Become a Fairy

Chapter 5338 Savage Elephant King, Xiang Hua

"No, it's not exactly a golden silk wolf spider!" The white-armored woman was still in shock. She looked at Lu Wushuang with no calmness as before, but a little more fear.

"It's indeed not just a golden silk wolf spider. Now I am also a demon woman with the support of a real dragon, a five-clawed golden dragon. How can I not take advantage of such a good condition?"

Lu Wushuang smiled, "Your Liuhe Immortal Mirror is really good. I guess I can use it for a while after killing you."

"You are so shameless!" The white-armored woman's face sank. She was actually underestimated by this demon woman. It just so happened that she also wanted to kill her. In this case, it depends on each other's methods.

"Liuhe Wujian!" With a low shout, the six fairy mirrors shone at the same time, and the light domains of different colors enveloped Lu Wushuang at the same time.

As soon as they fought just now, she realized that her strength was deeper than the opponent, and she could completely overwhelm him with force.

However, Lu Wushuang's methods were sharp and mysterious. It was not easy to deal with him. If he was not careful, he might capsize in the ditch.

The white-armored woman had already made a certain judgment in her mind. As long as she didn't rush to gain merit and give the other party an opportunity to take advantage of, she could suppress them step by step by using her leading advantage in cultivation. There was no need to rush to kill the enemy.

At present, the immortal army was attacking Jiuqu Lianying in a big way, and there were many strong enemies. Even if she wanted to make military achievements, she didn't have to rush.

The six different light domains were somewhat similar to the disaster domains of the Nine Difficulties Demon Dragon. They could be integrated with each other or separated at any time. They were powerful and unpredictable.

Facing the attack of the white-armored woman, Lu Wushuang was not in a hurry. She shook her hands lightly, and the sound of the silkworm humming sounded again.

What she said to the other party just now was not false. Lu Wushuang's promotion time was indeed not long. After practicing to the current realm, Lu Wushuang had almost exhausted the potential of the golden silk wolf spider.

Lu Wushuang was helpless about this. It was also a helpless move for her to become a golden silk wolf spider from a human.

This was because Lu Xiaotian helped her at that time, otherwise she would have died in the Nascent Soul stage, and how could she be in such a good situation now. Cultivating to the body of the soul was something that she dared not think of at that time.

The upper limit of the golden silk wolf spider determines the height that Lu Wushuang can reach. Under normal circumstances, Lu Wushuang's cultivation speed will indeed become slower and slower after she advances to the body of the soul.

However, Lu Wushuang is undoubtedly lucky. With Lu Xiaotian's back, the resources she has are unique in the world.

She got the experience of practicing the blood system law from Lu Xiaotian, and what is more precious is that she got a few drops of true dragon blood. At this time, Lu Wushuang refined one of them, which has greatly improved her own blood and opened up the upper limit of the original golden silk wolf spider.

This improvement is not temporary, but is based on Lu Wushuang's cultivation of the blood system law and deepening of her understanding. The other party does not simply swallow the blood of the true dragon, but uses it to improve her own blood.

If not for this, Lu Wushuang really does not have the ability to compete with the white-armored woman.

Lu Wushuang's improvement is all-round. Even if her strength is still inferior to that of the opponent, she still has more confidence when she starts fighting.

One by one, golden silk threads flashed out, and they instantly formed dozens of cocoons. These cocoons are connected by golden threads. The white-armored woman was stunned, and for a moment she actually lost her target.

The golden threads moved like dragons, and the sound of silkworms humming was endless, which greatly disturbed the white-armored woman, and she had no way to judge the location of Lu Wushuang's body.

The white-armored woman gritted her teeth and could only take all these cocoons into the attack.

The sharp beams of light hit these cocoons intensively. One after another, the cocoons exploded, but soon new cocoons were generated.

While maintaining such an intense attack, the white-armored woman also consumed a lot of energy. But when she wanted to stop, the golden threads shuttled around her. Obviously, Lu Wushuang did not intend to let her go easily.

Hiss! The woman in white armor felt a slight movement around her, her heart skipped a beat and she dodged quickly. Almost in a flash, she moved her position and a fairy mirror behind her blocked it.

After she avoided the attack, a small white dot appeared on the fairy mirror behind her. The woman in white armor's face changed drastically. Her physical defense was naturally far inferior to that of the fairy mirror. If she had reacted a little slower, the consequences would have been disastrous.

She really underestimated this demon woman. Although her strength was weaker than hers, her methods were extremely fierce. If she was careless, she might capsize in the ditch.

It seemed that it was not so easy for her to defeat her opponent by herself. The woman in white armor did not want to take too much risk. Her face was cold and her eyes moved slightly. As she transmitted the message, an immortal army rushed over here.

There were not only four Daluo Jinxian in this immortal army, but also the blood of the Barbarian Elephant King was extremely amazing, and his strange power could defeat ten skills with one force.

His own defense and recovery ability were also extremely outstanding. Even an ordinary soul body would have to work hard to kill it.

The white-armored woman did not expect the Barbarian Elephant King to defeat Lu Wushuang. After all, there was a great realm between them, and no matter how talented the Barbarian Elephant King was, he could not fight across levels.

However, this guy was thick-skinned and strong, and he rushed around with brute force. Lu Wushuang would have to spend some effort to kill him. As long as the opponent made a move, he would be exposed.

As long as his body was pulled out, and there were several Daluo Jinxians attacking from the flank, it was very likely that he would be killed.

The Dragon Seeking Division and the Dragon Robbery Prison had a great advantage in military strength over the other party, and now the white-armored woman was going to use her numbers to bully the few.

In addition to these Daluo Jinxian, other immortal armies also have good combat capabilities. After the Jiuqu Company was shaken, the problem of insufficient strength of the Kongying Clan and the Jin Dragon Clan was undoubtedly exposed.

After receiving the order, the Elephant King rushed forward like an angry giant elephant. Even in his human form, he is over ten feet tall and his body is extremely thick.

The criss-crossing golden threads strangled his body, and the Barbarian Elephant King was unable to break it completely for a while. However, a burst of deep red blood surged from his body, and with a stir of his hands, the golden threads were pulled away a lot.

The other three Da Luo Jinxian attacked and attacked, and their swords slashed one after another, and the golden threads were cut off one after another. Lu Wushuang seemed extremely passive at this time. If she was not stopped, she would be forced out of her body sooner or later.

If he takes action, it is still a bit reluctant to deal with a white-armored woman. Coupled with the four powerful Da Luo Jinxian, I am afraid that he will be defeated in a short time, or even be killed in front of the battle.

At this time, many soldiers from the Kongying Tribe were coming here to reinforce them, and they killed many immortal soldiers in the blink of an eye. But in comparison, there were still too few soldiers from the Kongying Tribe in this direction, not enough to break through the interception of the Immortal Army.

On the other hand, there are more and more immortal troops rushing towards them, and the situation will only get worse if it drags on.

It seems that she can only retreat temporarily. Lu Wushuang secretly thought it was a pity. If she retreats, thousands of Kongying Clan warriors will be entangled by the immortal army. The consequences are self-evident.

"Sister Wushuang, don't be alarmed. Leave these guys to me and senior brother." As soon as the screams sounded, a graceful figure passed by. In front of him, several thousand-foot-long sword shadows were slashed out, directly killing The opponent's three Da Luo Jinxian, two men and one woman, were blocked by the sword energy.

"No matter how old or young you are, your master and I are of the same generation, so we must call you Aunt Wushuang!" An angry voice came from different cocoons at the same time.

"Sister Wushuang looks so young. If you weren't the same generation as the master, I would have called you sister."

Yu Xiaoqiao chuckled. With a move of his hand, the sword shadows defeated by the opponent's three Daluo Jinxian turned into countless sword energy and shot out in all directions. Suddenly, there were screams, and hundreds of the immortal soldiers who were rushing to the nearby area were beheaded or beheaded in half.

"You little girl, your skin is itchy. Let's see how I deal with you after this battle."

Lu Wushuang said angrily and stopped arguing with Yu Xiaoqiao, and began to concentrate on dealing with the white-armored woman.

A series of fiery golden robed shadows floated out from different cocoons. They seemed to be light and without any strength, but in the process of hitting the white-armored woman, even the power of law began to appear around these golden shadows. Solidify.

The woman in white armor had an evil look in her eyes. She was originally looking forward to the Barbarian Elephant King, but after seeing a bald monk appear and feeling his aura, the woman in white armor no longer had any illusions.

Not only are these Da Luo Jinxian unable to count on, but with the appearance of these two people, even the hordes of immortal troops behind are afraid that they will not be able to break through the opponent's seemingly thin defense line.

"Die!" When the Man Elephant King pulled out of the golden thread, he immediately sensed the threat posed by Xiang Hua.

Apart from those who are strong in the body of the soul, in the realm of the body of law, only Xiang Hua brings him such a severe sense of oppression.

Worried that Xiang Hua's aura was getting stronger and stronger, the Man Elephant King planned to strike first. He shouted loudly and then punched him. The blood aura exploded, and the strong blood energy turned into laws and secrets and merged with the magical powers he had cultivated. The power of the violent ancient giant elephant was fully displayed at this moment.

Compared with the huge shadow of his fist, Xiang Hua's body in cassock looks extremely small.

"Amitabha!" Xiang Hua clasped his palms together. Faced with this powerful punch, there was no wave in his eyes, nor did he make any resistance. He just let the opponent's punch hit the top of his head.

Seeing that the huge fist was getting closer and closer, Xiang Hua did not avoid it.

Buzz! There was no shocking explosion, but a burst of purple and golden brilliance flashed alternately on Xiang Hua's body. The Barbarian Elephant King's fist was buffered by this layer of purple-gold brilliance, and his fist movement was stagnant.

"The Elephant King's Nine Strikes!" The Barbarian Elephant King was naturally unwilling to be blocked so easily by Xiang Hua, and his eyes were frightened and fierce at the same time.

The two fists were struck one after another, and the shadows of the fists were heavier than the other, and the astonishing shadows of the fists began to add up. The edges of the camp shook slightly under the force of this powerful fist.

The immortal army and the Kongying clan warriors who were fighting all around couldn't bear the astonishing momentum and kept retreating. He retreated so slowly that his body couldn't bear the huge force and was shattered like glass.

At this time, Xiang Hua's eyes became more solemn, and he no longer defended himself. With a slight movement of his consciousness, the surrounding light flashed, and in the golden and silver light, mountains rose from the ground.

In the blink of an eye, he was surrounded by mountains. Xiang Hua seemed to be standing on the earth and gently waved his palm towards the Barbarian Elephant King.

With a rumble, the undulating mountains exploded one after another, turning into countless sand, stones and dust.

The sky and the earth collapsed all around, and the Immortal Army and Kongying Clan warriors who were affected were either directly killed on the spot, or were seriously injured and vomited blood and flew backwards and were swept away by the violent air waves.

The Man Elephant King secretly thought that something was wrong. No matter how violent his fists were, the opponent remained motionless like a rock in the angry sea.

Perhaps the opponent is not really able to withstand this punch with his flesh and blood, but uses an extremely clever way to buffer this power to the surrounding mountains.

But no matter what method the opponent used, he did it lightly after all. On the other hand, the Barbarian Elephant King used his strength now. Although it was far from exhausted, there was also a slight stagnation in the middle.

The uneasiness of the Barbarian Elephant King came from this. With the opponent's cultivation strength, he would never miss such an opportunity.

This bald donkey's counterattack would definitely be a killing move. The Barbarian Elephant King, whose attack was frustrated, also responded very quickly. He took a step back and stretched out his hand to wave forward. A huge tripod engraved with pictographic patterns covered his head.

At the moment when the giant tripod fell, Xiang Hua also moved, just hitting the air with a palm.

The palm shadow turned into seven, and each palm shadow seemed to be inlaid with a Buddha's light relic. With the thunderous sound of the impact, the giant tripod was shaken open by a gap, and the palm force whistled in. The Barbarian Elephant King cried out in pain, and his strong body flew backwards.

Xiang Hua took advantage of the victory to pursue, stretched out his hand to cover the void, and turned into a huge Buddhist seal to hit it head on.

A pictographic phantom burst out from the Barbarian Elephant King's body, and after resisting this Buddhist seal, it was considered to be temporarily free from Xiang Hua's attack.

"The other side of the void!" Xiang Hua took a step forward, had crossed the shackles of space, and came to its side again.

The heart of the Barbarian Elephant King tightened. Although he had a strong defense and an extremely fast recovery ability, the opponent's attack rhythm was too tight. Once he gained the upper hand, he hardly gave him any chance to breathe.

No matter how unwilling he was in his heart, he could only bite the bullet and accept it at this time.

The ancient Barbarian Elephant clan has always been known for its strong physical body, and the Barbarian Elephant King is one of the best. After being subdued by the Dragon Prison, there are few people of the same level who can match him.

Now he fought with Xiang Hua, but he was suppressed by the opponent in just one encounter, and fell into a passive position.

Now he couldn't stand his ground, and he was passively beaten by him. The Barbarian Elephant King's mind was racing, and he clearly realized that he was not Xiang Hua's opponent by his own strength. In this case, he could only borrow strength.

However, the white-armored woman and the golden-robed demon woman were fighting fiercely, and they were far away from this camp after fighting everywhere.

The other three Golden Daluo Immortals were stopped by the opponent's female sword fairy. It was difficult for them to protect themselves, let alone to reinforce him.

The female sword fairy was not much inferior to the bald donkey in front of him. It took many years for such a powerful Golden Daluo Immortal to appear, but two of them appeared at once. The Barbarian Elephant King also felt that he was unlucky. He actually ran into them. It was really unlucky.

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