Become a Fairy

Chapter 51 Siege, the Dharma Orb Appears!

It turns out that besides the crystal toad, there are other monsters in the lake. Immediately afterwards, several monster crabs appeared, and the casual cultivators nearby were caught off guard. The worst thing was that a cultivator was caught in two by the fence. Even if it is a cultivator, unless he is a powerful person, this kind of injury is extremely fatal.

Screams and exclamations sounded one after another.

clang clang

The low-grade, mid-grade spirit knife and spirit sword cut left only a shallow white mark on the crab shell, and failed to cut directly into it. The toughness of the crab shell is famous among monsters. Relying on their super high defense, a few monster crabs rampage in the casual repair.

"Get out of the way, look at my flame knife!" A loud roar sounded, and a burly man dragged a two-meter-long knife. The long knife was inspired by mana, and there was a flame several feet long. As the big man swung up and slashed down, a half-moon arc of fire crossed the air.

"The ultimate spiritual weapon, the Flame Knife!" Someone exclaimed suddenly. In Mochiyue City, the most powerful weapons among ordinary casual cultivators are almost top-grade spiritual weapons. As for the rumored magic weapons, only foundation-building monks can refine them. Occasionally, one or two of them will be sold to the auction house, and they will be sold for sky-high prices. Basically, they will be collected by some cultivating families or used for other purposes. It is not necessary to think about casual cultivation during the ordinary Qi refining period.

Card, the flame knife slashed on the crab's shell, penetrating three points into the shell, and a third-order demon crab was severely injured on the spot.

"Okay, good fight!" The casual cultivators who were being chased by the monster crab cheered, each with their swords in their hands, and greeted the monster crab.

After a while of clattering, Yaojie's defense was tyrannical, but he was still besieged to death by swarms of casual cultivators one after another.

The water in the small lake was gradually drained away, but the crystal toad remained restrained. Lu Xiaotian frowned slightly, and his heart moved. Could it be that the crystal toad had already escaped along the drainage ditch?

No, he quickly dismissed this idea. In order to prevent this from happening, casual cultivators cast more than a dozen layers of spiritual nets along the drainage ditch to block it. In addition, two thunder monks were invited to set up minecraft, which can be described as a series of checkpoints. Even a fourth-order monster cannot escape quietly.

Although there were some spiritual things that made his heart throbbing in the gradually exposed lake bottom, in the end Lu Xiaotian suppressed the restlessness in his heart and waited for the moment when the entire lake bottom was exposed.

With only the last small pool of water left in the lake, there is a huge shadow in it. Wow! The huge shadow jumped up.

It was Crystal Toad, who finally showed up after waiting for several days. The group of monks who had already been waiting by the lake burst into excitement. Led by the masters of Dzogchen at the late stage of Qi refining, such as the leader Fei Peng, the old monster with long eyebrows, etc., the team of monks concentrated a large number of elementary spells to bombard the crystal toad.

"Damn, these people are crazy, let's do it before we go up!" At this time, many casual cultivators who had already gone to the lake were affected by the magic group, and they all cursed, but there was nothing they could do. Escape to the lake.

Losing the cover of the lake, the crystal toad was hit by a large number of elementary spells, and it was also smashed down heavily, splashing a lot of mud.

"Crack!" The crystal toad yelled angrily, and then, circle after circle of ripples appeared in the air centered on this fourth-order monster, oscillating in all directions, and where the ripples passed, appeared A crisp sound of running water. Like a brook hitting a rock.

"This sound can confuse people's mind."

Lu Xiaotian has been at the end of the casual cultivator group by the lake, and when he heard the sound of running water in the air, he looked confused for a while, but because he was on the edge, he was not seriously affected like other monks. He looked in shock, getting closer to those affected, even the old Fei Peng, who had perfected his Qi refining, looked confused for a while.

"It's not good, this guy wants to have a powerful spiritual attack." The crystal toad's attack did not radiate to everyone, and the other long-browed old monsters who were not seriously affected bit their tongues and quickly came to their senses. But it was too late at this time, a large number of ice thorns were formed out of thin air, and shot towards those vicious casual cultivators.

There were screams one after another, including the old man Feipeng and the Huang Peng, who were actually shot to death by some ice thorns. If they were awake, they should defend themselves and put up the shield, even if they suffered some injuries, they would never lose it life.

Lu Xiaotian gasped, even in such a desperate situation, the crystal toad killed forty or fifty monks in an instant. And it also includes such an extremely powerful Qi-refining Dzogchen master like the old man Feipeng. This spiritual attack, coupled with magic attack, is really powerful.

"Let's do it together, we must not let this toad attack wantonly, otherwise it will probably escape from the encirclement." The long-browed old monster yelled, and after speaking, the long-browed old monster swung a dozen magic symbols.

"Okay, kill the crystal toad first, and then divide the spirits!" The successive tragic deaths of the monks by the lake, and the power of the crystal toad, quickly united the monks. will lose their lives.

Although the monks in the late stage of Qi refining use their spiritual consciousness to control the spirit knife or spirit sword to attack stronger, but hundreds of elementary spells from various departments around them rain down like raindrops, and they are basically indiscriminate attacks. Spiritual weapons controlled by spiritual consciousness will also be attacked.

The crystal toad was innocently attacked by nearly 2,000 monks in the Qi refining period with various spells. No matter how powerful the fourth-order monsters were, they couldn't stand it. Thousands of rudimentary spells smashed out a huge deep pit at the bottom of the lake centered on the crystal toad. More water spirit stones and ice spirit stones were thrown out from the bottom of the lake.

The crystal toad probably only lasted less than half a stick of incense before it was blasted into pieces by countless small fireballs, wind blades, ice thorns, and soil guns. Lu Xiaozai's teeth ached for a while, it seemed that the difference between the monks in the Qi refining period and the foundation building period was indeed as bright as the sky. If it were him in this situation, he might be wiped out in less than a moment.

With the death of the crystal toad, a blue demon pill emerged. At the same time, a few feet away from the Yaodan, there is a thumb-sized, crystal clear bead floating out of nowhere, the bead is shining brilliantly in the sunlight, and in the first moment, it almost dazzles people's eyes. Then the light faded, and everyone was able to see clearly.

"Stop, don't knock the demon pill away."

"What is that little transparent bead?"

"Who knows, isn't there only one demon pill for a monster beast? Why are there two now?"

"Fa, Fazhu!" The Patriarch of the Liao family, who had fought old Feipeng before, said in a trembling voice.

Lu Xiaotian opened his mouth suddenly and couldn't close it. Magic beads, such a rare treasure appeared!

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