Become a Fairy

Chapter 5339 No Way to Retreat

The Barbarian Elephant King knew that he didn't have time to breathe since he was not as strong as Xiang Hua. Once he fell into a disadvantage, it would be difficult for him to turn the tables.

When his defense was weakened to a certain extent, he was in real danger. Even if he didn't die here in the end, he was probably in danger if he was seriously injured.

He was confident that he would recover if he was seriously injured in other places, but this was the Devil's Pond of Destruction, and its danger was far from comparable to other places.

The Barbarian Elephant King only looked rough and reckless, but he was not really a person who acted without considering the consequences.

The strongest ones could not be counted on for the time being, and the only ones who could benefit now were the immortal soldiers.

Although he fought with the Kongying tribe warriors, he was not at a disadvantage for the time being. With two or three golden immortals and a part of the immortal soldiers, even if he couldn't defeat the amazing guy in front of him, he could at least delay him.

This time was enough for him to stabilize his position. As long as he did not rush forward like before, even if Xiang Hua was stronger than him, the Barbarian Elephant King was confident that he would focus on defense after a short breath, and it would not be so easy for Xiang Hua to defeat him completely.

At least there was no better way at the moment. Acting in this way would inevitably cause a lot of casualties to the immortal army. However, it was better to die than to die. Casualties were inevitable in this attack on the secret realm of the Kongying clan.

Not to mention those who had already fallen before, according to the Barbarian Elephant King's estimate, no more than half of the 2.5 or 6 million troops would survive in the end. If they were teleported back from the Devil Pond of Destruction, most of them would be killed or injured again.

Sooner or later, they would have to take this path, so why not make some contribution to him now.

The Barbarian Elephant King fled to the relatively densely populated area of ​​the immortal army without hesitation. In the middle, he was hit by Xiang Hua's palm again, and the blood in his body surged, but he could still hold on with his strong defense.

The consecutive blows made him quite uncomfortable, but they were not fatal injuries. It is necessary to speed up the process of pulling some immortal soldiers to be scapegoats.

"Damn it." Xu Zhan saw the Barbarian Elephant King fleeing towards this side in a panic, and he immediately understood the other party's intention. He was planning to use them as a scapegoat. Xu Zhan had done this kind of thing before, but it didn't feel good when it fell on his head.

The key is that even though he clearly saw the Barbarian Elephant King's intention, he couldn't do anything about it. He was a golden immortal who was not faster than the other party.

Even if he turned around and ran away now, he would soon be surpassed by the Barbarian Elephant King. Instead, he would expose his back to Xiang Hua, a guy with amazing strength. At that time, life and death would be a matter of Xiang Hua's thoughts.

Xu Zhan was also a person who cultivated to the level of Golden Immortal, so he naturally would not hand his life over to the enemy.

Xu Zhan exchanged glances with Lu Chuanyong and Tao Lin on the side, and made the same decision without words in the chaos.

Xu Zhan stretched out his hand and clapped, and the three blue formation flags instantly became larger, and a torrent of water vented from them.

Lu Chuanyong flicked his finger, and a string of blood beads turned into a blood crow shadow, flying towards Xiang Hua.

Tao Lin offered a green bottle, and as he pointed, the dark green vines inside, like octopus tentacles, swung, and a little green light splashed out, sinking into the previous wave.

For a time, patches of dark green vines grew out, and these countless vines formed a large net. Blocking Xiang Hua from any direction.

Even though the three people knew that this seemingly amazing interception and harassment could only play a very limited role on Xiang Hua, a Daluo Jinxian, at least it could make them feel a little more at ease.

The immortal army subordinates in the rear also quickly formed a battle formation under the command of the three people. This is the real reliance of the three people. Even if the time is too short and the battle formation is not too complete, it is still more reliable than the harassing means just now.

As for the scattered immortal army in front, and some Kongying clan warriors, they were naturally killed and wounded under the means of the three people. Before he could react, he was completely swallowed up.

Just when the three of them felt relieved and felt that they could restrain Xiang Hua for a while, a soft white beam of light came into the eyes of Xu Zhan and others. The three of them felt a shudder in their hearts at the same time. Their seemingly powerful means were actually broken by the other party so lightly.

The other party was surrounded by seven relics, and the white beam just now was emitted by these relics. The white beam of light was like an unobstructed passage.

In the horrified eyes of the three people, Xiang Hua had already stepped out of the white passage.

"Retreat!" Xu Zhan was already sweating coldly. The other party was too strong. Under the absolute strength, all calculations seemed so pale and powerless.

Xu Zhan reacted the fastest. He had already withdrawn and retreated as soon as he said this. He did not choose to join the Savage Elephant King. The other party came so fast that most of them were heading for the Savage Elephant King.

At most, they were just killing rabbits by robbing grass. The best option is to join the battle formation of the immortal army that has not yet been fully formed.

Lu Chuanyong and Tao Lin reacted a little slower, even if the difference was only slight, it still made a big difference in front of Xiang Hua.

Two screams rang out in succession. Tao Lin, who was slower, tried to slash back with a knife to block but failed to block it. He was hit in the back by Xiang Hua's palm. Tao Lin could not bear the mystery of the law entering his body, and his body exploded directly. However, his soul escaped in time.

In such a chaotic battlefield, even if Xiang Hua was stronger than them, it would be extremely difficult to beat them to death.

As for Lu Chuanyong, his situation was slightly better. He was unable to completely avoid the palm shadow shot by Xiang Hua. He was hit on the left shoulder by a palm shadow, and his arm exploded immediately. After dodging the palm shadow, he joined Xu Zhan and the immortal army battle formation.

A trace of hesitation flashed in Xiang Hua's eyes. The Barbarian Elephant King seemed to be wild, but he was a man who acted according to circumstances. He didn't care about the life and death of these immortal soldiers at all.

Although he had rushed here with great momentum, it was more or less because of the restraint of the immortal army. The aura of the immortal army battle formation swept over, which also threatened Xiang Hua.

After all, the Barbarian Elephant King was very powerful. The opponent knew how powerful he was. With full defense, it was really troublesome to break the opponent's tortoise shell for a while. It would be better to focus on the immortal army battle formation that had not yet been perfected.

As soon as Xiang Hua thought of this, several afterimages appeared behind him, and the next moment he had rushed to the front of the immortal army battle formation. A large number of arrows and dense immortal soldiers came at him.

These immortal soldiers were just fighting with the Kongying tribe warriors, so it was too hasty to form a battle formation.

There was still a flaw to be found, and the three golden immortals led by Xu Zhan, one of them lost his body, and one of them had an arm broken, so they were not able to control the battle formation of the immortal army in a timely manner.

The relic light wheel on Xiang Hua's body vibrated and spread out, and the arrows and immortal soldiers were either directly shattered or pushed aside wherever they passed.

Then Xiang Hua pointed his finger into the void and slashed with a terrifying sword light. A huge gully appeared in front of him, and Xiang Hua flashed forward from the gully.

The sound waves formed by the mighty Buddhist sound swept around like a wave, and the immortal soldiers were stunned before they could react, and some even bled from all seven orifices and their bodies went limp.

Xiang Hua stretched out his fingers and flicked them continuously. For a moment, the sword intent was like a thread, and it seemed that the power was not obvious, but every bit of strength was used to the extreme.

Try to injure these immortal soldiers at the lowest cost. Xiang Hua did not pursue the goal of killing the opponent, as long as he could injure him.

This way, the resistance was minimal. After hundreds of years of fighting, the injured immortal soldiers rarely appeared on the battlefield. This change was naturally discovered by Lu Xiaotian a long time ago.

Most of these immortal soldiers were not injured too seriously, nor too lightly, but somewhere in between, which still had a significant impact on the combat effectiveness.

Even if the opponent stayed on the battlefield temporarily, it would be easier for the Kongying tribe warriors to kill them, thereby obtaining certain spoils of war, or killing the immortal soldiers to gain luck.

Even if these immortal soldiers could retreat temporarily, their injuries would further deteriorate, and the chance of them appearing on the battlefield later would be small.

However, this method is not suitable for everyone. After all, only a few people can have a strong soul like Xiang Hua and can accurately control every bit of consciousness.

As a disciple of Lu Xiaotian, Yu Xiaoqiao's soul split only once when practicing the Soul Splitting Technique, but Xiang Hua survived several times.

Several relatively independent souls have been cultivated to this day. Even if they are not as good as Lu Xiaotian's twelve souls, they are rare.

Some other powerful Yuanshen bodies also met strong enemies. They had no time to do this in the battle. Even if they met some immortal soldiers, they would harvest a batch.

They did not seek to kill everyone, and did not care much about casualties. If they swept through the land, they would soon fight with the strong immortal soldiers. Before completely defeating the opponent, there would not be many gaps in the middle.

At this time, the Barbarian Elephant King could not pose much threat to him temporarily. The opponent was focused on defending himself, and Xiang Hua could not do anything to this guy in a short time. It was relatively more cost-effective to attack these immortal soldiers.

When Xiang Hua suppressed this part of the immortal army, he was killed and wounded everywhere he passed, and screams were heard.

The Kongying tribe warriors behind took advantage of the continuous casualties and chaos of this part of the immortal army and rushed over again, like a sharp blade that completely divided the scattered battle formation of the immortal army. The casualties of the immortal army increased rapidly.

Xiang Hua's body split into seven, flashing in different places at the same time, directly breaking several relatively organized resistances of the immortal army, and then he didn't care about these immortal armies anymore. In a flash of lightning, the figures gathered together, and walked in the air and hit the Barbarian Elephant King Seal that had recovered.

The Barbarian Elephant King now had no other helpers, so he could only calm down and fight the enemy, using some of the immortal army to offset the power of the powerful enemy.

Other immortal army generals did this a lot when they were defeated. But if he really escaped to the end, the high-level of the immortal army would hold him responsible for escaping from the battle. As long as he didn't rush into it and took a defensive position from the beginning, the Barbarian Elephant King was confident that even if he couldn't beat Xiang Hua, he would have no problem defending himself.

The elephant's hissing sound was endless, and the elephant shadows on the Barbarian Elephant King's body jumped up one after another, fighting with Xiang Hua, and Lu Xiaotian's other disciple Yu Xiaoqiao suppressed the two men and one woman in front of him from the beginning with his extremely sharp swordsmanship.

The two sides fought all the way, and the sword energy was everywhere. Many low-level immortal soldiers were torn to pieces on the spot before they could dodge.

Yu Xiaoqiao's hair was flying. Although there was no shortage of opponents for fighting in the Qingguo barrier in the past, it was unprecedented to fight without scruples like now.

For the time being, Yu Xiaoqiao did not deliberately pursue how many enemies to kill, but just showed what he had learned in his life. After a fight, Yu Xiaoqiao felt full of joy and freedom. But the three immortal army generals who were his opponents were in a difficult situation.

Compared with Xiang Hua, a Buddhist monk, Yu Xiaoqiao's killing was much heavier. One of them inherited Lu Xiaotian's inheritance of Buddhism, and the other inherited Lu Xiaotian's swordsmanship. They took different paths and naturally brought different pressures to the enemy.

The sword energy surged like a cloud, and the sword clouds in the surrounding space were like a collapsed sky. Yu Xiaoqiao struck out with his sword in the air, and the sword light roared out from the thick clouds like three giant dragons. Zuo Li and the others were forced to fight hard.

The fairy sword, the long halberd slashed, and the three dragon shadows were locked in a stalemate in the void. The three people's combined cultivation base was actually better than Yu Xiaoqiao's.

However, the opponent's magical sword skills are too powerful, making them like strong men with brute force, unable to fully display their more tyrannical strength. Instead, they were forced to retreat step by step.

"What a powerful swordsman. The opponent's magical sword skills are too mysterious. We can't keep fighting with him, otherwise we will be restrained step by step and eventually defeated by him one by one."

Zuoqiu gritted his teeth and said, "The only solution now is to fight with him vigorously, pay part of the price, and let's work together to surround him."

"Okay, it's settled, life or death depends on fate, everyone depends on luck!" The other two people responded at the same time.

The three of them are all experienced in combat, and they can naturally see that if Yu Xiaoqiao continues to perform like this, the three of them will lose if they defend for a long time, and someone will be killed or injured before long.

Whenever one of the three is defeated, it will be difficult for the other two to stand up.

At this time, the entire battlefield was surrounded by the Jiuqu Company Camp, where the Xian Army was attacking and defending each other. Even if the Xian Army still had a certain reserve force, it was not prepared for the three of them.

If you want to change this situation, you can only help yourself, and you can't count on others at all. The Elephant King, who is much stronger than any of them, is caught in a bitter battle and no one is paying attention for the time being?

Once the decision was made, the three of them immediately took action.

"Underworld Tiger Demonic Appearance!" Zuoqiu shouted angrily, and black tiger-like stripes appeared out of thin air on his originally dark body.

There was a surge of black energy in the airspace behind him, and a four-winged black tiger-headed human body with a cold aura appeared. The opponent had a giant snake wrapped around his waist, and he chopped it down with a halberd. Amidst a roar, the momentum of the underworld tiger demon phase also reached its peak.

"Break the galaxy with a sword!" The eyes of another female general, who was no bigger than a man, opened her eyes angrily. She drew her sword and the surrounding stars surged like a river.

The frightening sword light slashed out from it, and the starlight suddenly split into two parts. The momentum was not much inferior to that of the Dark Tiger Demon Phase just now. The combat power exploded by these two people alone was already much higher than before, as if they were counter-pressing the void. The trends in those sword intentions.

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