Become a Fairy

Chapter 50 Crystal Toad

"Kill the crystal toad, seize the demon pill, and grab the spiritual object!" Although there are many masters present, they are weak, and there are more people who want to take advantage of the chaos. It's not something one or two masters can stop, and it's not known who yelled, and the scattered cultivators released their spells, smashing towards the several hectares of small lakes.

The spells of fire, wind, and earth can turn the calm lake like a pot of boiled water, with surging waves. Water droplets splashed everywhere.

"Stop, this won't work, it will only waste mana. Only by draining the water in the lake can the crystal toad appear." An old man who looked quite powerful shouted to the surroundings with sound transmission.

"Fart, I will definitely be able to force that beast out with lightning strikes." The crowd retorted, followed by a thunder-like sound, which hit the old man a few meters away, and the thick electric arc plunged into the water with a thump. . Lu Xiaotian was a little closer to the lake, and he could feel the feeling of being numb by lightning.

At this time, the lake surface was too chaotic, and various elementary spells followed one after another, but no one noticed an inconspicuous whirlpool under the churning water surface of the lake.

Wow, something jumped out of the water. There was a sudden scream all around. It turned out to be a huge toad half a zhang square, and its whole body was water-colored and transparent. A terrifying aura emanated as the toad came out of the water.

"Ah, monster!"

The casual cultivator who was closer to the lake backed away in horror. Although he was screaming to kill the crystal toad, he didn't realize it was a fourth-order monster until he came out of the water and felt the unmatched aura. It is a tyrannical existence that cannot be compared with anyone present.

The crystal toad was also very annoyed. It was resting well at the bottom of the lake, and once it came out of the lake occasionally, it was seen by human monks. It did not expect to attract so many people. Originally most of the elementary spells would not affect him even if they hit the lake, but the few lightning spells made him feel uncomfortable. So it decided to come out and teach these ants some lessons.

Whoosh! A sharp arrow-like thing spit out from the crystal toad's mouth, but it was not an arrow, but a line-like thing. Few people can see the line clearly, and it shrinks back and increases just for a moment.

But the moment this line appeared, several screams sounded one after another.

Lu Xiaotian looked intently, only to see a distance of about ten feet to the side, six or seven casual cultivators standing on a line had a blood hole in their chest, and when the white line retracted, it brought out a large piece of flesh and blood. Some were hit to the point and died on the spot, and some may have stood a little off, only to be taken with a large piece of flesh, and several bones were broken, and they were seriously injured even if they did not die.

Immediately afterwards, the white line appeared several times, it was the tongue of the crystal toad! Lu Xiaotian suddenly remembered the scene when he and his father tended the crops in the field when they were young, and the frogs preyed on the real scene. Suddenly, the bottom of my heart was cold, the crystal toad was quite close to me, and attacked several times in a row. If I was attacked by this monster that was equivalent to the foundation building stage, I would be seriously injured if I was lucky. At this time, the surroundings were crowded with people, and he couldn't escape even if he wanted to. Lu Xiaotian panicked, but when he saw one or two people who had fallen, he suddenly had an idea and made a gesture to lie on the ground.

whoosh whoosh.

The white line appeared more than ten times in a row, and the crystal toad appeared so suddenly that at least sixty or seventy casual cultivators died unpreparedly under the surprise attack of the crystal toad. The lake where the crystal toad appeared turned into blood red. Only then did the monks react, smashing all kinds of elementary spells.

The crystal toad suffered dozens of hundreds of spells in the blink of an eye, but it didn't suffer much damage. It fell into the water, and the transparent toad suddenly disappeared. After a while, he surfaced in the middle of the lake, with a leisurely look that seemed to show contempt for all the monks.

"This damn toad." Lu Xiaotian got up from the ground in fear after a while, and he was stepped on at least dozens of feet in the turbulent crowd. However, there were a few more corpses in the direction where he was standing just now, compared to being stepped on a few times, it was nothing.


Dozens of people were killed or injured suddenly, and many monks were relatives and friends of these people, and the discussion immediately became passionate, and they were also the ones who said they wanted to kill the crystal toad. Could it be that monks can only kill monsters and the monsters are not allowed to fight back? Lu Xiaotian sneered in his heart, and patted the dust on his body. After learning the lesson just now, he retreated to the outermost edge of the crowd and felt safe.

At this time, the casual cultivators finally calmed down and realized that they could not defeat this fourth-order crystal toad in the lake. Soon, some monks proposed to dig ditches to release water. There are low-lying valleys and canyons everywhere in the mountains. Just dig a ditch, Don't worry if there is no place to put water. As long as the water is released, all the monks can work together to surround and kill this fourth-order monster.

After agreeing on the plan, the monks immediately started to work on it. There are also many cultivators who refine weapons to forge spirit shovels on the spot, which are useful for digging ditches, and some directly use spirit knives and spirit swords. For ordinary people, it would be impossible to dig such a canal in the mountains without several years of effort, but for these immortal cultivators, it only took a few days to dig the canal.

As the rushing lake water drains away along the canal, the deep lake bottom gradually reveals the true face of Lushan Mountain.

"Spring algae!"

"Baihe taro!"

"Water spirit stone!"

"Ice Lingshi!"

As the bottom of the lake was exposed, some spiritual creatures inside were exposed to the eyes of the casual cultivators one after another. Many of them are items required in some sect missions.

Seeing that the water in the lake was getting lower and there was no shadow of the crystal toad, some restless casual cultivators began to go down to the lake to pick up nearby spirit stones and gather spirit herbs.

"Damn it, these bastards are actually going down now. They really are not afraid of death." Someone cursed a few times, seeing that there were dozens of people going down one after another, they couldn't sit still anymore, propped up the spirit cover and began to step on the mud.

"Haha, I got three ice spirit stones! Damn, whoever hits me with a fireball, has the guts to stand up!"

But who would stand up and admit it at a time like this? If you want to blame him, blame him for being too ostentatious. A few more elementary spells were released by the jealous people, smashing the middle-aged man just now and screaming.

As more and more people got the benefits, more and more people began to go to the lake. Those precipitous Qi-refining Dzogchen monks immediately turned pale, but the situation was completely out of control, and they couldn't turn it around.

Lu Xiaotian was mixed in the crowd and didn't go down directly to the lake. Although these spiritual objects are precious, but after suffering the pain before, he will not go down easily until he sees the crystal toad.

"Ah, my feet!" Suddenly, there was a scream from the crowd, and a cyan demon crab emerged from the mud, waving a pair of giant claws, and suddenly there was a broken leg on it. .

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