

Even Lu Xiaotian didn't need to move his fingers, he could block the opponent's Geng Shen Needle with just a thought.

However, he still needed to comprehend the mystery of Geng Shen Needle, so he touched it directly with his finger, and the fierce murderous intent seemed to penetrate his soul.

At such a close distance, even Lu Xiaotian's soul could not help but sway.

After Lu Xiaotian adjusted himself in the heart of despair, the opponent's threat ended.

Lu Xiaotian's consciousness moved slightly, and Yongze Demon Lord suddenly screamed in pain, his face was unprecedentedly pale.

The reason why he had been lurking in the crack of the Qingguo barrier and did not take over the body was that Lu Xiaotian's previous cultivation level was not in his eyes.

Later, he was qualified to take action, and there was a beautiful concubine to protect him, and Lu Xiaotian was also growing stronger.

It was the immortal army's large-scale conquest that gave Yongze Demon Lord some hope, but the immortal army was not very useful and was defeated in the end.

Even Chen Fufeng, the commander of the immortal army, has now ended up dead.

Lord Yongze once thought that the opportunity had gone away from him, but who knew that things would take a turn again, and Lu Xiaotian's state of mind had some problems. Lord Yongze felt that he had caught the opportunity and suddenly attacked.

But fate played a big joke on him again. When he was about to succeed, the gap in the opponent's state of mind healed, and the situation was completely reversed in an instant.

Lord Yongze's state of mind also formed a huge gap in an instant.

Several Gengshen magic needles were cut off from him at almost the same time.

The magic needles and he were one body, but Lu Xiaotian could actually sever the connection between the two in an instant. This method is simply horrifying.

He can still sense the existence of the Gengshen magic needles, but he is powerless to mobilize them.

Lu Xiaotian's state of mind was smoothly passed, and the dark clouds in the void also dissipated, and it instantly became a clear sky.

"I thought there would be a big fight, but it was so easy to get through." Jin Tong was amazed.

This fierce fight started suddenly and ended even more abruptly. For a moment, he felt a little uncomfortable.

"Dragon Lord took the treasure of the old demon and defeated him. Wouldn't it be better? The two sides had to fight for ten days and a half months, which made people worry?"

Wen Yan glanced at Jin Tong. This guy often wanted to satisfy his own desires and wanted to make the world chaotic. (End of this chapter)

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