Become a Fairy

Chapter 4605 Confluence

There is no doubt that these iron chains are supposed to restrain Lu Xiaotian here as if they were restraining all kinds of strange beasts that have already died.

Under the attack of these iron chains, Lu Xiaotian's figure flickered at an astonishing speed. Sometimes he felt like an eagle hitting the sky, and he had the agile real dragon combat skills like a snake swimming in the grass. The dragon seal was struck. The iron chains that hit Lu Xiaotian or stretched over rattled, and were constantly repelled.

At the back, the strange beast that was originally bound by the iron chain seemed to be partially awakened, and the surroundings were filled with a frightening and extremely strange corpse.

This corpse aura gave Lu Xiaotian an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

"Win the hook bone?" Lu Xiaotian flipped through the memories in his mind while fighting against the iron chains attacking from all around him, and finally remembered the origin of the frightening corpse aura that appeared and disappeared in front of him. When he entered the Tiansang Wasteland when his cultivation base was still low, he was once trapped in the picture scroll of Mingku Canzun. It's just that what the general was looking for at that time was only a broken bone.

And now the breath is several times stronger than the original bone.

hiss! One of the beasts with the body of a fish like a fish suddenly broke free from the chains and attacked. The thick elephant trunk was like a giant whip whipping towards Lu Xiaotian, and at the same time a cloud of corpses spewed out from its mouth. The corpse cloud twisted and flew towards Lu Xiaotian, the shadows in the cloud flickered, it seemed that there were countless demon souls baring their teeth and claws inside.

Lu Xiaotian struck down with a few nine-turn dragon seals, and after being attacked, the corpse cloud suddenly expanded from only a few feet square to tens of miles in radius, and it still wrapped around Lu Xiaotian, as if it wanted to include the surrounding void.

A huge dragon shadow appeared behind Lu Xiaotian, with a casual move, Fang Tian drew a halberd in his hand, and slashed out. In the mighty dragon light, there were thousands of dragons whistling, mouthfuls of dragon's breath spewed out, and in an instant several places It is as if the cloud is completely ignited, and all kinds of dragon flames are burning on it.

There were screams in the dark cloud one after another.

"Forgive me, help." The chaotic voices in the cloud formed a huge shock wave and rippling deep in Lu Xiaotian's mind.

"It's such a powerful soul attack, but it's the wrong target to deal with me." Lu Xiaotian snorted coldly, and a domineering aura vibrated out of himself. The sound of the dragon's chant vibrated in the intertwined pieces of spiritual light, and the roars of these strange beasts were directly suppressed.

While the cloud was attacking, Lu Xiaotian found that the iron chains around and the beasts trapped on it were also moving extremely strangely, constantly changing and changing positions.

Another two strange beasts escaped from the iron chain and attacked Lu Xiaotian's vitals at an astonishing and strange speed. However, Lu Xiaotian shuttled through the moving bone chain for a while, avoiding the opponent's attack, but it didn't take long. Time, then broke into the peripheral area of ​​these bone chains. The escaped beasts probably felt that Lu Xiaotian was out of the attack range, roared a few times unwillingly, and then flew to the iron chain suspended in the air again.

"The real power of this formation lies in the use of soul sounds to attack these iron chains, as well as all kinds of strange-shaped corpses bound on them."

As for those iron chains, they are just connecting the corpses of these alien beasts and guiding the corpses to connect them together. Compared with the previous Taiyi dragon scale formation, the corpse formation in front of you can vaguely see that there is a powerful corpse clan controlling the situation behind it. Thinking of what Tianhou Mochan said before he died, Lu Xiaotian vaguely felt that there might be a corpse clan power behind the Long Anxia area.

"Could it be the winning hook of one of the four great corpse ancestors?" A thought flashed in Lu Xiaotian's mind, and then he rejected this possibility. The corpse ancestors are not inferior to the immortal kings, and may even be stronger than ordinary immortal kings. Do you need to stay in this Long Anxia area aggrievedly to count them? If Yinggou really stayed here, Honghao Tianting would have been unable to hold back.

With a lot of questions in his mind, he continued to move forward. In any case, he had passed two formations in a row. Whether it was the Tianlong Danghun Drum or the corpse soul attack with the aura of winning hooks, it was all biased towards the consciousness type.

Considering the formation technique and the strength of the primordial spirit, Lu Xiaotian will naturally be less affected. As for the Tianhou Mochan, if he hadn't been injured before, he might not have fallen so quickly.

Passing through two formations in succession, the rear is relatively calm. From time to time, a Long Anxia can be seen cruising nearby. Once someone approaches that Long Anxia, ​​it will immediately shield away.

The frequency of encountering Long Anxia here is much higher than outside, Lu Xiaotian's eyes lit up, so it shouldn't be too far away from Long Anxia's soul liquid.

Lu Xiaotian released part of the breath of the dragon totem, and Long Anxia, ​​who was wandering outside, became hesitant for a while, not only sensing the strange existence of Lu Xiaotian, but also seemed to sense the existence of the same kind from the breath emitted by Lu Xiaotian.

Lu Xiaotian didn't act immediately, but just walked forward in a leisurely manner. After a few Long Anxia seemed to be attracted by the same kind and gradually approached them to a certain distance, Lu Xiaotian would take them into his pocket.

After walking forward for another half an hour, a barrier of rays of light appeared in front of him, and in front of the barrier of rays of light, there were three iron-winged corpse dragons, ice coffins, and six-eyed Lin Wang.

"It's really surprising that this kid has followed up." Six-eyed Lin Wang looked surprised.

"It's just luck that we were able to be one step ahead of the several gates of the Taiyi Dragonscale Formation before. The gates we entered were different, so we were one step faster. When it comes to the real attainments in formations, this child is no longer in the hands of you and me. Under human." A divine sense in the ice coffin landed on Lu Xiaotian in astonishment.

"Long Antian Soul Liquid is right in front of us, but the three of us are not enough to break through this barrier. I'm afraid we will need the help of this son."

"Need my help? Why didn't you say that when you were chasing people before." Lu Xiaotian smiled when he heard the words, "Hit when you want to fight, and pull when you want to pull. You guys have a good plan."

"Boy, let you come over to help me because I think highly of you, don't be ungrateful." Several eyes of the Six-Eyed Lin King revealed a fierce light at the same time. There is a gesture of making a move when there is a disagreement.

"I want to do it as soon as possible, but I want to see what you can do to me." Lu Xiaotian said disdainfully, if the other party could do something about him, he would have done it earlier, so why delay it until now.

"Okay, King Lin, we can't easily scare this dragon kid with words." The ice coffin stopped the Six-eyed King Lin, and then said to Lu Xiaotian, "How can you help me break through the dragon?" A barrier here?"

"What if I don't want to?" Lu Xiaotian looked at the ice coffin in front of him again, and the opponent was damaged in many places, but it seemed that among the guys in front of him, the ice coffin had the most say, and his strength was obviously exposed behind The strongest, otherwise the Six-Eyed Lin King and the Iron Winged Corpse Dragon might not be so easy to talk to.

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